Lesson Plan Title:

Grade Level: 11th Length of Lesson: 20 min.

Reference: GR11.Aug.Schoolrules.07.03

Lesson Plan Title: News You Can Use

Essential Question: What are the school rules I need to know!

Career Focus: Understanding rules and regulations will allow you to stay in good standings on the path towards your career choice.

Materials Needed:

• Pencil/Pen; Paper

• Student Handbook

Basic Outline:

I. Teacher will verbally introduce all school rules to the students as found in the agenda book.

II. Students will create a skit showing the importance of school rules.

III. Teacher will review school rules with students and the importance of following the rules.

Activity Introduction:

• Have students sit in groups of 4 and take out their agenda books. Have students turn the school rules section of the agenda book. Assign each group a school rule (this can be done at random by picking cards with rules on them or assigned by the teacher on the spot).


• (4 min) Read the rules aloud to the students. Ask the students if they have any questions about the rules.

• (8 min.) In groups of 4 have students brainstorm and create a 30-45 second skit which shows why their assigned rule is important to keep school a place of teaching and learning. Be sure the skit shows the consequence of breaking the rule. Encourage students to use creativity and humor but be realistic and appropriate.

• (10 min) Call on groups to present their skits. At the end of the skit help clarify the message of the skit and why the assigned rule is important for a safe and functional school.


• (2 min) Teacher will tell students that rules are put in place to keep everyone safe and to keep the school running smoothly in order that the students will have a healthy environment in which to learn. Stress to students that breaking rules, even ones they may not fully agree, may have consequences which affect their future.

Mentor Focus Follow-up/Assessment Options:

• Ask students to discuss any rule in fracture that the students witnessed during the week and what the consequences were for that person and those in the school.

Quality Plus Teaching Strategies:

• Collaboration

• Role Playing

• Questioning

• Background knowledge


• follow written and verbal directions (QCC) (CECE_A2006-13)

• explain the importance of good relationships and acquiring skills that will help build stable relationships (HLLD_C2002-4)

• identify threats to personal safety (HLLD_C2002-8)

• [pic]apply appropriate communication, facilitative, and social interaction skills when working with others (QCC) (GCPF_A2002-3)



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