228600-11430000CHILDREN’S PROTECTIVE SERVICES INVESTIGATION REPORTDepartment of Human Services of MichiganPreponderance:NoRisk Level:ModeratePS Case #: X2222222PLog Number:000000Case Name: Jane DoeComplaint Date:04/16/2012Address: 349 SafewayHopeful, MI 48911Category:IVPhone Number:( ) - Load Number:111111111Household Case Members:Name(First, Middle, Last)RelationDate of BirthAgeSexRaceRoleAmer.Indian HeritageJane DoeSelf00/00/198526F4Jill AllenBiological Child00/00/20120 mF2NoAnnie SmithNon-Relative00/00/195458F1NoRodneyAllenLiving Together Partner00/00198527M2NoNon-Household Case Members:1.ALLEGATIONS Maltreatment(s): Threatened Harm Abuse , New Birth Match Neglect , Maltreatment Abuse , Failure to Protect Neglect ConfirmedMaltreatment(s):Comments: Birth Match made on mother's SSN for a child born at St. Mary's Health Care (Hopeful). The mother's SSN is on the list of allegedly unfit parents with the name Jane Doe and a DOB of 00/00/1985.2.CHILD WELFARE HISTORY of FAMILY TRENDS Ms. Doe’s CPS history includes the following complaints:05/22/06 the complaint alleges failure to protect, the complaint was substantiated as a category II for the father of the children Mr. Jacobs. Ms. Doe and her husband Mr. Jacobs were involved in a domestic violence incident. Mr. Jacobs beat Ms. Doe in the head and the children were present. 09/22/06 the complaint alleges neglect; Ms. Doe gave birth to her child and then left the hospital against medical advice. Ms. Doe had made plans to have the child adopted but changed her mind. The child was positive for cocaine and Ms. Doe was positive for marijuana. The complaint was substantiated as a category I. 10/15/08 Ms. Doe two older children were adopted.03/11/10 the complaint alleges neglect and threatened harm, Ms. Doe gave birth to a son on 3/10/10. Ms. Doe has two prior terminations of parental rights. Ms. Doe tested negative for marijuana on 3/9/10 and 3/10/10, she tested positive on 1/13/10 and 2/9/10. Test were conducted on the child`s urine but the results were not available at the time of the complaint. Ms. Doe is working with a family for adoption. The complaint was denied.Ms. Doe `s prior CPS complaint establish a trend towards neglect, the current complaint has not established any trend. Ms. Doe tested negative for substances.Mr. Allen`s CPS history includes the following: 5/22/1996, listed as a child victim, no information regarding the complaint is listed.11/21/1996, listed as a child victim, the complaint alleged neglect due to the mother having an eviction notice. Mr. Allen was a temporary ward of the state during this period.09/23/1999 listed as a child victim, self-referral. Ms. Smith asked for prevention services.09/17/2007 Mr. Allen was listed as the perpetrator along with Ms. Lucy Mills (mother of his child). The complaint alleged physical neglect, the complaint states that Ms. Mills and Mr. Allen leave the children unattended and smoke marijuana in the presence of the children. The complaint was substantiated as a category III.02/11/2008 the complaint alleged neglect and a drug residence, the complaint states that the home was filthy and there is dog feces and dog urine in the home. The complaint also states that Mr. Allen and Ms. Mills are on drugs. the complaint was denied as a category IV.03/16/2011 Mr. Allen was not named as the perpetrator in this complaint. The complaint alleges physical abuse, drug positive infant for Ms. Lucy Mills. The child was born premature and Ms. Mills neglected to make arrangements for the care of the child. 3.SOCIAL WORK CONTACTS CASE INVESTIGATIONDate of ContactPerson ContactedType of ContactContact Method04/16/2012Jane FondaCollateralDocumentation04/16/2012Jane DoeCase MemberFace to Face04/16/2012Annie SmithCase MemberFace to Face04/16/2012Jill AllenCase MemberFace to Face04/16/2012Rodney AllenCase MemberFace to Face04/17/2012St. Mary's HospitalCollateralDocumentation04/19/2012Forensic FluidsCollateralDocumentation04/25/2012Jane FondaCollateralFace to Face04/26/2012Rodney AllenCase MemberPhone04/26/2012Jane DoeCase MemberPhone04/27/2012Jane DoeCase MemberPhone05/09/2012Jane FondaCollateralFace to Face05/15/2012Jane DoeCase MemberPhone05/15/2012Jane DoeCase MemberPhone05/15/2012Mary WilliamsCollateralPhoneINTERVIEWEDYESNOIF NOT, WHY NOTALL CARETAKERS FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX ALLEGED VICTIM FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX ALL SIBLINGS FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX ALLEGED PERPETRATOR FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX 4.VERIFICATION OF CHILD WELL-BEINGTHIS WORKER CONFIRMED THE WELL-BEING OF: Child’s NameHow?Date?Location?Whereabouts if not with caretaker?Jill AllenFace to Face04/16/2012Parental Home5.REQUIRED ASSESSMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION:Policy Requirement Reason:Criminal History Results: Ms. Doe `s criminal history includes the following: pled no contest to malicious destruction of property (12/19/2006).Mr. Allen`s criminal history includes the following: pled guilty to misdemeanor operating a vehicle with no license (12/22/2003), pled no contest to malicious destruction of property (2 counts) (07/23/2004), misdemeanor stolen property