The Importance of Self-confidence in Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill

pEopLE'S dEMocRAtic REpUBLic oF ALgERiA MiniStRy oF highER EdUcAtion And SciEntiFic RESEARch

MohAMEd khidER UnivERSity oF BiSkRA FAcULty oF ARABic LAngUAgE ARtS And FoREign LAngUAgES

dEpARtMEnt oF FoREign LAngUAgES diviSion oF EngLiSh

The Importance of Self-confidence in Enhancing Students' Speaking Skill

Case study: First Year LMD Students at Mohammad Kheider University of Biskra.

A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master Degree in Science of Languages

Submitted by

Supervised by


Mrs. AMRI CHENINI Boutheina

Board of Examiners

Supervisor: Mrs. AMRI CHENINI Boutheina Examiner: Mr. BOULGROUNE Adel Chairman: Mr. SMATTI Said


Dedication Firstly, the greatest thank would be to Allah who gave me power and patience to complete my work. I dedicate this modest work: To the soul of my grandmother `Soltani Zohra' and my grandfather `Djehiche Rezki' To my dearset and sympathetic father `Djehiche Laid' To my wonderful and thoughtful mother `Raheb Saida' To my beloved brothers: `Bachir, Adel, Yacine, Mohammed, Noureddine, and Khalil' To my sweetie sister `Zohra' To my gorgeous aunt `Zahira' and her sweetie children `Adel' and `Noussiba' To my lovely cousine `Mouna Raheb' To all the members of my family and my closest friends


Acknowledgements I would like to express my honest gratitude to my supervisor `Mrs. Amri Chenini Boutheina' for her support, help, guidence, and patience. Special thanks to the board of examiners `Mr. Adel Boulgroune' and `Mr. Samatti Said' for their evaluation and advice concerning my work. I thank all my teachers who have been teaching me through the past five years espacially my dearest teacher `Mrs. Nachoua Hassina Kheirddine'. Special thanks to oral expression teachers and first year students of English at Mohammed Khieder University of Biskra for their help and seriousness in completing the questionnaires.


Abstract This present research aims at examining the importance of self-confidence on enhancing students' speaking skill. In order to achieve this aim, this study works on the basis of the descriptive method for describing the relationship between two variables: self-confidence as the independent variable and its importance on enhancing the speaking skill as the dependent variable. This dissertation uses questionnaire for oral expression teachers and first year students of English as foreign language at Mohammed Kheider University of Biskra as a data collection tool. The obtained results from the questionnaires revealed that high level of selfconfidence has serious effect in developing the students' speaking performance. Furthermore, the results showed that the teachers and the students are aware about the importance of selfconfidence.


List of figures Figure 1.1 Accuracy/fluency switch..............................................................10 Figure 1.2 The relationship between interlocutors and the assessor..........................20 Figure 2.1 Self-esteem as an umbrella term......................................................31



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