Web Scavenger Hunt: Dickens Background

Web Scavenger Hunt: Dickens Background

Use the recommended web sites to answer the following questions (You can find these links my web site.) The group with the most answers correct and complete by the end of class will receive a prize.

Defining the Victorian Period:

1. What are the dates of the Victorian period?

2. What are three advances (in thought) during the Victorian period?

3. According to George P. Landow, what most makes Victorians Victorian?

London during the Victorian Period:

4. How many people lived in London towards the beginning of the Victorian period?

5. Towards the end?

6. How are people “organized” in the city? What determines where they live?

7. What is sanitation like in Victorian London?

8. What are two main problems in Victorian London (that you haven’t already mentioned)?

9. What are two types of reform movements that were going on during this time period?

Labor Issues:

10. What is the Industrial Revolution?

11. When did it occur in England?

12. Why did employers prefer child labor?

13. What was a negative effect of the industrial revolution?

14. What was a workhouse?

15. What was life like for child laborers? What were their working hours?

16. What types of work did child laborers do? What were the dangers?

Charles Dickens:

17. When was Charles Dickens born and when did he die?

18. What was Charles Dickens’ childhood like? (What was a major event that shaped his writing?)

19. What was a major goal of his writing?

20. When was A Christmas Carol published?

21. How was Dickens’ work received in his own time?

Victorian Christmas:

22. What is in a Christmas pudding?

23. How far in advance is the pudding prepared?

24. How is the Christmas pudding served?

25. What are two other Victorian Christmas traditions?

Tie breaker--other interesting facts about Victorian life:


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