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Catholic Education Week 2020: Igniting HopeThe Hope Within UsDAY 2: TuesdaySuggested Grade Level:PRIMARYBOOK TITLE:Emeline the Catcenter6540500AUTHOR andILLUSTRATOR:Giuseppe Caffulli & Marina CremoniniISBN-139782896885060BOOK DESCRIPTION:This is a whimsical story of a stray cat that becomes close to St. Francis of Assisi. Emeline the cat learns about forgiveness, love and peace through interacting with St. Francis and listening to his song of praise.MATERIALS:-8 x 11 paper-Crayons/pencil crayonsLEARNING GOALS:We will know the song of praise from St. Francis.We will appreciate that hope dwells in our hearts and comes from the love of God.CATHOLIC CONNECTIONS:OCSGE: A Discerning Believer, An Effective CommunicatorCatholic Social Teaching: Solidarity, Participation, Dignity of LabourScripture Focus: Luke 24:28-32R.E. Curriculum: Living in Solidarity, Living in Communion, Living a Moral LifeFully Alive Curriculum: Living in Relationship, Growing in Commitment, Created and Loved by GodMINISTRY CURRICULUM LINKS:Language ArtsReligious EducationSocial StudiesVisual ArtMINDS ON (Before) Approximately 10 minutesTEACHING TIPWhat does it mean to have hope within us? (record and affirm ideas)Sometimes when we face disappointment, sadness, or loss, it is hope that strengthens us to see that joy will come again. This was true for the apostles. They were very sad after Jesus died. Jesus would help them to see that hope was in their hearts, and they could go on doing the work of Jesus. This passage from Luke’s gospel, describes how the disciples found this hope. The disciples were walking along a road after Jesus had died. They met a man who walked along with them. They told him of their sadness. The man listened and then reminded them of all that was written about Jesus in the scriptures (they did not know that this man was Jesus). Let’s listen, to see how they felt.Read Luke 24:28-32Be sure to begin with, A reading from the Holy Gospel According to Luke (cross on forehead, lips and heart).Prompt response, Glory to you, O Lord.What do you think the apostles meant when they asked, “Were not our hearts burning within us?”What do you think the apostles were feeling as they heard the wisdom of the stranger?Why was their sadness replaced with hope?Give students time to share about their thoughts about hope, and post their thoughts on chart paper/a whiteboard. This will help to make the connection to faith.ACTION (During) Approximately 20-25 minutesTEACHING TIPThis is a story about a cat. It takes place a long time ago in Italy. Listen to what Emeline the cat is feeling.Where will Emeline find hope?Read the book, Emeline the Cat. Leave time for discussion after each section.Why was Emeline sad at the beginning of the story?Where did Emeline find hope?How did St. Francis help Emeline see that there is hope in the world?How does love give us hope?CONSOLIDATION (After) Approximately 35 minutesTEACHING TIPDraw a picture of your favourite part or scene from the story. It could be a picture of St. Francis, Emeline the cat, Sr. Chiara, or the animals that St. Francis helped. Label your picture with the word, “HOPE.”Allow students sufficient time to work on their picture. Remind them to fill the space of the paper. Play soft music from “Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ” in the background.NEXT STEPSTEACHING TIPRemind students about St. Francis of Assisi. You could show them pictures of the Saint from the internet, or a book from the library.Praying quotes from the Canticle regularly is a great way to have students familiar with St. Francis.Luke 24:28-32A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?”The Gospel of the Lord.The Canticle of the Creatures(excerpt taken from p. 39 of book)Most High, all powerful, good Lord, yours are the praises, the glory, the honour, and all blessing. To you alone, Most High, do they belong, and no one is worthy to mention your name.Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures, especially through my Lord Brother Sun, who brings the day; you give light through him, and he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendour! Most High, he bears your likeness.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars; in Heaven you formed them clear and precious and beautiful.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Brother Wind, and through the air; cloudy and serene, and every kind of weather through which you give sustenance to your creatures.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Sister Water, which is very useful and humble and precious and chaste.