The Importance of Stretching

The Importance of Stretching

Stretching is something you don't want to skip before working out. A good stretch can prevent injury and reduce joint stiffness while increasing your range of motion (ROM). As stated in the previous handout, Getting Started, making sure that you are cleared for physical activity from your physician is the most important aspect to injury prevention. When starting your workout, make sure you take 3-5 minutes to warm up. This allows the blood to start pumping, warming the body and preparing the muscles and joints for exercise. No matter where you are in your exercise routine, it is always important to remember to increase slowly. Increasing time and intensity too quickly will result in injury; always listen to your body. Staying properly fueled and hydrated for your workout will also allow you to reach your goals, drink plenty of water and make sure you eat about two hours prior to exercising. When exercising, make sure you have the attire to avoid being uncomfortable during your workout and even afterwards. Don't forget to schedule days to rest and recover!

Flexibility The pain free range of motion around a joint or series of joints

Stretching Static Flexibility o The ability to assume an extended position o Holding a position without movement o No bouncing! Dynamic Flexibility o Ability to perform movement through the full ROM o Requires not only range of motion, but strength o Key for sports performance

Importance of Flexibility Helps keep the body limber Reduces joint stiffness Increases stride length Improves walking/running efficiency Decreases injury risk Increases ROM Contributes to correcting muscular imbalances Restores muscles to their resting length

Factors Effecting Flexibility Body temperature o Never stretch if you are not warmed up Time of day o Refrain from stretching first thing in the morning Genetic makeup Age o Flexibility and elasticity decrease as we age o Stretch to help maintain an adequate ROM Activity level Injury

Stretching Benefits PRE Exercises o Prepares the body for the workout o Dynamic stretches ? Studies show that static stretching before exercise does not decrease injury risk o Lengthens and relaxes muscles prior to working out o Dynamic stretching will increase heart rate, blood flow, and body temperature POST Exercises o Helps the muscles relax after physical activity ? Minimizes stiffness and muscle soreness o Minimizes the effects of lactic acid building accumulation o Static stretching should be performed after exercise o Consistent stretching can increase ROM Guidelines for Stretching: o Stretch all major muscle groups ? 2-4 sets, hold for 15-30 seconds o Stretch at least 2-3 times a week o Stretch to the point of mild discomfort, never to pain

Warm Up 5 minutes easy jog, walk, or cycle 5 minute dynamic stretching Purpose o increases the heart rate, blood flow and body temperature o Prepares the body for exercise o Decreases injury

Cool Down Easy job, walk, cycle for 5 minutes 5-10 minutes of stretching routine Purpose o Decreases the heart rate, blood flow, and body temperature o Helps reduce muscle soreness o Enhances performance level o Prevents injury

What Can Cause Injury Surfaces o Uneven surfaces o Slanted roads o Hard surfaces o Curved surfaces Shoes o Improper shoe type o Running in shoes made for another sport o Excessive mileage ? No more than 400-600 miles per pair of shoes o Street shoes

Prevent Injury Wear appropriate shoes Stick to your training schedule Run on softer surfaces Progress mileage and speed gradually Increase mileage about 10% each week Intersperse hard days with easy days Rest 1-2 days a week Keep an exercise diary Stay hydrated Listen to your body o Pain o Favoring an area o Changing your running style Start treatment at the first sign of injury o Rest o Stretch o Ice o Strengthen

Contact werun@hii- with questions or more information on starting a training program.


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