Warm-Up the Immigrant Experience - Edgenuity Inc.


Writing an Informative Essay about the Immigrant Experience


Lesson Question

How can you use research to write an informative essay?

Lesson Goals

Organize ideas and

information .

Identify good sources

for research .

Write an informative


Revise to use concrete

details .


Words to Know

Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary to help you.


to quote a passage, book or author, especially

as an authority or expert


a first round of writing that will later be revised


the study of a subject in order to find facts and

draw conclusions

? Edgenuity, Inc.



Writing an Informative Essay about the Immigrant Experience


Words to Know

revise source credible

to make corrections, improve or update a piece

of writing

a book , statement or person from which

information is gathered

believable, trustworthy

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Writing an Informative Essay about

Part 1

the Immigrant Experience



The Writing Process




Do research

Use credible sources


The Purpose of an Informative Essay

An informative essay provides factual information without personal

opinions. An informative essay will:

? provide expertise.

? include research .

? have facts and details from credible sources .

? explain an unfamiliar topic.

? inform the reader.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Writing an Informative Essay about

Part 1

the Immigrant Experience



Today's Writing Prompt

Write an informative essay on the topic of immigration. Your essay will use research to describe the changes and challenges that today's immigrant children experience.

Product : What will you write?

? An informative essay

Topic : What will you write about?

? The changes and challenges that immigrant children experience

Audience : Who will read your writing?

? Peers and adults

Purpose : Why will you write?

? To inform on the topic of immigration


Developing a Research Question

Sometimes it is necessary to develop a research question about a given topic.

? Example: What are some challenges that immigrant children in the US face today?

To develop your own research question, ask yourself:

? What about the topic is interesting ?

? Can I find enough information to answer this question?

? Is the question specific

the assigned length?

enough that I can cover it in a paper of

A research question should be interesting. It should not be too broad or too narrow.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Writing an Informative Essay about

Part 1

the Immigrant Experience



Revising Research Questions

Answering research questions can lead to more questions .

What are some challenges that immigrant children face?

How are the individual

children a ected?

How are families

a ected?

Conducting Research

Sources for research can be found by reading books in libraries, searching on the Internet, and asking experts on the topic.

Reliable Internet sources

Unreliable Internet sources

? Government

in .gov)

sites (ending

? Education sites such as college and university sites (ending in .edu)

? Organization sites such as

museums , libraries, and

? Sites with anonymous


? Sites written by individuals with no expertise on the topic

? Sites with outdated


nonprofits (ending in .org)

? Online newspapers

? Edgenuity, Inc.



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