The handbook of fixed income securities 9th edition pdf - Weebly


The handbook of fixed income securities 9th edition pdf

The definitive guide to fixed income securities--updated and revised with everything you need to succeed in today's market For nearly 40 years, The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities has been providing comprehensive, current, reliable information on everything investors like you need to stay on top of the market and ahead of the curve. The fixed income market has changed dramatically in the past decade. This updated classic brings you fully up to date for a much-changed world of finance, where central banks play a bigger role, interest is low (and sometimes even in negative territory), regulations are more complex, and new types of securities have been created. Brand-new chapters cover:Relative value tradesMuni analyticsFinancial data scienceBuilding and maintaining a bond portfolioFactor investingRelative value tradesSmart beta fixed incomeInfrastructure and green bondsSovereign bond marketsOne of the world's leading experts on fixed income securities, Frank Fabozzi has gathered a peerless team of global experts who provide the newest and best techniques for winning in today's markets. Fixed Income Securities, Ninth Edition is a matchless, one-stop resource for all your professional needs. ? 1996-2014, , Inc. or its affiliates The definitive guide to fixed income securities?updated and revised with everything you need to succeed in today's marketThe Handbook of Fixed Income Securities has been the most trusted resource for fixed income investing for decades, providing everything sophisticated investors need to analyze, value, and manage fixed income instruments and their derivatives. But this market has changed dramatically since the last edition was published, so the author has revised and updated his classic guide to put you ahead of the curve. With chapters written by the leading experts in their fields, The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, Ninth Edition provides expert discussions about:Basics of Fixed Income Analytics Treasuries, Agency, Municipal, and Corporate BondsMortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed SecuritiesThe Yield Curve and the Term StructureValuation and Relative ValueCredit AnalysisPortfolio Management and StrategiesDerivative Instruments and their ApplicationsPerformance Attribution AnalysisThe Handbook of Fixed Income Securities is the most inclusive, up-to-date source available for fixed income facts and analyses. Its invaluable perspective and insights will help you enhance investment returns and avoid poor performance in the fixed income market. ? 1996-2014, , Inc. or its affiliates Read an excerpt of this book! The definitive guide to fixed income securitiesupdated and revised with everything you need to succeed in today's marketThe Handbook of Fixed Income Securities has been the most trusted resource for fixed income investing for decades, providing everything sophisticated investors need to analyze, value, and manage fixed income instruments and their derivatives. But this market has changed dramatically since the last edition was published, so the author has revised and updated his classic guide to put you ahead of the curve. With chapters written by the leading experts in their fields, The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, Ninth Edition provides expert discussions about:Basics of Fixed Income Analytics Treasuries, Agency, Municipal, and Corporate BondsMortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed SecuritiesThe Yield Curve and the Term StructureValuation and Relative ValueCredit AnalysisPortfolio Management and StrategiesDerivative Instruments and their ApplicationsPerformance Attribution AnalysisThe Handbook of Fixed Income Securities is the most inclusive, up-to-date source available for fixed income facts and analyses. Its invaluable perspective and insights will help you enhance investment returns and avoid poor performance in the fixed income market. ISBN-13: 9781260473896 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing Publication date: 07/05/2021 Edition description: 9th ed. Pages: 1904 Sales rank: 99,171 Product dimensions: 6.50(w) x 9.30(h) x 2.70(d) Get full access to The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, Eighth Edition, 8th Edition and 60K+ other titles, with free 10-day trial of O'Reilly. There's also live online events, interactive content, certification prep materials, and more. The Definitive Guide to Fixed Income Securities--Revised and Updated for the New Era of InvestingFor decades, The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities has been the most trusted resource in the world for fixed income investing. Since the publication of the last edition, however, the financial markets have experienced major upheavals, introducing dramatic new opportunities and risks.This completely revised and expanded eighth edition contains 31 new chapters that bring you up to date on the latest products, analytical tools, methodologies, and strategies for identifying and capitalizing on the potential of the fixed income securities market in order to enhance returns. Among the world's leading authorities on the subject, Frank