BTEC National in Travel and Tourism

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit 1: Investigating the Travel and Tourism Sector

Assignment 1: Introduction to the Travel and Tourism Sector

Date given: 10/09/12 Due date: 20/11/12

Unit Grading criteria

P1 |P2 |P3 |P4 |M1 |M2 |M3 |D1 |D2 | |( |( |( | |( | | |( | | |

( denotes the criteria this assignment addresses.

P1 – describe the travel and tourism component industries and provide examples of domestic, inbound and outbound organisations within them

P2 – describe the roles of different travel and tourism organisations

P3 – review the different types of interrelationships and provide examples

M1 – explain the roles of different organisations within the travel and tourism component industries and how they interrelate

D1 – analyse the importance of interrelationships within one travel and tourism organisation

What you will need to do:

Task 1: (evidence for grading criteria P1) – this will take the form of a PowerPoint Presentation

1. To begin the presentation, create a cover slide with a title and some relevant images.

2. Start with a brief intro on the travel and tourism industry – some useful facts - Also include here info on the types of tourism:

▪ Domestic

▪ Inbound

▪ Outbound

3. The travel and tourism industry is made up of a number of components or sectors. For this criterion you must describe all of the travel and tourism component industries and identify one named organisation within each.

4. Component Industries

• Accommodation – serviced and non-serviced

• Transport Provision – road, rail, sea, air.

• Attractions – natural, heritage, purpose-built, events.

• Tour Operations – mass market, specialist.

• Travel Agents – retail, business, call centre, web-based.

• Tourism development and promotion – NITB

• Trade Associations and Regulatory bodied – eg AITB

• Ancillary Services – eg travel insurance, car hire etc


Create a slide(s) for each component that describes what it involves – remember to address each element of the component – include relevant images where possible.

You must identify one named travel and tourism organisation within each component.

Finally, make sure throughout the presentation that you provide examples of each type of tourism somewhere across all 8 components.

Task 2: (evidence for grading criterion P2 – word processed document.

This task requires you to describe the roles of different travel and tourism organisations.

1. You must select 3 organisations each from a different component industry.

Examples include: BA, EasyJet etc from Transport Provision

First Choice, Thomas Cook from Tour Operations

National Trust from Attractions(Heritage)

Hilton Group, Premier Inns from Accommodation.

Choose your organisations quickly.


2. Your descriptions for each chosen organisation must be COMPREHENSIVE, covering all the key roles of the organisations, summarized in your own words.

3. Extensive research is a must for each organisation – this is a must in study periods and at home.

4. Roles to be covered include:

• To meet key organisational aims

• To provide products and services

• To be responsible to stakeholders

• To be environmentally and ethically responsible

• To contribute to international and UK economies

5. Take one organisation at a time – begin by giving a brief outline of who they are and what they do – a general introduction including images of company logos etc.

6. Next begin to describe the roles using the sub-headings in 4 – this info should be gathered during research on-line etc.

Task 3: (evidence for grading criteria P3) – word processed document.

For this task you are required to review the different types of interrelationships that exist among travel and tourism organisations.

You must describe these interrelationships providing relevant and up-to-date examples of each aspect of interrelation.

Interrelationships to be covered are:

❖ Chains of distribution

❖ Integration

❖ Interdependencies

1. An intro outlining what you intend to do for this task.

2. Take each interrelationship in turn and describe what it is and how it works including examples of it in practice today in certain organisations.

3. You may use diagrams to help describe each concept.

4. Include images, logos etc to help descriptions where possible.

Chains of distribution – how travel products are distributed through the levels

Integration – both vertical and horizontal

Interdependencies – how different organisations rely on each other


Task 4: (evidence for grading criteria M1) – word processed document.

This task builds on P3. P3 is descriptive whilst M1 requires an explanation.

1. You need to select 2 organisations – each from a different component industry.

2. Whereas P3 asked you to describe the roles, the M1 requires you to explain the roles – that’s where the difference lies.

3. Again take each one in turn and explain the roles and how they interrelate.

4. Choose an organisation that will allow you to show the interrelationships at work – examples should be carefully selected for their relevance and in particular to provide sufficient coverage of all items in the range of roles and interrelationships.

Such organisations may include NITB, Translink, Thomas Cook, Hilton hotel group, Hastings hotel group etc

Task 5: (evidence for grading criteria D1) – word processed document.

This is a Distinction level task and therefore requires much greater understanding.

The key word is analyse.

You must select 1 organisation and analyse the importance of interrelationships to your chosen organisation and the other organisations involved.

Analyse involves YOU providing a critical analysis of the interrelationships that exist in your chosen organisation. You must analyse the strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons of these relationships offering your views and opinions towards this.

The better students are able to do this through excellent research and giving time to thinking it through and making good notes to allow completion of the task.

This task will be the most challenging and if you provide evidence – notes etc – that show you have addressed this element, you will meet the D1 criterion.

One of the major tour operators could be used. Something that has clear chains of distribution as well as evidence of vertical and horizontal integration.



As Recruitment Manager for Downe Travel, you are asked to produce an information pack that could be given to new employees working in the industry for the first time. The pack may be used as reference material to allow new staff to become familiar with the workings of the travel and tourism industry.

Include a definition of each giving examples.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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