Class Questions - Introduction


1) What are the four gospels?

2) Why are they called “gospels”?

3) What is their purpose?

4) Why is this purpose and goal of the gospels important?

5) Are they strictly biographies? Why do you say so?

6) Approximately how much of the gospels deal with the last week of Christ’ life? (Give a range.)

7) Where does each gospel begin?

a) John?

b) Luke?

c) Matthew?

d) Mark?

8) What does a “harmony of the gospels” attempt to do?

9) Which are the “synoptic” gospels and why are they called that?

10) Approximately, how old was Christ when he died?

11) Approximately, how long was his earthly ministry? How do we know this?

Section I

1) Where is John’s prologue found? (book, chapter, verses)

12) Summarize what John says about Jesus Christ in his prologue.

13) What part of Jesus’ life does John cover in his prologue that the other gospels do not?

14) Where did Luke say he got his information for his gospel?

15) Which two gospels record Jesus’ birth?

16) What makes Jesus’ birth different from anyone else who has been born?

17) Which two gospels record genealogies of Jesus?

18) Why are genealogies important?

19) Who was Jesus’ mother? Supposed father?

20) Where was he born?

21) Why was Jesus born?

22) Which gospel records any events of his boyhood?

23) Where did Jesus grow up?

24) Which gospel records the birth of John the Baptist?

25) Who was John the Baptist’ mother and father?

26) What was John the Baptist’ age in relation to Jesus?

Section II

1) What part did John the Baptist play in the ministry of Christ?

27) Who baptized Jesus?

28) Why was Jesus’ baptized?

29) What experience did Jesus go through that followed his baptism and preceded his ministry?

30) Which gospels records Jesus’ temptation?

31) Which gospel records Christ ministry before the 1st Passover?

32) During this period (prior to the 1st Passover of his ministry), Jesus acquired his first five disciples. Who are they? (Note: the one unnamed among the five is probably John.)

Section III

1) Section III covers the 1st full year of Jesus’ ministry. What events mark the beginning and end of this year? (See outline, III.A.1.; III.C.8.)

2) Where is Judea?

3) Which gospel records Jesus’ early Judean ministry?

4) How long was the early Judean ministry? (months)

5) Where is Samaria?

6) Which gospel records this journey from Judea to Galilee through Samaria?

7) Where is Galilee?

8) How long was the great Galilean ministry? (if Jn. 5:1 is a Passover) Note: This question includes the time of section IV.

9) During this period (1st full year of his ministry), Jesus’ called four fisherman and a tax-collector to follow him. Who are they? (Note: Three of these had become disciples earlier.)

Section IV

1) Section IV covers the 2nd full year of Jesus’ ministry. What events mark the beginning and end of this year? (See outline, IV.A.1.; IV.R.)

2) What was the attitude of the multitude of people toward the end of the great Galilean ministry?

3) During this period (2nd full year of Jesus’ ministry), Jesus selected how many men to be apostles? Who are they?

4) During this period (2nd full year of Jesus’ ministry), Jesus preached the great “sermon on the mount.” In what chapters of which gospels is it recorded?

Section V

1) Section V covers the 3rd full year of Jesus’ ministry less one week. What events mark the beginning and end of this year? (See outline, V.A.; V.J.6.)

2) During the first six months of this period, Jesus withdrew to some other regions outside of Judea and Galilee. What are some of these cities and/or regions? (Four, or five, depending on whether you group the first two cities into one region and count it as one. V.B.; V.C.; V.E.; V.G.)

3) During the last six months of this period, Jesus worked about three months in Judea (“later Judean ministry” – V. I.) and about three months in Perea (“Perean ministry” – V.J.).

a) Remember that these two ministries occurred in the last six months of the 3rd full year of Jesus’ ministry.

b) Which two gospels record the events of the later Judean ministry? (See outline, V.I., or, chart, p. 19)

c) Note that all four gospels record events in the Perean ministry.

Section VI

1) Section VI covers the last week of Jesus’ ministry. What events mark the beginning and end of his ministry during this week? (See outline, VI.A.; VI.G.8.,H)

2) What happened on Sunday of this week? (See outline, VI.B.)

3) What happened on Thursday evening/night of this week? (See outline, VI.G.1-4.)

4) How many Jewish trials and before whom?

5) How many Roman trials and before whom?

6) What happened during the day on Friday of this week? (See outline, VI.8.)

7) Where was Jesus on Saturday of this week?

Section VII

1) On what day of the week was Jesus raised from the dead?

2) How many specific appearances of Jesus after his resurrection are recorded?

3) What kind of evidences did he give of a bodily resurrection?

4) For how long after his resurrection did he make appearances to and continue to instruct the apostles?

5) Which gospels record his ascension?


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