J. Fabozzi, along with Steven V. Mann, has gathered a powerful global team of leading experts to provide you with the newest and best techniques for taking advantage of this market. New topics include:Electronic tradingMacro-economic dynamics and the corporate bond marketLeveraged loansStructured and credit-linked notesExchange-traded fundsCovered bondsCollateralized loan obligationsRisk analysis from multifactor fixed income modelsHigh-yield bond portfolio managementDistressed structured credit securitiesHedge fund fixed income strategiesCredit derivatives valuation and riskTail risk hedgingPrinciples of performance attributionInvaluable for its theoretical insights, unsurpassed in its hands-on guidance, and unequaled in the expertise and authority of its contributors, this all-new edition of The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities delivers the information and knowledge you need to stay on top of the market and ahead of the curve. Cover Page The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities Copyright Page Contents Preface Acknowledgments Contributors Part One Background Chapter 1 Overview of the Types and Features of Fixed Income Securities Chapter 2 Risks Associated with Investing in Fixed Income Securities Chapter 3 Bond Market Indexes Chapter 4 Electronic Trading for Fixed Income Markets Chapter 5 Macro-Economic Dynamics and the Corporate Bond Market Chapter 6 Bond Pricing, Yield Measures, and Total Return Chapter 7 Measuring Interest-Rate Risk Chapter 8 The Structure of Interest Rates Part Two Government Securities and Corporate Debt Obligations Chapter 9 U.S. Treasury Securities Chapter 10 Agency Debt Securities Chapter 11 Municipal Bonds Chapter 12 Corporate Bonds Chapter 13 Leveraged Loans Chapter 14 Convertible Securities and Their Investment Application Chapter 15 Structured Notes and Credit-Linked Notes Chapter 16 Private Money Market Instruments Chapter 17 Floating-Rate Securities Chapter 18 Inflation-Linked Bonds Chapter 19 International Bond Markets and Instruments Chapter 20 Emerging Markets Debt Chapter 21 Fixed Income Exchange Traded Funds Chapter 22 Covered Bonds Chapter 23 Nonconvertible Preferred Stock Part Three Securitized Products Part Four Term Structure of Interest Rates Part Five Valuation Modeling Part Six Credit Risk Part Seven Multifactor Risk Models Part Eight Bond Portfolio Management Part Nine Derivatives Chapter 59 Introduction to Interest-Rate Futures and Options Contracts Chapter 60 Pricing Futures and Portfolio Applications Chapter 61 Controlling Interest-Rate Risk with Futures and Options Chapter 62 Interest-Rate Swaps and Swaptions Chapter 63 The Valuation of Interest-Rate Swaps and Swaptions Chapter 64 The Basics of Interest-Rate Options Chapter 65 Interest-Rate Caps and Floors Chapter 66 Credit Derivatives Chapter 67 Credit Derivative Valuation and Risk Chapter 68 Hedging Tail Risk Part Ten Performance Evaluation and Return Attribution Analysis Chapter 69 Principles of Performance Attribution Chapter 70 Performance Attribution for Portfolios of Fixed Income Securities Chapter 71 Advanced Topics in Performance Attribution Appendix Methodology for Calculating Currency Exposures in Bond Portfolios and Indexes Index Footnotes From the Publisher: Frank J. Fabozzi is professor of finance at EDHEC Business School and a member of the EDHEC Risk Institute. Fabozzi has authored and edited a number of books on investment management, is editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management, and serves on the board of directors of the BlackRock complex of closed end funds. Fabozzi is the 2007 recipient of the C. Stewart Sheppard Award given by the CFA Institute. Steven V. Mann is professor of finance at the Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina. He has coauthored several books, including Floating-Rate Securities, Introduction to Fixed Income Analytics, and Global Money Markets. From the Back Cover: The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities is the investing industry's most trusted, widely followed fixed income reference. For nearly three decades, investors have been drawn to its unparalleled scope, detail, and expertise.Now, the world's most authoritative fixed income resource has been updated with facts and formulas to help you better analyze, value, and manage fixed income instruments and their derivatives in today's evolving marketplace. This thoroughly revised eighth edition includes detailed discussions of:Types, features, and uses of fixed income securitiesActive and structured portfolio management strategiesBasics of fixed income analytics, from bond pricing to price volatility measuresRisks and risk control strategiesPortfolio management applications of interest rates and credit derivativesAsset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, and innovative fixed income applicationsConvertible securities and their investment applicationThe Handbook of Fixed Income Securities is the most inclusive, up-to-date source available for fixed income facts and analyses. Its valuable perspective and insights will help you enhance investment returns and avoid poor performance in the fixed income market. "About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

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