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Brother Fire, through whom you light the night; he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Sister Mother Earth, who sustains us and governs us and who produces many types of fruits along with colourful flowers and herbs.Praise be to you, my Lord, who forgive others because of your love. Blessed are those who endure difficult things in peace. Blessed are those who endure in peace; by you, Most High, they shall be crowned.Catholic Education Week 2020: Igniting HopeThe Hope Within UsDAY 2: TuesdaySuggested Grade Level:JUNIORBOOK TITLE:Emeline the Catcenter6794500AUTHOR andILLUSTRATOR:Giuseppe Caffulli & Marina CremoniniISBN-139782896885060BOOK DESCRIPTION:This is a whimsical story of a stray cat that becomes close to St. Francis of Assisi. Emeline the cat learns about forgiveness, love and peace through interacting with St. Francis and listening to his song of praise.MATERIALS:-Large poster paper-Paint/pastelsLEARNING GOALS:We will know the song of praise from St. Francis.We will appreciate that hope dwells in our hearts and comes from the love of God.CATHOLIC CONNECTIONS:OCSGE: A Discerning Believer, An Effective CommunicatorCatholic Social Teaching: Solidarity, Participation, Sanctity of Life, Care for CreationScripture Focus: Luke 24:28-32R.E. Curriculum: Living in Solidarity, Living in Communion, Living a Moral LifeFully Alive Curriculum: Living in Relationship, Growing in Commitment, Created and Loved by GodMINISTRY CURRICULUM LINKS:Language ArtsReligious EducationSocial StudiesVisual ArtMINDS ON (Before) Approximately 10 minutesTEACHING TIPWhat does it mean to have hope within us? (record and affirm ideas)Sometimes when we face disappointment, sadness, or loss, it is hope that strengthens us to see that joy will come again. This was true for the apostles. They were very sad after Jesus died. Jesus would help them to see that hope was in their hearts, and they could go on doing the work of Jesus. This passage from Luke’s gospel, describes how the disciples found this hope. The disciples were walking along a road after Jesus had died. They met a man who walked along with them. They told him of their sadness. The man listened and then reminded them of all that was written about Jesus in the scriptures (they did not know that this man was Jesus). Let’s listen, to see how they felt.Read Luke 24:28-32Be sure to begin with, A reading from the Holy Gospel According to Luke (cross on forehead, lips and heart).Prompt response, Glory to you, O Lord.What do you think the apostles meant when they asked, “Were not our hearts burning within us?”What do you think the apostles were feeling as they heard the wisdom of the stranger?Why was their sadness replaced with hope?Give students time to share about their thoughts about hope and post their thoughts on chart paper/whiteboard. This will help to make the connection to faith.ACTION (During) Approximately 20-25 minutesTEACHING TIPThis is a story about a cat. It takes place a long time ago in Italy. Listen to identify some information about St. Francis of Assisi.Read the book, Emeline the Cat. Leave time for discussion after each section.What do the apostles and Emeline the cat have in common? (grieving and loss)Why do you think St. Francis is a good example of the hope that is within us?What were some of the lessons that St. Francis was teaching Emeline?Student thoughts can be recorded on a chart, blackboard, or whiteboard.CONSOLIDATION (After) Approximately 35 minutesTEACHING TIPWith a partner, create a large poster with one of the quotes from “The Canticle of the Creatures” (example. “Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures, especially through my Lord Brother Sun, who brings the day”).You can provide students with quotes from the canticle. Divide them up and assign them to pairs or trios to create the poster.NEXT STEPSTEACHING TIPRemind students about St. Francis of Assisi. You could show them pictures of the Saint from the internet or a book from the library.Sing the hymn, “Make me a Channel of Your Peace” and point out that this is the Prayer of St. Francis. You could follow-up with a YouTube video: quotes from the Canticle regularly is a great way to have students familiar with St. Francis.Luke 24:28-32A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?”The Gospel of the Lord.The Canticle of the Creatures(excerpt taken from p. 39 of book)Most High, all powerful, good Lord, yours are the praises, the glory, the honour, and all blessing. To you alone, Most High, do they belong, and no one is worthy to mention your name.Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures, especially through my Lord Brother Sun, who brings the day; you give light through him, and he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendour! Most High, he bears your likeness.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars; in Heaven you formed them clear and precious and beautiful.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Brother Wind, and through the air; cloudy and serene, and every kind of weather through which you give sustenance to your creatures.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Sister Water, which is very useful and humble and precious and chaste.