History Alive! The United States

History Alive! The United States

Student Edition

Teachers' Curriculum Institute

Page ii Managing Editor: Jeri Hayes Project Editor: Joyce Bartky Developmental Editor: John Bergez Editorial Assistant: Anna Embree Art Director: Tim Stephenson Production Coordinator: Lynn Sanchez Graphic Designer: Christy Uyeno Illustrator: Richard Boles Photo Editor: Margee Robinson Operations Manager: Ellen Mapstone

This book is published by Teachers' Curriculum Institute.

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Copyright ? 2002 by Teachers' Curriculum Institute. Permission is granted to reproduce student materials only. No other parts of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

ISBN 1-58371-187-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 05 04 03 02

Page iii Diane Hart is a writer and consultant specializing in history and social studies. She is the author of several social studies textbooks as well as resources for teachers, including Authentic Assessment: A Handbook for Educators. She has written texts for special needs and limited English students that are used not only in schools, but also in prisons, adult literacy, and citizenship classes. Recently she has been developing materials for video, multimedia, and the Internet. A former teacher and Woodrow Wilson Fellow, with a master's degree in history from Stanford University, Diane remains deeply involved in social studies education. She is an active participant in the National and California Councils for the Social Studies. In both her professional and volunteer activities, Diane has served as a bridge between social studies teachers and students on the one hand, and textbook publishers and media developers on the other. Her goal is always to help the latter better meet the needs and goals of the former.

Program Directors Bert Bower Jim Lobdell

Author Diane Hart

Contributing Writers Laura Alavosus Christine Freeman Tedd Levy

Senior Curriculum Developers Joyce Bartky Vern Cleary Terry Coburn Steve Seely Kelly Shafsky

Contributing Curriculum Developers Melissa Aubuchon, City of Ladue School District, St. Louis, Missouri Connie Davidson, San Leandro Unified School District, San Leandro, California Nicolle Hutchinson, Broward County Public Schools, Miramar, Florida Julie Peters, Woodstock Community Union School District #200, Woodstock, Illinois Debra Schneider, Tracy Unified School District, Tracy, California

Consultants Jeanne Barry, Readability Consultant, Jeanne Barry and Associates, Inc., Incline Village, Nevada Kate Kinsella, Ed.D, Reading and TESOL Specialist, Department of Secondary Education College of Education, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California

David Knipfer, Mapping Specialists, Ltd., Madison, Wisconsin

Chuck Taft, Internet Content Consultant, University School of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Scholars Maureen Booth, Constitutional Law Consultant, Maynard, Massachusetts Stanley J. Underdal, Ph.D, Scholar of Native American Studies, Ethnicity, and Race in U.S. History and History of the West, San Jose State University, San Jose, California

Page iv

Page v "... government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863

Page vi Contents

Chapter 1

The Native Americans


Investigate ancient artifacts to uncover the identity of the Native Americans who created them. Discover how

environment affected these original settlers.

Chapter 2 European Exploration and Settlement 17 Relive the excitement of being one of the first Europeans to explore North America. Experience the hardships suffered by those who settled in this new land.

Chapter 3 The English Colonies in America 35 Advertise the virtues of settling in one of the original British colonies. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of life in the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies.

Chapter 4 Life in the Colonies 49 Uncover the truth about colonial life in America by examining original source materials. Read about the daily activities of the early colonists.

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Chapter 5

Toward Independence


Reenact the bitter debate over declaring independence. Understand the arguments for and against this critical


Chapter 6 The Declaration of Independence 79 Examine the events that led the colonists to declare independence. Develop an understanding of the Declaration of Independence by creating a children's book about this document that changed the world.

Chapter 7 The American Revolution 87 Play Capture the Flag and learn what it felt like to fight in the American Revolution. Find out how Americans pulled off an unlikely victory against all odds.

Chapter 8 Creating the Constitution 103 Experience the frustrations of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention as they struggled to design a new government. Find out why the Articles of Confederation were inadequate.

Chapter 9 The Constitution: A More Perfect Union 119 Why has the Constitution endured for over 200 years of extreme social change? Examine this remarkable document that describes the organization and powers of the national government and its unique system of checks and balances.

Page viii Chapter 10 The Bill of Rights 131 Judge actual Supreme Court cases to learn how your rights--and those of all Americans--are protected by the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.

Chapter 11 Political Developments in the Early Republic 143 Decision 1800! Campaign for your favorite political party. Hamilton or Jefferson--whose political views are best for America?

Chapter 12 Foreign Affairs in the Young Nation 159 Debate American foreign policy as our young nation faces threats from powerful European nations. Should the United States pursue peace or engage in war?

Chapter 13 The Worlds of North and South 173 Step back in time and experience life in a northern city and on a southern plantation. Explore the differences that would ultimately shatter the unity of the country.

Page ix Chapter 14 Andrew Jackson and the Growth of American Democracy 189 Evaluate Andrew Jackson, one of the nation's most colorful presidents, through the eyes of his contemporaries. Understand why some thought he was a villain and others considered him a hero.

Chapter 15 Manifest Destiny and the Growing Nation 201 Debate the actions of the United States as it acquires territory across the continent. How would you have responded to the chance to gain more land for settlement?

Chapter 16

Life in the West


Bring to life the experiences of the rugged individualists who settled the West. Discover the unique

contributions each group made to American culture.

Chapter 17 Mexicano Contributions to the Southwest 233 Recognize the many Mexicano innovations adopted by Anglos. Appreciate the contributions that enabled settlers to prosper in the Southwest.

Page x Chapter 18 An Era of Reform 245 Find out about the efforts of many reformers to help the less fortunate. Judge the progress women have made toward full equality.

Chapter 19 African Americans at Mid-Century 257 Share the life of misery and courage experienced by slaves. Create a quilt to express your feelings about slavery.

Chapter 20 A Dividing Nation 273 Experience the frustration of those who tried to save the country from civil war. Search for compromises on the

issues that divided the nation.

Chapter 21 The Civil War 291 Visit battlegrounds of the Civil War. Face the terrors and hardships of those who were part of America's bloodiest war.

Chapter 22

The Reconstruction Era


Track the progress of African Americans toward full citizenship following the Civil War. Feel the

disappointment and bitterness of former slaves who lost their newly gained rights.

Page xi Chapter 23 Tensions in the West 325 Learn about the groups that swept across the West after the Civil War and clashed with the Native Americans living there. Respond to the removal of Native Americans from their traditional lands through a music video.

Chapter 24 The Rise of Industry 341 Experience the boredom and discomfort of working on an assembly line. Explore the contributions made by powerful industrialists and the harm their business practices inflicted on workers.

Chapter 25 The Great Wave of Immigration 357 Journey to the United States with immigrants from Europe, Asia, and Mexico. Use a photo album to express their hopes and disappointments when they arrive at their new home.

Chapter 26 The Progressive Era 371 "Is something wrong in America?" Debate this question in a panel discussion that includes influential industrialists and leading progressives.

Page xii Chapter 27 America Becomes a World Power 383 Discover the attitudes of political cartoonists toward U.S. expansion at the turn of the century and U.S. participation in World War I. Use your detective skills to uncover the missing parts of their cartoons.

Chapter 28 The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression 401 Enjoy the spirited 1920s and endure the dark 1930s. Stand in the shoes of those who lived through the Great Depression and understand why this event scarred a generation.

Chapter 29 World War II 417 Inform the nation about this war of mass destruction as you return to the days of radio. Share the burdens of those whose lives were affected by the conflict by creating a dramatic news broadcast.

Chapter 30


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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