receiving and concealing (05/19/2006), pled guilty ordinance violation trespass (01/04/2007).No criminal history was found for Ms. Annie Smith.All information was verified through ICHAT.6.REQUIRED ASSESSMENT OF MEDICAL INFORMATION:Policy Requirement Reason:No, none of the above factors apply.Medical Exam Results: 7.SAFETY ASSESSMENT NARRATIVES:Safety Factor(s):Caretaker(s) has previously maltreated a child in their care and the severity of the maltreatment or the caretaker(s)' response to the previous incident and current circumstances suggest that child safety may be an immediate concern if placement continues with the caretaker(s) or if placement is made with the caretaker(s).Ms. Doe had her parental rights terminated as a result of drug use and failure to cooperate with the PATP.Safety Plan(s):Ms. Doe will refrain from any illegal substances and she will participate in services for herself and the child.8.RISK ASSESSMENT NARRATIVES:Either caretaker has history of, or current, domestic violence?Ms. Doe reports that she was a victim of domestic violence with her former husband.9.INVESTIGATIVE FINDINGS COMMENTS:04/16/2012@ 04:05 PM Successful Documentation Contact - Jane FondaReviewed foster care files.04/16/2012@ 04:40 PM Successful Face to Face Contact - Jane Doe, Jill Allen, Annie Smith, Rodney AllenAn unannounced visit was made to 200 Charity in Hopeful. The door is answered by Annie Smith. Ms. Smith states that Ms. Doe is asleep. CPS tells her that the baby needs to be seen today. Also present in the household is Rodney Allen, Annie Smith and Jill Allen. A face to face contact was made with Jane Doe. Ms. Doe reports that she lives in the home with her child Jill, her boyfriend Rodney and his mother Annie. Ms. Doe provides a Michigan driver’s license as proof of identity. Ms. Doe states her previous address was 589 Peaceway in Hopeful. Ms. Doe reports that she is divorced but, currently in a relationship with Mr. Allen. Ms. Doe reports that she is a high school graduate. She reports that she is not currently employed. Ms. Doe reports that she receives Food Assistance and Medicaid from the department. Any criminal history, psychiatric history, physical health issues, Native American heritage, domestic violence, childhood abuse or neglect, or being a licensed foster care or day care provider is denied. Ms. Doe reports that in the past she used marijuana and that the children were not present when she used. Ms. Doe reports that she has not used drugs in 6 years. Ms. Doe reports that Jill’s father is Rodney Allen. She states that Jill was born on 0/0/12 and that she had a normal birth and that there are no health concerns. Ms. Doe reports that Jill had her first checkup today and that she has gained 2 ounces and grew 1 inch. Ms. Doe reports that Jill was given shots at the hospital and that her next appointment is 0/00/12. Ms. Doe reports that Jill receives her medical care at the Chester Health Center in Hopeful. Ms. Doe reports that it is too soon to state what type of discipline she would use with Jill. She reports that it would depend on the child's age and the situation.Regarding the current allegations, Ms. Doe states that things are different now. She states that when she lost her other children she was in a bad place. Ms. Doe states that she was going through a divorce and there were domestic disputes. Ms. Doe states that she was not able to cooperate with services because she was in jail for six months. Ms. Doe is reminded that earlier she stated that she did not have a criminal history. Ms. Doe states that she was arrested for malicious destruction of property and the charges were later dropped. Ms. Doe is asked if she remembers that she stated that she does not have a history of domestic violence. Ms. Doe states that she was not the aggressor; she changes her previous statement and states that her ex-husband was abusive towards her. Ms. Doe states that she is in a supportive relationship. She reports that she is not using drugs. Ms. Doe is asked if she would be willing to take a drug test and Ms. Doe states that she would. Ms. Doe states that in the past she made some dumb decisions and that she does not plan on doing that with this child. Ms. Doe states that she has turned her life around and she knows that the child's needs come first. Ms. Doe states that she willingly gave up her son Herman (2010) for adoption because she was not capable of parenting him. Ms. Doe reports that she worked with an agency to pick Herman's parents and that he was adopted. Ms. Doe states that she has all of the supplies for Jill. A crib, car seat, clothing and other items to care for the child are observed. Safe sleep is explained to Ms. Doe. She reports that the baby does not sleep with her.The danger of having the baby in the bed with her is also explained to Ms. Doe. Ms. Doe’s is also told of the dangers of allowing the baby to sleep in her bed. Ms. Doe is told her how a baby can get lodged between the bed and the wall and that it is always best to have the child sleep in their own bed. Ms. Doe is given a drug screen and the DHS 1450. Ms. Doe is asked if she is willing to work with services. Ms. Doe states that she is willing and asks if she has to work with