Course Outline: Distance Education

Course Outline: Distance Education

|Week |Objectives |Assignment |Learning activity |Technology/Media Required|Assessment |

|I | |Initial Class |Introductions, Class Overview, |N/A |Attendance |

| | |meeting on Campus |Syllabus | | |

|1I |I, II |1. Read pp. 4-18 of |Provide a summarization of key |MS Word 2003, |Synopsis rubric. |

| | |Simonson, Svaldino, |points of text and how the |Internet/email access. |On time |

| | |Albrecht, and |arguments of Clark and Kozma | Account. |Completion |

| | |Zvacek. |influence Distance Education. Email| | |

| | | |to instructor as Word doc. | | |

| | |2. Read The Media | | | |

| | |Versus Methods Issue| | | |

| | |by Richard E. Clark | | | |

| | |(1994) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |3. Read Kozma | | | |

| | |Reframes and Extends| | | |

| | |His Counter | | | |

| | |Argument. | | | |

| | |Clark(1994) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |III, V,VI,VIII,IX |4. Research |Provide synopsis of one real world| |On time |

| | |Professional |example of Distance Education and | |Completion |

| | |Articles related to |how it is being used | | |

| | |Distance Education | | | |

|II |I, II,V |Read Ch. 2, pp. |Class Discussion via chat on major |Blackboard chat access |Class |

| | |40-56 |theories of Distance Education | |participation |

|III |I,II,VI,XV |Read Ch.3 |Provide reflection paper on Ch. 3. |Moodle access |On time |

| | | |Summarizing key points of ch. and | |completion |

| | | |and how influences DE | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Provide analysis paper describing | | |

| | | |specific examples of real life, | | |

| | | |professional experiences. of four | | |

| | | |technologies discussed in readings|Moodle access | |

| | | |Provide links to two examples | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Read Ch.4 pp 92-119 | | |On time |

| | | | | |completion |

| | |Read Reiser, Robet | | | |

| | |A.(2001) A History | | | |

| | |of Instructional | | | |

| | |Design and | | | |

| | |Technology: Part I | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Read Reiser, Robett | | | |

| | |A. (2001) A History | | | |

| | |of Instruction and | | | |

| | |Design: Part Ii | | | |

|IV |JV,V,VI,X,XI, |Read Ch. 5 and 6 of|Online class chat |Internet access, Moodle |Class |

| | |text. |Who learners are and how to |chat room access. |participation |

| | | |determine ability, | | |

| | | |characteristics, and interactivity | | |

| | | |issues, | | |

| | | |How to determine course content, | | |

| | | |including goals. objectives,and | | |

| | | |course design and development | | |

| | | |Key influences on students in the | | |

| | | |distance education environment. | | |

| | | |Adult vs p-12 learners, factors | | |

| | | |influencing attitude, and | | |

| | | |experiences. and specific | | |

| | | |responsibilities of the distance | | |

| | | |learner | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Assignment on of Group Projects, | | |

| | | |which include results of mock | | |

| | | |needs assessment, analysis of | | |

| | | |learners and their general | | |

| | | |characteristics, contextual | | |

| | | |analysis, and a beginning course | | |

| | | |outline that addresses course | | |

| | | |description, course goals, | | |

| | | |technologies to be incorporated, | | |

| | | |and learner expectations regarding | | |

| | | |class attendance and participation,| | |

| | | |class meetings, assignment | | |

| | | |completion and submission, as well | | |

| | | |as minimum technological | | |

| | | |requirements.. | | |

|V. |VI, VIII,IX |Read Ch 7 pp 184-195|Class small and large group |OoVoo Video Conferencing |Class |

| | |of text, |discussions major point of | |participation |

| | | |readings. | | |

| | |.Read McGraw, K. |Some key topics include: Course | | |

| | |How to Develop A |structure | | |

| | |Comprehensive |tools: | | |

| | |e-Learning Strategy | | | |

| | | |Group project Needs analysis, | | |

| | | |Leaner analysis, contextual | | |

| | | |analysis due | | |

|VI |X,XI |Read Ch 8 |Learners will provide an analysis | | |

| | | |paper describing various tools that| | |

| | |Read The Design, Use|can be incorporated into DE | | |

| | |and Evaluation of |courses | | |

| | |Hypermedia | | | |

| | |Flashcards as a | | | |

| | |Teaching Tool. Tech| | | |

| | |Trends. Mar/Apr 2005| | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Read Use and | | | |

| | |Delivery of Learning| | | |

| | |Objects in K-12: | | | |

| | |The Public | | | |

| | |Television | | | |

| | |Experience Tech | | | |

| | |Trends July/Aug. | | | |

| | |2005 | | | |

|VII |V,X,XI,XII |Read, Ch.9 |Provide summary paper discussing. |Moodle access. | |

| | | |Specific tools: |Word 2003 | |

| | | |Discussion boards, | | |

| | | |Synchronous//asynchronous | | |

| | | |environments. | | |

| | | |Use of Handouts, study guides and | | |

| | | |visuals in DE | | |

| | | |Various aspects of Web Based DE, | | |

| | | |and in course assessment tools | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Group Project Course Design | | |

| | | |Document Due | | |

|VIII |XII |Read Ch. 10 |Learners will provide reflection |Moodle access | |

| | | |paper on various DE assessment |Word 2003 | |

| | | |tools and how these might impact | | |

| | | |project | | |

|IX |VII |Read Ch7,195-205 |OoVoo video conference video chat |Access to OoVoo Trial | |

| | | |covering staffing and professional|version. Moodle access. | |

| | | |issues related to DE materials and |Word 2003 | |

| | | |technologies. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |.Individual class members will | | |

| | | |provide summarization of on article| | |

| | | |relating to specific copyright | | |

| | | |issues, as well as an attached copy| | |

| | | |of the article. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Group Project Detail Document due. | | |

| | | | | | |

|X |IVX |Read Ch.11. |Individual class members will |Moodle access | |

| | | |provide reflection paper of major | | |

| | |Copyright and You. |topics discussed in chapter and | | |

| | |Protecting Your |impact on DE project. | | |

| | |Intellectual | | | |

| | |Property. Tech |Individual class members will | | |

| | |Trends. Sept/Oct |provide summarization of research | | |

| | |2005 |article dealing with one topic | | |

| | | |addressed in ch. | | |

| | |Research articles | | | |

| | | |Group Project Detail Document Due | | |

|XI |XIII |Read Ch 12 |Individual class members will |Moodle access. | |

| | | |provide reflection paper of major |Word 2003 | |

| | |Research articles |topics discussed in chapter and | | |

| | | |impact on DE project. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Individual class members will | | |

| | | |provide summarization of research | | |

| | | |article dealing with one topic | | |

| | | |addressed in well as attached| | |

| | | |copy of article | | |

| | | | | | |

|XII |IVX |Read Ch 13 |Class Chat Discussion on various |Moodle chat access | |

| | | |tools of Course evaluation | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Group Project Requirements Document| | |

| | | |Due | | |

|XIII | |Thanksgiving Break | | | |

|IVX |IV, VI,X, XI | |Final Group Projects Due | | |

|XV |IV, VI,X, XI | |Presentation of Group Projects. In| | |

| | | |Class activity. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Course/Instructor evaluations | | |

|XVI | |Finals Week | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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