THE Importance of Correct Education

By: Matthew M. Radmanesh, Ph.D.

Education in the science of physics, engineering, electronics and others consists of guiding the student along a gradient of known data, with the highest attention to the basic concepts that form the foundation of any of these desired fields of study.

These basic truths set up a background of discovered knowledge by mankind, against which a smaller sphere of information (i.e., electricity, electronic engineering, physics, etc,) can be examined. Many of the principles, which appear in technical books, are easily describable and thus understood much better once the basic underlying concepts are grasped.

In general, we can see that workable knowledge is like a pyramid, where from a handful of common denominators efficiently expressed by a series of basic postulates, axioms and natural laws, which form the foundation of a science, an almost innumerable number of devices, circuits, and systems can be thought up and developed.

The plethora of the mass of devices, circuits and systems generated is known as the application mass, which practically approaches infinity in sheer number. This is an important point to grasp, since the foundation portion never changes (a static) while the base area of the pyramid is an ever changing and evolving arena (a kinetic), where this evolution is in terms of new implementation techniques and technologies.

A series of uncomprehended or misunderstood technical terms will block one's road to total comprehension and mastery of the subject. This undesirable condition will eventually lead to a dislike and total abandonment of the subject.

Therefore, the road before one is at once a clear-cut path to knowledge by understanding that one needs to grasp the terms fully before one grasps the concept, and all of these should occur long before one achieves mastery of any desired subject.

Moreover, the source of information and the presenter's perspective and depth of knowledge on the subject plays an important role in one's learning and guidance along this road to knowledge. This point should not be taken lightly, since lack of a good and reliable source of information and sometimes the presence of a false source, is the downfall of many bright minds who, with proper guidance, would have otherwise been very productive and brilliant in that field of study.



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