Earth Science

Earth Science Unit Guide

California Geology

|State Standards: |CLASSLRs: |

|(The geology of California underlies the state’s wealth of natural |(Character by taking ownership of their learning |

|resources as well as its natural hazards. | |

|(Students know the resources of major economic importance in California |(Leadership by modeling positive behavior |

|and their relation to California’s geology. | |

|( Students know the principal natural hazards in different California |(Attitude by displaying motivation for your learning |

|regions and the geologic basis of those hazards. | |

|(Students know the importance of water to society, the origins of |(Scholarship by using technology to enhance your learning |

|California’s fresh water, and the relationship between supply and demand.| |

|( Students know how to analyze published geologic hazard maps of |(Service by contributing to the well-being of your community |

|California and know how to use the map’s information to indentify | |

|evidence of geologic events of the past and predict geologic changes in | |

|the future. | |

|(Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and | |

|conducting careful investigations. | |

On test day you should be able to answer all of the following questions:

1. What natural resources are important to the economy of California?

2. How has the geology of California provided the state’s economy with a wealth of natural resources?

3. What are the main natural hazards in the different regions of California?

4. What geologic processes have led to California having numerous natural hazards?

5. What the key reasons why societies need water, especially California?

6. Where does Northern and Southern California get its fresh water supply?

7. How does the supply of fresh water in California relate to the demand for fresh water?

8. What do the symbols represent on geologic hazards maps?

9. What major geologic events have happened in the past in California and what evidence proves these events occurred?

10. What major geologic events are in store for California and what evidence leads you to that conclusion?

Investigation and Experimentation skills and concepts

1. Know how to read and interpret topographic and geologic maps.

2. Be able to investigate a science-based societal issue by researching the literature, analyzing data, and communicating the findings. (key example: land and water use in California)

3. Analyze situations and solve problems that require combining and applying concepts from more than one area of science.

|Vocabulary/Concepts |

|Source Rocks |Reservoir Rocks |Geothermal Field |

|Desalination |Aqueduct |Natural Hazard |

|Seismic Shaking |Modified Mercali Scale |Volcanic Field |

|Liquefaction |Mass Movement |Creep |

|Normal Fault |Your Fault |Stress |

|Strike-slip Fault |Reverse Fault | |

|People |

|Miguel San Andreas |Giuseppe Mercalli | |


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