What is the most important thing learned in this class

What is the most important thing learned in this class?

Work Behaviors

• Take your time in your work. The more time you take, the better you learn and the more you get out of class.

• I learned to listen better, ask more questions and finish things on time.

• Do the reading logs.

• That I should turn in my work on time and actually do it.

• When doing Book Talks remember to take notes so that you don’t forget important details of the book.


• Vocabulary Strategies – lll

• I learned to use better vocabulary and to use it right.

• I learned a lot of vocabulary words. I sound a lot smarter when I talk.

• Vocabulary. I understand it more if I actually put in a sentence.


• To read more and more.

• Scanning to get a lot of information in a text.

• I learned to read faster, but still answer questions well. I learned to like reading more.

• To read more and to get better at vocabulary.

Reading Strategies for Understanding

• New reading strategies – ll

• The most important thing I learned is that it isn’t so bad to read, plus I learned to understand the stuff I read.

• That reading is fun and how to be better at comprehension by understanding what I read.

• I learned how to comprehend what I read about and to take my time in my work.

• I learned how to become a better reader and now I understand what I read.

• I learned that reading can be more interesting if you can understand the words and what is going on.


• I learned to like reading just a little bit more.

• I really just enjoyed reading all the time. I got to read a lot of books that I might not have read otherwise.

Taking your time to read

• I learned to slow down when I read.

• Don’t just read fast. Take your time.

• Not to rush things and to take your time.

Importance of Reading

• That reading is important and you have to use your thinking a lot.

• That reading is important and fun once you get into the groove.

• That reading is part of life pretty much. That everywhere you go there’s going to be reading.

• Reading is important and you need to be a good reader for life. The most important part is that reading is simple and can be fun.

• I learned that reading is in your everyday life so become a strong reader.

• To take reading seriously and to take you time reading so you don’t miss things.


• That there are many different types of books out there and I don’t have to stick to the type of books I’ve always read before.

• The most important thing I learned was to make eye contact with everyone and vary my voice tone. This has helped me in other classes when I present a project.


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