a service provider can it be Catholic Social Services. She states that she does not want to work with any Christian service provider. Ms. Doe is told that if a request for services is needed, Catholic Social Services will be requested but it cannot guarantee as to who the service provider will be. Ms. Doe asks what will happen next. Ms. Doe is told that we have to wait until the drug screen comes back and then we will go from there. Ms. Doe is told that we will be in touch and stresses the importance of making herself available. It is explained to Ms. Doe that all household members need to be interviewed. Ms. Doe asks if it is possible to not tell Ms. Smith the reason for the visit. Ms. Doe is told that we will do our best not to give out personal history.A face to face contact is made with Rodney Allen. Mr. Allen’s son provides a Michigan ID. Mr. Allen states that his driver’s license is currently suspended because he failed to pay the responsibility fee. Mr. Allen states that he has been in a relationship with Ms. Doe for that last year. Mr. Allen reports that he stopped attending school in the 11th grade. Mr. Allen states that he is currently employed full time as a sub-contractor. He reports that he is currently earning $10.00 per hour. Any psychiatric history, physical health issues, Native American heritage, domestic violence, childhood abuse or neglect, substance abuse, or being a licensed foster care or day care provider is denied. Mr. Allen states that he has had contact with law enforcement. He states that his charges were for driving violations, stating nothing major like drugs or other crimes. Mr. Allen states that he has had contact with the department due to his former girlfriend having a complaint Mr. Allen states that he has a 6 year old son Rodney Allen IV. He states that his son is in the care of his brother. Mr. Allen states that he was working out of state so his son was staying with his brother during this time. Mr. Allen reports that he does not know where the mother of his son lives. He states that she gave him custody, he states that this was not done formally with the courts. He states that she wrote a letter stating that he can care for their son because she is not able to do so. Regarding the current allegations, Mr. Allen states that he knows about Ms. Doe’s history and that he has no concerns with her parenting their child. Mr. Allen states that they have a good relationship and that they are good for one another. He states that he works and that they are currently in the process of finding their own place. Mr. Allen reports that his mother is moving from the current home in about three weeks. He states that his mother has recently been approved for Section 8 and she is waiting for the completion of the inspection. Mr. Allen reports that he will make sure that their child has everything she needs. He states that if he or Ms. Doe has to go without things because the child needs something then that's how it will be. Mr. Allen states that Ms. Doe has taken very good care of herself throughout the pregnancy and he expects that she will be able to care for their child with his help. Mr. Allen is thanked and the DHS 1450. A face to face contact was made with Annie Smith mother of Rodney Allen. Ms. Smith provides a current Michigan driver’s license as proof of identity. Ms. Smith reports that she has lived in the home for 3 years and that she will be moving in the next month. Ms. Smith states that she has been approved for Section 8 housing. Ms. Smith reports that she has a new home and that she is waiting for Section 8 to complete the inspection. Ms. Smith reports that her source of income is social security disability benefits. Ms. Smith reports that she suffers from migraine headaches, asthma and severe arthritis. Any criminal history, psychiatric history, Native American heritage, childhood abuse or neglect, substance abuse, or being a licensed foster care or day care provider is denied. Ms. Smith reports that in the past she was a victim of domestic violence. Ms. Smith reports that she took her children and moved away from the abuser. Ms. Smith reports that she is single and not in a relationship. Ms. Smith is told that a well-baby checkup is needed to make sure Ms. Doe has everything she needs for the baby. Ms. Doe reports that Jill has all of the things she needs. Ms. Smith states that Ms. Doe, the baby and her son can stay with her as long as she is in the home. She states that they are currently looking for their own place. Ms. Smith states that when she moves into her new place she is the only person allowed to live in the home. Ms. Smith reports that Ms. Doe is a good mom and that she seems very attached to the baby. Ms. Smith reports that she will help Ms. Doe and Mr. Allen in any way she can. Ms. Smith states that Ms. Doe has a good relationship with her family and that they are very supportive. Ms. Smith is thanked for her time and cooperation.The home is observed to be neat and clean. There is an adequate food supply (formula) for the child. All utilities and plumbing are operable. There are no shut off or eviction notices. No safety hazards were observed.04/17/2012@ 01:00 PM Successful Documentation Contact - St. Mary's HospitalA request was sent to St. Mary's Hospital requesting the records for Ms. Doe and Jill.04/19/2012@ 03:30 PM Successful Documentation Contact - Forensic FluidsDrug screen results received from Forensic Fluids. Ms. Doe is negative for any substances.04/25/2012@ 09:45 AM Successful Face to Face Contact - Jane Fonda Contact entered by CPS supervisor.Supervision held and this case was discussed. Mom's drug screen came back clean. Discussed completing the DHS 3 and Jane will refer mom to services.04/26/2012@ 04:08 PM Successful Phone Contact- Rodney AllenA phone call was made to Ms. Doe and Mr. Allen. Mr. Allen answered he stated that they only have the one phone and that he was currently at work. Mr. Allen is asked to have Ms. Doe to call CPS this evening. 