Our Church Mailboxes are in place by the Family Life ...

lmmanuel Christian Reformed Church

January 10, 2021


We’re glad that you joined us, and we pray that you will encounter God through prayer, worship, and his word.

9:30AM Pastor Jake Porter

Series on Mark Mark 2

Lord’s Supper celebration

Offerings: General Fund & Level 3 Tuition Assistance

5:30PM Ebenezer Worship

Offering: Pregnancy Resource Center


Today: Michelle & Mason Hamberg,

Betsy & Grady Vander Ploeg

Next Sunday: Gale Krikke, Melissa Steen,

Austin Kooienga, Ava Steen


Today: Jodie & Halle Larsen

Next Sunday: Stephanie Lanenga, Ruth Pohler


Wednesday January 13

6:30PM Executive Committee

7:00PM General Council

7:30PM Administrative Committee,

Pastoral Elders & Deacons


9:30AM Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Pastor Jake Porter

Series on Mark Mark 3

Offerings: General Fund & Benevolent Fund

5:30PM Hymn Sing

Offering: Jehovah Jireh Ministries


Rachael, Pastor Jake, Immanuel CRC –

Thank you all for the cards for my birthday and at Christmas! Thank you, Rachael, for your phone calls and visits throughout this past year – they so “lifted me up”. I am blessed to be a part of the family of Immanuel CRC. Blessings,

Hazel Coy & family

Also, Hazel’s physical home is still at Sunset, but please send all correspondence to her daughter’s home address:

Hazel Coy

2627 Cedar Grove S.

Jenison MI 49428

Thank you to the entire Immanuel family for your cards, texts, phone calls and most importantly, prayers during our Covid journey.  Everyone has made a full recovery, and we are thankful and blessed.  You were all an example to our boys of how a Christian community supports each other, even in quarantine!  Thank you and Happy New Year!

Kevin, Sheri, Marcus, Ian and Adam Breuker


Please pray for Joe Lems (District #6) as doctors discuss treatment options.

Continue to pray for complete healing for Ken Pohler (District #5).

Keep Ben Ter Avest (District #4) in your prayers as he remains in the hospital.

Laurie Kooienga (District #8) – stem cell transplant recovery

Sharon Ondersma (District #4) – M.S.

Evelyn Vander Kooi (District #2) – hospice care

Pete Van Rijs (District #7) – durable cancer remission

Homebound: Margaret Teune, Adaline Lems, Hazel Coy

Staff: Kris Porter, Worship Planner

Missionaries: Lee & Carolyn Baas,

WITS Missionary Support Ministry

Young Adults: Matthew Wolters, Conner Ymker,

Kassie Butterworth

Military: Major Ron Thenn – Army (Hawaii)


Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee is looking for you to join us!

Are you wanting to plan an event or have a creative idea for supporting community within our church family? Maybe you just want to plan/organize one thing - that's OK! We'd love to have your help.

Please contact Kristin (616)813-2758 or kristin22@ if you are interested. We are also looking for a new chairperson for this committee if you feel that is a good fit for you!


For January, we are collecting Rice-A-Roni, Hamburger Helper, and canned chicken.

Donations may be dropped off in the Hand2Hand cart in the FLC entry near the mailboxes.

Thank you for your support of this ministry!


December 31, 2020

General Fund $41,995

General Fund Year-to-Date

Received $319,482

Budget Goal 343,064

Over (Under) (23,582)

Budget received – 93%

Fiscal year – July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021

To fulfill our 2020/21 General Fund budget,

an average weekly offering of $12,706 is necessary.

Please tithe in faith and as your response to God’s blessings.

Contributions to Immanuel can be made in these ways:

• Weekly offerings during our worship service

• Mail a check to the church address

• Auto-giving through your bank

January Corners Offering – Set Free Ministries (SFM)

Mary Jane Geers has been a regular volunteer for several years and recently began as a Board of Directors member.


Setting captives free to be who they were created to be in Jesus Christ. In doing so, we equip individuals and churches to bring God’s healing and wholeness to hurting people worldwide.


To grow the ministry domestically and internationally all supported and upheld by prayer.

Set Free Ministries is completely donor funded. There are no fees charged, assuring every hurting person has complete access to the Healer, Jesus Christ. Because of this, your financial support is crucial. It allows all three ministry branches to reach tens of thousands of individuals around the world with the message of freedom and hope.


Hudsonville Christian School invites you to learn about our Early Childhood programs and to sign up for enrollment details at . A video giving you a glimpse of what God is doing in our Early Childhood programs as well as enrollment forms will be available beginning Thursday, January 21 at 9:00 AM on our website.



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