6794544196000Christ Church Stocksbridge536384574295Tuesday 9th June 202000Tuesday 9th June 2020Dear Member or FriendHere is your voting form for Decision-making and feedback on future plans. We are asking first for authority to suspend the Church Meeting, and hold the Leadership Team meetings online. while face to face meetings are not allowed in church. Then we are asking for your thoughts on how we begin to plan the next few weeks and months.As I mentioned in this week’s pastoral letter, I am asking you to provide feedback to me and the church officers on access to the online service. This letter is for everyone who is a member or friend at Christ Church. So, everybody who is a part of Christ Church, who gets this mailing, even if you have not yet attended worship here yet, is asked to answer the questions, please.However much we may want to be back together in church, it is of the utmost importance that everyone understands that neither I, nor the church leaders, wants to put any pressure on anyone, member, friend, officer, volunteer, to come to church, or to any of our activities. We will adopt a policy of the utmost caution, and follow the safest guidance from the government or the church. We have no economic objectives; our only objective is to be as safe as possible for everyone. At the moment the church instruction is not to have public worship at least until September. I want to be able to discuss this with the Leadership Team over the coming weeks, so that whatever we decide has the broadest consent.For governance reasons I need to ask you to say whether you consider yourself a ‘member’, as I will have to record ‘member’ votes. But the votes of everybody, member or friend, will be important in our decision-making. Also, it would be very helpful if you provide your name, please. That will help me get a sense of who is saying what, and how that relates to the situation. I will not be sharing the forms with others. I will count and analyse the answers in an anonymous form, for the information of the Church Leaders.Each household only usually gets one copy of the mailing, so if there are more than one in your household, please indicate how many are saying Yes and how many are saying No to each question.I will write again and let you know the summary of the feedback in a future weekly letter.In the meantime, thank you for helping us with our thinking and planning.11353802730500Best wishesIanVoting Section1It is proposed that the Church Meeting is temporarily suspended and delegates to the Leadership Team the powers of decision-making usually held by the Church Meeting, until such time as the Church Meeting agrees by another vote that we revert to a meeting with attendance.56845201952625Please enter the number in each box in your household who :345186020516858909052049780AgreeAbstainDisagree2It is proposed that the Leadership Team meets through a conference call, or other system, until the members of the Leadership together agree that the time is right to resume face to face meetings. These meetings will be minuted and the minutes available to all the members and friends to read.5730240362521535204403635375937260362458056845201952625Please enter the number in each box in your household who :345186020516858909052049780AgreeAbstainDisagreeFeedback Section54552856118860We intend to keep the online service going while we are not able to meet together on Sundays, and probably after that in some form. We know we cannot meet until at least September, and even then many of us will still be exercising extreme caution. So we want to make it possible for as many people to watch the online service as possible. We have been thinking about how we could help those who cannot get online at the moment to do so in an easy way. Would you like the church to help you get a simple tablet (a small hand-held computer) so that you can join the service? We could help you set it up. You would have to add an internet service to your phone, and we could help you do that. The tablet might cost about ?50-?100 and you might be able to pay monthly for it.How many in your household manage to watch the online Sunday Service NOW?If you are not able to watch, but you have a tablet or computer, would you like to have some help to be able to do so? (Circle your answer)YesNoIf you have not already got a computer connected to the internet, would you want to ask the church about help and support to get one? (Circle your answer)YesNoMy/our names is/are………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..I consider myself to be a voting member of the church (Circle your answer)Yes NoPlease return this form in the envelope provided. Thank you, Ian Lucraft ................

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