Enhancing our social, economic & physical environments by ...

-540385-51816100left757132Enhancing our social, economic & physical environments by embedding social awareness and sustainability into our DNA020000Enhancing our social, economic & physical environments by embedding social awareness and sustainability into our DNAReporting Committee:Sustainability Steering GroupProduced and Monitored by:Estates and Campus ServicesDocument Revision Control:VersionAuthorVerification byDateComment/Status1Sandra LeeChris Harrison07/17Draft2Sandra LeeChris Harrison08/17Draft3Sandra LeeChris Harrison10/17Draft4Sandra LeeChris Harrison1/18Draft5Sandra LeeChris Harrison8/18DraftSocial Impact StrategyOverviewThe social and sustainability agenda is now so large on the world stage that students are increasingly expecting their institutions to make bold environmental and social choices and to provide them with teaching on this important area, regardless of their chosen subject. Furthermore, large research opportunities exist for solutions to social problems. Thus, a socially-aware, sustainable University is efficient, effective, attractive and future-proof. This strategy brings a new and coordinated approach to social impact and sustainability across Estates, Professional Services, teaching, research and student activities. As?other research-intensive universities have done, Leicester is developing our social impact team to have a wider cross-University role that engages with curriculum and research as well as the more typical operational functions. right444500Social impact is a complex area that runs across every aspect of the University. It can be defined using the UN Sustainable Development Goals, developed in 2015 by world leaders as a blueprint for governments, organisations and the general public to work together to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change.ApproachOur social impact strategy is structured under five themes – Leadership, Environmental Management, Education for Sustainable Development, Research and Community. All have priorities to achieve and example indicators to measure and illustrate our progress. Alongside this strategy, we are also publishing our Social Impact Strategic Implementation Plan, which provides the detail of the specific activities and targets we are working to achieve.Who we areThe University of Leicester is a global university, founded with the aim of providing hope for the future. We are committed to making the world better for present and future generations through our teaching and research.Social impact and Sustainability are at the core of who we are and what we do. Our staff and students are encouraged to consider the wider impact of their choices from what they teach, learn, buy, use, do and say. We believe that we should be ambitious and innovative and work collaboratively within the University, with Our commitmentsOur visionTo enhance our social, economic and physical environments by embedding social awareness and sustainability into our DNA.Our valuesThe University of Leicester is a global university, founded with the aim of providing hope for the future. We are committed to making the world better for present and future generations through our teaching and research.The University aspires to make a positive difference in the local and wider community, recognising that we are part of a global community spanning generations. The University wants to help our city meet its environmental, social and educational challenges, preserving our heritage for the future and contributing to a diverse and flourishing world.LeadershipWe will provide University-wide leadership to ensure social impact is embedded throughout the institutions operations. Environmental managementWe will continue to embed environmental sustainability within Estates operations, to reduce carbon emissions and to encourage and facilitate staff, students and visitors to do the same.Education for sustainable developmentWe pledge to promote social impact and sustainability through the delivery of a curriculum which provides our students with the opportunity to learn more about social impact issues and involve themselves in projects for the benefit of communities or society as a whole.ResearchWe are committed to realising and communicating the social and economic impact arising from our work. Applied and translational work is underpinned by fundamental and conceptual research - both are essential to delivering effective and sustainable impact. CommunityWe will continue to make a difference to society through our research, teaching, outreach programmes, contribution to the environment and by encouraging out students and graduates to make a positive impact.Who we will beThe University aspires to make a positive difference in the local and wider community, recognising that we are part of a global community. We already have huge strengths in this area through our teaching, research and student engagement activities so we have a real opportunity to embed social impact into the DNA of Leicester. Our challenge is to embed social responsibility and sustainability into the heart of what we teach, research and do and to produce a positive global impact.Our visionOur vision is for the University of Leicester to be an engaged and socially aware institution, renowned for producing graduates with the skills and knowledge that not only allow them to succeed, but also to enrich and sustain the world. We recognise that our teaching and research have the potential to positively impact practices and procedures at every level of society as we position ourselves at the forefront of solving complex problems.Our prioritiesLeadershipWe will encourage all staff to take ownership of the targets set out in the Social Impact Implementation Plan and seek ways to incorporate social impact in their own areas of workWe will ensure that all strategic decisions made within the University will consider the social and sustainability implicationsWe will promote and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development GoalsWe will consider ethical issues when making financial decisions such as procurement and investmentEnvironmental ManagementWe will take a responsible approach to new developments and refurbishments and be sensitive to the environment in any project