Mankind the Story of All of Us Complete Series Video ...

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Mankind: The Story of All of Us

Episode I: ※Inventors§

Nomadic Hunter/Gatherers

00:00 每 14:21

1. Where did the genetic ancestor of all modern humans live?

2. How do people make up for their lack of natural weapons?

3. One particular invention lets us have smaller stomachs 每 and therefore bigger brains 每 and

functions to protect us from predators. What is that invention?

4. Wolves have several advantages in hunting that humans don*t, but there is one hunting

technique that we share with them. What is it?

5. Why were the clothes in this period better than those humans used before?

6. What advantages do humans gain by hunting with domesticated wolves?

Agricultural Revolution

15:39 每 23:30

7. The first farmer was probably a woman. What did she observe that may have led her to the idea

of farming?

8. Settling in villages opens up the opportunity to raise new animals. It also introduces an

enormous new problem. What is that problem?

9. Land ownership and agriculture also contribute to what ongoing human problem?

10. All that death leads to another invention 每 what is it?

Egyptian Pyramid Construction

24:06 每 29:15

11. The pyramids weren*t built by slaves. How did they pay the craftsmen?

12. What invention allowed Hemiunu to organize the pyramid workers?

13. What did they do to inspire the men to work faster?

14. What archaeological evidence do they have of accidents among the workers?

Bronze Age Trade

29:15 每 34:46

15. Imdi Ilum was one of the world*s very first entrepreneurs. How do we know so much about


16. What problem does Amur face on the tin坼trading trip?

Bronze坼Age Warfare

34:46 每 44:10

17. Tutmoses III felt he had to free the city of Megiddo from the invaders. Why was Megiddo


18. What was historically significant about Tutmoses III*s battle at Megiddo?

19. Tutmoses was a new pharaoh. How did he prove he was able to lead his people?

20. How did Tutmoses ensure that the people near Megiddo never rose against him again?

21. What new material will bring the era of the godlike king to an end?


Mankind: The Story of All of Us

Nomadic Hunter/Gatherers

Episode I: Inventors

00:00 每 14:21

1. Where did the genetic ancestor of all modern humans live?

? east Africa; the Great Rift Valley

2. How do people make up for their lack of natural weapons?

? making inventions

3. One particular invention lets us have smaller stomachs 每 and therefore bigger brains 每 and

functions to protect us from predators. What is that invention?

? fire

4. Wolves have several advantages in hunting that humans don*t, but there is one hunting

technique that we share with them. What is it?

? We are both pack hunters.

5. Why were the clothes in this period better than those humans used before?

? they were tailored 每 the sewing needle allowed them to make clothes that fit snugly

against their skin, creating a microclimate

6. What advantages did humans gain by hunting with domesticated wolves?

? Can hunt at night 每 can hunt by smell 每 can hunt by hearing

? better smell and hearing 每 can become aware of things people can*t hear

Agricultural Revolution

15:39 每 23:30

7. The first farmer was probably a woman. What did she observe that may have led her to the idea

of farming?

? See saw seeds sprouting in the garbage.

8. Settling in villages opens up the opportunity to raise new animals. It also introduces an

enormous new problem. What is that problem?

? Disease comes from our proximity of living with animals.

9. Land ownership and agriculture also contribute to what ongoing human problem?

? Warfare 每 1/10 of early farming skeletons show signs of violence.

10. All that death leads to another invention 每 what is it?

? organized religion

? 2012

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Egyptian Pyramid Construction

24:06 每 29:15

11. The pyramids weren*t built by slaves. How did they pay the craftsmen?

? in grain and beer

12. What invention allowed Hemiunu to organize the pyramid workers?

? writing

13. What did they do to inspire the men to work faster?

? They split them up into teams and had them compete.

14. What archaeological evidence do they have of accidents among the workers?

? 1 in 5 skeletons shows evidence of accidental trauma.

Bronze Age Trade

29:15 每 34:46

15. Imdi Ilum was one of the world*s very first entrepreneurs. How do we know so much about


? We have many of his letters.

16. What problem does Amur face on the tin坼trading trip?

? bandits attack

Bronze坼Age Warfare

34:46 每 44:10

17. Tutmoses III felt he had to free the city of Megiddo from the invaders. Why was Megiddo


? it was the key to the world*s trade networks 每 it was the life*s blood of their civilization

18. What was historically significant about Tutmoses III*s battle at Megiddo?

? It was the first battle in recorded history.

19. Tutmoses was a new pharaoh. How did he prove he was able to lead his people?

? He led from the front 每 he was first.

20. How did Tutmoses ensure that the people near Megiddo never rose against him again?

? He kept their children as hostages.

21. What new material will bring the era of the godlike king to an end?

? iron

? 2012

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Name: ______________________________

Mankind: The Story of All of Us

Episode 2: ※Iron Men§

Beginnings of the Iron Age

0:00 每 7:40

1. We don*t know the identity of the people who invaded the Egyptian coast. What did the

Egyptians call them?

2. How did conflict, including attacks by the people mentioned in the above question, affect the

bronze trade?

3. What are the advantages of iron over bronze?

Persian Wars

7:40 每 21:57

4. What major power was invading the lands of Sparta?

5. What other Greek city坼state had to choose whether to stand together with Sparta or accept

Persian domination?

6. How did the Athenians decide which side to take in the Persian Wars?

7. The Greeks use a new tactic 每 the phalanx. What does that involve and what advantages does it


8. The Greek historian Herodotus said, ※Great deeds are wrought from great risk.§ What does this


Shi Huangdi, China*s First Emperor

21:57 每 32:16

9. How did the Chinese prepare their iron differently than their western counterparts?

10. According to the documentary, war drives technological innovation. Is this true or false? Justify

your answer with an example.


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