
2020/2021 Student Competency Record Travel and Tourism Marketing(formerly Opportunities in Hospitality and Tourism)8139 - 36 weeks___________________________________Student___________________________________School Year___________________________________School___________________________________Teacher SignatureTraditional letter or numerical grades do not provide adequate documentation of student achievement in competency-based education; therefore, the Virginia Standards for CBE require a recording system to provide information about competencies achieved to employer, student-employee, and teacher. The Student Competency Record provides a means for keeping track of student progress. Ratings are assigned by the teacher for classroom competency achievement and by the teacher-coordinator in conjunction with the training sponsor when competence is evaluated on the job.Tasks/competencies designated "Required" are considered essential statewide and are required of all students. In some courses, all tasks/competencies have been identified as required. Tasks/competencies marked "Optional" are considered optional; they and/or additional tasks/competencies may be taught at the discretion of the school division. Tasks/competencies marked with an asterisk (*) are considered sensitive, and teachers should obtain approval by the school division before teaching them.Student competency records should be kept as long as the student is enrolled in the school and for five years after the student graduates/leaves the school.Note: Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or an Individualized Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) will be rated, using the following scale, only on the competencies identified in their IEP or ISAEP.Students will be expected to achieve a satisfactory rating (one of the three highest marks) on the Student Competency Record (SCR) rating scale on at least 80% of the required (essential) competencies in a CTE course....RATING SCALE...1 - Can teach others2 - Can perform without supervision3 - Can perform with limited supervision4 - Can perform with supervision5 - Cannot perform813936 weeksTravel and Tourism Marketing(formerly Opportunities in Hospitality and Tourism)TASKS/COMPETENCIESDateRatingDemonstrating Personal Qualities and AbilitiesRequired1Demonstrate creativity and innovation.Required2Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving.Required3Demonstrate initiative and self-direction.Required4Demonstrate integrity.Required5Demonstrate work ethic.Demonstrating Interpersonal SkillsRequired6Demonstrate conflict-resolution skills.Required7Demonstrate listening and speaking skills.Required8Demonstrate respect for diversity.Required9Demonstrate customer service skills.Required10Collaborate with team members.Demonstrating Professional CompetenciesRequired11Demonstrate big-picture thinking.Required12Demonstrate career- and life-management skills.Required13Demonstrate continuous learning and adaptability.Required14Manage time and resources.Required15Demonstrate information-literacy skills.Required16Demonstrate an understanding of information security.Required17Maintain working knowledge of current information-technology systems.Required18Demonstrate proficiency with technologies, tools, and machines common to a specific occupation.Required19Apply mathematical skills to job-specific tasks. Required20Demonstrate professionalism. Required21Demonstrate reading and writing skillsRequired22Demonstrate workplace safety.Examining All Aspects of an IndustryRequired23Examine aspects of planning within an industry/organization.Required24Examine aspects of management within an industry/organization.Required25Examine aspects of financial responsibility within an industry/organization.Required26Examine technical and production skills required of workers within an industry/organization.Required27Examine principles of technology that underlie an industry/organization.Required28Examine labor issues related to an industry/organization.Required29Examine community issues related to an industry/organization.Required30Examine health, safety, and environmental issues related to an industry/organization.Addressing Elements of Student LifeRequired31Identify the purposes and goals of the student organization.Required32Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a student and in professional/civic organizations as an adult.Required33Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities, such as meetings, programs, and projects.Required34Identify Internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards.Exploring Work-Based LearningRequired35Identify the types of work-based learning (WBL) opportunities.Optional36Reflect on lessons learned during the WBL experience.Required37Explore career opportunities related to the WBL experience.Optional38Participate in a WBL experience, when appropriate.Understanding Marketing Functions and Concepts Related to Travel and Tourism Required39Explain marketing and the marketing concept. Required40Explain the marketing mix. Required41Communicate information to a customer. Required42Explain market segmentation. Exploring Careers in the Travel and Tourism Industry Required43Identify major industry elements in the travel and tourism field. Required44Explain how personal interests can guide career choice in the travel and tourism industry. Required45Identify opportunities to explore careers in the travel and tourism industry. Required46Analyze the role of travel and tourism in Virginia. Introducing the Travel and Tourism Industry Required47Explain travel and tourism as an industry. Required48Outline the history of the travel and tourism industry. Required49Outline growth and future trends in the travel and tourism industry at the local, state, national, and international levels. Required50Analyze the reasons a guest travels. Investigating Major Segments of the Travel and Tourism Industry Required51Compare key aspects of the major segments of the travel and tourism industry. Required52Describe the interdependence of the segments within the travel and tourism industry. Understanding the Economic Importance of Travel and TourismRequired53Evaluate the effects of travel and tourism on local, state, national, and global economies. Required54Analyze the economic effects of travel and tourism. Optional55Analyze the non-economic effects of travel and tourism. Performing Management Functions in the Travel and Tourism Industry Required56Describe the function of management in the travel and tourism industry. Optional57Describe management functions in customer relations. Understanding the Global Travel and Tourism Market Required58Explain why global marketing is important in the travel and tourism industry. Optional59Describe major travel and tourism attractions on each continent. Required60Explain how differences in culture influence domestic and global travel. Required61Identify cross-cultural communication skills. Required62Identify risk management and security issues and procedures for global travel. Required63Identify personal safety and health concerns for international travelers. Marketing the Travel and Tourism Product and Service Optional64Describe strategies to serve the needs of target markets. Optional65Explain the concept of relationship marketing within the travel and tourism industry. Providing Customer Service and Sales in Travel and Tourism Required66Explain customer service. Required67Determine the parameters of customer service. Required68Explain the importance of customer follow-up. Required69Demonstrate skills to address a challenging situation or customer. Maximizing Technology in Travel and Tourism Required70Explore online travel and tourism-related resources. Required71Identify technologies used in the travel and tourism field. Preparing for Industry CertificationRequired72Describe industry certifications related to the Travel and Tourism Marketing course. Required73Identify testing skills and strategies for a certification examination. Required74Demonstrate the ability to complete selected practice examinations. Required75Complete an industry certification representative of the skills learned in this course. Developing a Career in Travel and Tourism Required76Identify career paths in the travel and tourism industry in the local region. Required77Describe the personal qualifications and skills needed for advancement in the travel and tourism field. Required78Research local options for advanced education training in high school and postsecondary education in travel and tourism management. Required79Complete an employment application for a job. Required80Develop a résumé and cover letter for a selected job. 81Prepare for a job interview. Required82Follow up on the job interview. Required83Cultivate and manage one's personal brand. Optional84Present a plan for reaching one's career goal. ??Locally Developed Tasks/Competencies????????????????????????????????????????????? ................

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