04/26/2012@ 04:30 PM Successful Phone Contact - Jane DoeA phone call was received from Ms. Doe. Ms. Doe was given information on the Infant Toddler program and the Healthy Start program. Ms. Doe is encouraged to call and set up a date to start participating in a program that will address any issues she had in the past. Issues such as drug use, mental health and parenting skills. Ms. Doe reports that she is thankful for the information and that she will call back with the dates and start times that are available for her to attend.04/27/2012@ 12:03 PM Successful Phone Contact - Jane DoeMs. Doe called to report that she had made contact with The Infant Toddler Program coordinator at Arbor Circle and the coordinator for the Healthy Start Program. Ms. Doe reports that she will be receiving information about the programs and when she can start. Ms. Doe also wanted to know if there are services available for couples. Ms. Doe is told that the information will be sent to her. 05/09/2012@ 09:00 AM Successful Face to Face Contact - Jane FondaContact entered by CPS supervisor.Jane is working on the DHS 3. She will call mom and verify if she has started with services. Mom had called to set up services for herself.05/15/2012@ 10:32 AM Unsuccessful Phone Contact - Jane DoeA phone message was received form Ms. Doe asking for a return call.05/15/2012@ 11:55 AM Successful Phone Contact - Jane DoeA return call was made to Ms. Doe. She reports that she has an appointment tomorrow (05/16/2012) with the Infant Toddler Program to begin services. Ms. Doe also reports that she met with the provider for Healthy Start and signed up for parenting classes. Ms. Doe reports that the worker will come to the home weekly to help her. Ms. Doe provides the name and contact information for the worker. Ms. Doe also reports that she has moved and provides her new address. 349 Safeway in Hopeful MI. Ms. Doe reports that she and Rodney continue to live with his mother Ms. Annie Smith. Ms. Doe reports that Jill is doing well. Ms. Doe reports that they are living with Ms. Smith until they find a place.05/15/2012@ 12:21 PM Unsuccessful Phone Contact - Mary WilliamsA phone message was left with Ms. Williams coordinator at the Infant Toddler Program asking her to call CPS.10.DISPOSITIONAL FINDINGS:The complaint was filed based on a birth match and Ms. Doe `s parental history. Ms. Doe has two prior parental terminations and one private adoption. The complaint alleges threatened harm, and failure to protect, and neglect of her newborn Jill Allen.Based on the investigative findings, there is not a preponderance of evidence to support the allegations of threatened harm, neglect or failure to protect of Jill Allen by her mother Jane Doe. Ms. Doe has a history of drug use and her parental rights have been terminated on her two older children. Ms. Doe also placed another child with an adoptive family. Ms. Doe `s drug screen results show that she is negative for any illegal substances. Ms. Doe will need substance abuse counseling and parenting classes to ensure the health and safety of her child. Ms. Doe has enrolled in the Infant Toddler Program and the Healthy Start Program to ensure the health and safety of her child. Ms. Doe has began receiving services from the Healthy Start Program with weekly home visits.Ms. Doe is in a stable relationship and there have been no reports of abuse or domestic violence. This is a category IV with an overall moderate risk. Ms. Doe and Mr. Allen (father of Jill Allen) will be referred to services for continued support. No one will be placed on central registry.WORKER SIGNATURE AND DATEDisposition Date05/16/2012SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE AND DATEDisposition Review Date05/23/2012CONFIDENTIAL“The confidentiality of information in this document is protected by the Michigan Child Protection Law. Anyone who violates this protection is guilty of a misdemeanor and is civilly liable for damages. (Act No. 238, Public Acts of 1975, as amended, being sections 722.621-722.636, Michigan Compiled Laws, Sections 7 and 13.)”Department of Human Services (DHS) will not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, height, weight, marital status, political beliefs or disability. If you need help with reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are invited to make your needs known to a DHS office in your area. ................

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