The Gospel of Luke: Investigating the Man Who is God

The Gospel of Luke: Investigating the Man Who is God.

There isn’t a better place to start studying the scriptures than the Gospels and the Gospel of Luke is a gospel that is packed with good theology, intriguing narrative, and practical sayings of Jesus that will help us in our daily lives. The writer Luke took an investigative approach, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to writing the gospel. Luke wanted to build the case for his readers that Jesus wasn’t just a man. Luke wanted his readers to know that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Savior of the World, and God. I also mixed in some Psalms known as the “Psalms of Ascent” for some variation. I want to encourage you to ask God to help you to understand what you are reading each day and not to just read for knowledge or to accomplish something each day; but read with the mindset that we are to be “doers of the Word” (James 1:23). My prayer is that you will grow in your understanding of who Jesus is and in how to live holy lives devoted to Him as He is our Lord! If you have questions, check out some solid commentary such as Dr. Bob Utley’s at or email me at: BCrain12@.

Praying that God changes US as we read, our church, and our community for His glory,

Pastor Brian

Day 1: Luke 1

Q1: Is verse 37 still true today? What are some things that are only possible with God?

Q2: Why is John the Baptist so important? (check out Isaiah 40:3 & John 1:19-34)

Prayer: Pray for 3 family members to move forward in their relationship w/ Jesus.

Day 2: Luke 2

Q1: What is so significant about the angels coming to the lowly shepherds?

Q2: Verse 40 says Jesus had the favor of God. How does one find favor from God?

Prayer: Pray that God gives you a chance to share your faith and the courage to do so.

Day 3: Luke 3

Q1: In what ways should you be like John the Baptist?

Q2: Why would Luke include the genealogy of Jesus in his gospel?

Prayer: Pray that God uses our church to see many people saved and baptized in 2012.

Day 4: Luke 4

Q1: Jesus used scripture when tempted by Satan. How much should I know scripture?

Q2: v.43 says Jesus preached the “good news”. Who and when are you going to share the good news with this month?

Prayer: Pray for 3 friends to move forward in their relationship with Jesus.

Day 5: Luke 5

Q1: Jesus helped people around Him. How can you help people around you?

Q2: Who are two people that you can help in some small way today?

Prayer: Pray for those you know who are sick and are in need.

Day 6: Luke 6

Q1: v.26-37 is a tough passage to apply. How is this possible to live out?

Q2: How does one build his or her house on the rock? What does that look like?

Prayer: Pray for your church leaders today. Ask God to use them mightily.

Day 7: Psalm 120, 121, and 122

Q1: What does the text say?

Q2: How can I apply it in my life?

Prayer: Pray that God would use our church to turn our city upside down for His glory.

Day 8: Luke 7

Q1: John’s disciples wanted to know who Jesus is. Who is Jesus? (Write 3 things)

Q2: What are some things that v.36-50 tell us about Jesus and about ourselves?

Prayer: Pray for 3 family members to move forward in their relationship w/ Jesus.

Day 9: Luke 8

Q1: What soil are you? (v.4-8) How do you know?

Q2: What does v.22-25 tell us about Jesus and why is important for us today?

Prayer: Pray that God gives you a chance to share your faith and the courage to do so.

Day 10: Luke 9

Q1: Verse 18-20 is a huge passage of scripture. Why?

Q2: How does one “take up his cross and follow after Jesus”?

Prayer: Pray that God uses our church to see many people saved and baptized in 2012.

Day 11: Luke 10

Q1: How can you be like the “Good Samaritan” this month?

Q2: Are you more like Mary or Martha? Was Martha in the wrong?

Prayer: Pray for 3 friends to move forward in their relationship with Jesus.

Day 12: Luke 11

Q1: What are 2 things Jesus teaches about prayer?

Q2: Why is Jesus angry with the Pharisees? Is there an area of your life that is Pharisaic?

Prayer: Pray for those you know who are sick and are in need.

Day 13: Luke 12

Q1: What can we learn from v.13-21?

Q2: What is v.22-34 about?

Prayer: Pray for your church leaders today. Ask God to use them mightily.

Day 14: Psalm 123, 124, and 125

Q1: What does the text say?

Q2: What can you apply from the text?

Prayer: Pray that God would use our church to turn our city upside down for His glory.

Day 15: Luke 13

Q1: What does v.1-5 tell us? How should this affect us evangelistically?

Q2: Re-read v.18-21. What does it mean?

Prayer: Pray for 3 family members to move forward in their relationship w/ Jesus.

Day 16: Luke 14

Q1: What are two things we can learn from v.12-24?

Prayer: Pray that God gives you a chance to share your faith and the courage to do so.

Day 17: Luke 15

Q1: What can we learn about God and man from the Prodical son? (v.11-32)

Q2: What can we learn about God and man from the older son? (v.11-32)

Prayer: Pray that God uses our church to see many people saved and baptized in 2012.

Day 18: Luke 16

Q1: What is one thing you can learn from v.1-13?

Q2: What is one thing you can learn from v.14-17?

Prayer: Pray for 3 friends to move forward in their relationship with Jesus.

Day 19: Luke 17

Q1: What can we learn from verses 1-4.

Q2: What does v.20-37 tell us Jesus’ return?

Prayer: Pray for our children’s and youth ministry? Ask God to do Eph 3:20 stuff in them.

Day 20: Luke 18

Q1: What does verse 15-17 tell us about Jesus?

Q2: What does verse 18-30 say? What can you apply from it?

Prayer: Pray for your church leaders today? Ask God to bless them and use them.

Day 21: Psalm 126, 127, and 128

Q1: What does the text say?

Q2: How can you apply this in your life?

Prayer: Pray that God would use our church to turn our city upside down for His glory.

Day 22: Luke 19

Q1: Verse 11-27 is about stewardship/investing. How well are you investing for Jesus?

Q2: Jesus was mad in verses 45-48? How was this not sin?

Prayer: Pray for 3 family members to move forward in their relationship w/ Jesus.

Day 23: Luke 20

Q1: What is v.9-18 about?

Q2: What is verse 19-26 about? How does this apply today?

Prayer: Pray that God gives you a chance to share your faith and the courage to do so.

Day 24: Luke 21

Q1: What does verses 1-4 say?

Q2: What is verses 29-33 about? What does it tell us about God’s Word?

Prayer: Pray that God uses our church to see many people saved and baptized in 2012.

Day 25: Luke 22

Q1: Why did people want to kill Jesus? Why are people opposed to Him today?

Q2: Why do we observe Lord’s Supper today?

Prayer: Pray for 3 friends to move forward in their relationship with Jesus.

Day 26: Luke 23

Q1: Why would Jesus say “forgive them”? What does teach us?

Q2: What does verse 43 teach us about God’s grace, mercy, and salvation?

Prayer: Pray for our kids and youth ministries and ask God to use them mightily.

Day 27: Psalm 22

Q1: What does this Psalm being written hundreds and hundreds of years tell us about God and His Sovereignty? (Notice the similarities to Luke 23)

Prayer: Pray for our church leadership today?

Day 28: Luke 24

Q1: Why is Jesus’ resurrection essential to the Gospel?

Q2: How can you live in a way in which people know that you believe Jesus is alive?

Prayer: Pray that God would use our church to turn our city upside down for His glory.

Day 29: Psalm 129, 130, and 131

Q1: What are 3 things about God you learn from these Psalms?

Prayer: Pray for 3 family members to move forward in their relationship w/ Jesus.

Day 30: Psalm 132,133, and 134

Q1: What are 3 things that you learn about God from these Psalms?

Prayer: Pray that God uses our church to see many people saved and baptized in 2012.


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