CNIT 128 Hacking Mobile Devices

CNIT 128 Hacking Mobile Devices

7. Attacking Android Applications

Part 2

Updated 10-3-22


? Part 1 ? Exposing Security Model Quirks ? Attacking Application Components

(to p. 271: "Trust Boundaries")

? Part 2 ? Attacking Application Components (finishes)


? Part 3 ? Accessing Storage and Logging ? Misusing Insecure Communications ? Exploiting Other Vectors ? Additional Testing Techniques

Trust Boundaries

? Any Android app component can be controlled

from any part of the app using intents

? No default boundaries exist ? If an app has a login screen

? The developer must implement

authentication mechanisms

Installing Sieve

? Download from ?


? Drag onto emulator ? Enter password12345678 and 1234 ? Close Sieve


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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