we undertakeWe will continue to be ‘responsible landlords’ by enhancing and enjoying biodiversity at the UniversityWe will reduce our carbon emissions year on yearWe will create a campus which helps staff, students and visitors to make sustainable choices.EducationWe will ensure that all our students are aware of and inspired by the University’s commitment to social impactWe will provide all our students with access to formal and informal opportunities to learn more about social impact issuesWe will develop a curriculum which helps students to develop the skills required to solve today’s global challengesWe will continue to work in strategic partnership with the Students Union.ResearchWe will develop our public engagement to enhance knowledge and capacityWe will focus our research expertise to address today’s global challenges and ensure that it is accessible to munityWe will take our responsibility to society seriously, as an employer and a good neighbourWe will engage with the local (and wider) community to identify opportunities for us to provide added value using our skills, resources and expertiseWe will support our students to be responsible citizens and an active part of society, both locally and globallyWe will create a welcoming, culturally and environmentally vibrant campusWe will open out the knowledge resource of the University to the wider community for two-way opportunities.Our Measures of Success Our success will be measurable through a range of qualitative and quantitative metrics. Progress against these will be reviewed annually, but over the first three years of the Strategy (2017-20) critical indicators will include: Measures: Maintain a top 30 position (2.1 or higher) in the People and Planet University League.Project OutcomesClimate Change Adaptation PlanCurriculum Transformation Project – full audit of current sustainability-related teaching and future opportunities identifiedLiving Labs approach (Research in Action) – network and a clear research process establishedEnergy behaviour change programme – measureable reductions in utility spend and carbon emissionsUN SDGs mapping exercise – establishing how the University is contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals and developing opportunities to maximise this.TargetsEnvironmental Management Carbon reduction targets achieved (Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions reduced by an absolute figure of 25% by 2020 against 2004/05 base line and 60% by 2020 against turnover and 40% by 2020 against GIA and FTE (staff & students))Achieve 50% on-site segregation of waste for recycling (by weight) by 2020Achieve 95% diversion from landfill (by weight) by 20202015-20 Travel Plan targets achieved2% water reduction annually to 2020Sustainable Procurement targets achievedImplement the Biodiversity Action planReview the sustainable construction guidelinesTeaching & ResearchBaseline audit of sustainability teaching will be used to set targetsLiving Labs research projects will be set once the approach is establishedReview and record all current sustainability-related researchCommunityAchieve sustainability-related KPIs from the Innovation HubAnnual increases in students engaged with our sustainability programmesDevelop and promote staff and student social impact engagement and learning opportunities through expansion of the Leicester AwardExpand the SEED Fund to include local volunteer project opportunitiesWork with local schools and colleges to promote our social impact work and inspire young people to interact with Higher EducationUse art as described in the Public Art Strategy to powerfully reflect and communicate our values, enhance our environment and look firmly into the future to meet the needs of tomorrow.Linkage to other strategiesThis strategy will contribute to all the University’s main strategic plans and will oversee many plans and policies from across the organisation, particularly Professional Services.Physical Environment StrategyAims to “promote a physical environment that is financially and environmentally sustainable while maintaining a distinctive character with a strong sense of place”. This strategy delivers that through the Environmental Management strand.Learning & Teaching Strategy Commits the University to “Transformative teaching and learning delivered by…Building internationalisation and sustainability into the curriculum and student experience” and “We will imagine and advocate for a teaching and learning estate, resources and technologies that support our ambitions.”We will help to deliver these through the Education Excellence Programme.Research & Enterprise StrategyStates that “Working together, communicating better, looking outward will be delivered by…Prioritising outreach, public engagement and social responsibility … to improve economic, social and cultural well-being, the environment and health.” We will also support this strategy’s priority of taking “a multi-disciplinary approach to research, continuing to recognise the underpinning importance of disciplinary excellence while providing an environment that promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration.”, particularly through the Living Labs programme.Our engagement and research work will support the ambition to “tackle global challenges, transform lives and address real life problems by working effectively with businesses and the community to develop successful partnerships and apply knowledge with impact.”Discovering People StrategyFocusses on improving the physical and virtual environment for staff. The Social Impact Strategy supports this by providing a positive place to work that facilitates opportunities to engage in socially responsible activities. The values of valuing equality and advancing diversity, enhancing health and wellbeing and embracing innovation and learning feed directly into UN Sustainable Development goals that this strategy aims to promote.Brand StrategyThis Strategy supports positioning of the University as a socially responsible, global organisation that expands the impact of our teaching and research to benefit the wider community and supports our graduates to build the skills necessary to contribute to solving modern global challenges.left-26098500 ................

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