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Brother Fire, through whom you light the night; he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong.Praise be to you, my Lord, through Sister Mother Earth, who sustains us and governs us and who produces many types of fruits along with colourful flowers and herbs.Praise be to you, my Lord, who forgive others because of your love. Blessed are those who endure difficult things in peace. Blessed are those who endure in peace; by you, Most High, they shall be crowned.Catholic Education Week 2020: Igniting HopeThe Hope Within UsDAY 2: TuesdaySuggested Grade Level:INTERMEDIATEBOOK TITLE:Saint Brother Andrecenter6540500AUTHOR andILLUSTRATOR:Georges MadorePhoto Illustrations by Celeste GagnonISBN-139782896884148BOOK DESCRIPTION:The story of Saint Andre is important to us as Canadians. It describes this humble and poor man in Quebec, who would go on to inspire and heal thousands of people. Saint Brother Andre is a beloved Canadian Saint, whose life demonstrates that faith can achieve great things, and kindness can bring light to the world. Brother Andre Bessette brought hope to many people in the city of Montreal and around the world. As the book describes, “newspapers call him ‘The Miracle Man of Montreal’.” This book outlines the life of this beautiful Saint and gives a history of his impact on Canada and the Catholic Church.MATERIALS:-Internet and books for further information-Poster boards-Drawing materials-A Google slide presentation to animate discussionLEARNING GOALS:We will become familiar with “miracles” and how they are defined.We will gain knowledge of the history of the Canadian Saint, Saint Brother Andre.Google slide presentation (optional): CONNECTIONS:OCSGE: A Discerning Believer, An Effective Communicator, A Responsible CitizenCatholic Social Teaching: Solidarity, Participation, Dignity of Labour, Option for the PoorScripture Focus: The Road to Emmaus Luke 24:28-32R.E. Curriculum: Living in Solidarity, Living in Communion, Living a Moral Life, BelievingFully Alive Curriculum: Living in Relationship, Growing in Commitment, Created and Loved by God, Living in the WorldMINISTRY CURRICULUM LINKS:Environmental StudiesLanguage ArtsReligious EducationSocial StudiesMINDS ON (Before) Approximately 15 minutesTEACHING TIPToday, our discussion is on the theme of, “The Hope Within Us.”The followers of Jesus would have needed to have faith and to live in hope, to bring many to know and love Jesus.As people of faith, we live in hope today. Hope is what drives us to continue to bring the message of the gospel to others, and to live the Good News in the world.Where do we find hope today?Has anyone been to the city of Montreal?There is an outstanding landmark upon the hill of Mount Royal. You see it as you enter the city. This is a major tourist attraction in Montreal, a part of our Canadian history, and a place of spiritual pilgrimage for many believers.Our reflection and learning today is about Saint Brother Andre, whose story is part of the history of Montreal and this major monument to St. Joseph.Before we read about Saint Brother Andre, lets reflect on the scripture passage for this day of Catholic Education Week (read Luke 24:28-32). Before proclaiming the passage, begin with, A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke. Response, Glory to you, O Lord. Allow a moment of silence after the reading.Ask the following questions to break open the scripture:What do you think the disciple meant when he asked, “were not our hearts burning within us?”How did this encounter bring hope to the followers of Jesus?Why do you think they could not recognize Jesus at first?How does this scripture passage appropriate for the theme of “The Hope Within Us?”What is the source of our hope as people of faith?Prompt students to identify people in the world who are beacons of hope today. They may name Pope Francis.Allow time for students to share if they have been to Montreal and the Oratory. Encourage them to share their impressions of this amazing site.ACTION (During) Approximately 20 minutesTEACHING TIPInvite students to read pages of the book, Saint Brother Andre.What part of the story about Saint Brother Andre was most impressive to you?What are the steps to sainthood?Does a miracle always have to be a physical healing?What is the definition of a miracle?Why do you think Saint Brother Andre is an example of hope within us?Read the introduction on the second and third page before the story.CONSOLIDATION (After) Approximately 35 minutesTEACHING TIPDivide the class into small groups of 3 or 4.Identify significant moments or events in the life of Saint Brother Andre.Each group is to create a presentation of the information. This could be in the form of a newspaper page highlighting the story of Saint Brother Andre, a small dramatic presentation, or a news show with a reporter (alternatively, a Tweet or a Facebook page).Display these on the walls of the classroom, or present them in class when completed.For the purpose of evaluation, us the rubric or anchor chart to give a level to the information provided by the group. This could take the form of self-evaluation by the group, or peer evaluation, or teacher assessment.Create an anchor chart or rubric, identifying the elements of a newspaper article that should be present on the poster (example. engaging illustrations, good use of space, proper spelling, and an important message). You can show examples.NEXT STEPSTEACHING TIPThere are many sites to further explore the life and influence of Saint Brother Andre.Salt & Light has a wonderful video: God’s Doorkeeper with students that prayer and caring for the poor are acts of faith that keep us working toward a better world, bringing hope to others. ................

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