Department of Veterans' Affairs

MINUTESATTENDEES:ChairMs Liz Cosson AM CSCMilitary Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (MRCC)MembersMr Charles McHardie AMActing Member, Repatriation Commission and MRCC and Deputy Secretary, Business Transformation and Enabling ServicesMr Don Spinks AMMember, Repatriation Commission and MRCC MAJGEN Natasha Fox AM CSC Member, MRCC CAPT Katherine Tindall (Proxy)Member, MRCCGPCAPT Carl Schiller OAM CSM (Retd)Air Force AssociationHon Martin Hamilton-Smith (proxy) Australian Special Air Service AssociationMr Robert Woods Australian Peacekeeper and Peacemaker Veterans’ AssociationMs Maree SiroisDefence Families AustraliaMr Kel RyanDefence Force Welfare AssociationMAJGEN Paul Irving AM PSM RFD (Retd)Defence Reserves AssociationMr Rick Cranna OAMLegacy Australia IncCMDR Peter Cooke-Russell RAN Rtd (proxy)Naval Association of AustraliaLCDR David Manolas RAN Rtd (proxy) Naval Association of AustraliaMs Heather EvansPartners of Veterans Association of Australia IncMr John King (proxy)Returned and Services League of AustraliaMr Michael von Berg MC OAMRoyal Australian Regiment CorporationMs Pat McCabe OAMTPI Federation AustraliaMr Ken Foster OAM Vietnam Veterans Association of AustraliaMr William Roberts OAMVietnam Veterans’ Federation of AustraliaMs Meg Green AMWar Widows’ Guild of AustraliaOther Attendees:Mr Mark CormackDeputy Secretary, Policy and Programs Ms Liane PettittAssistant Secretary, Parliamentary Governance & Executive SupportMs Maureen SchultzDirector, Governance and Ministerial EventsPresenter:Mr Darrell DuncanDirector, Strategic Clinical Assurance, Department of Defence Observer:Mr Scott WarrLegacy Australia IncSecretariat:Ms Lea-anne GordonAssistant Director, Governance and Ministerial EventsMs Karri McNaughtSenior Secretariat Officer, Governance and Ministerial EventsApologies:RADM Sarah Sharkey CSCMember, MRCCMs Sue Weston PSMMember, MRCCMr Peter Fitzpatrick AO AMAustralian Special Air Service AssociationMAJGEN Greg Melick AO RFDReturned and Services League of AustraliaItem 1.Welcome, Introductions and Bushfire Update, Minutes and Action ItemsThe Chair welcomed proxies, new members and made reference to the significant issues we have been facing over the last six months. Of particular focus was the impact of the bushfires on Australians, including veterans. In response to the devastating loss of life and property, DVA is providing additional support via Open Arms services, timely insurance support for those insured with Defence Service Homes Insurance, and the pausing of debt repayments. The minutes of the 7 November 2019 meeting were endorsed prior to the meeting and have been uploaded onto the DVA website. Members agreed that the following items are recommended for closure;2019/83, 2019/84, 2019/93, 2019/94, 2019/95, 2019/96, 2019/98 and 2019/99.The following items remain open;2019/76, 2019/87 and 2019/97.The Chair raised a request that a family representative be part of the official wreath laying party for all commemoration activities. This request was made by the Chair of the Council for Women and Families Affected by Defence Service. Members discussed the request, noting that Legacy representatives are part of this group at most commemorations and that they represent the family. Members committed to raising this suggestion with their respective organisations and with any relevant committees they are a member of. Item ActionAssigned to 2020/1The Army will write to Mr Ken Foster regarding the progress of action item 2019/76 – Awarding of Vietnam War honoursMAJGEN FoxItem 2.Strategic Update – Priorities for 2020The Chair provided an overview of current priorities which is to continue to deliver on behalf of the Government, to transform and to focus on veteran wellbeing. The strategic intent of DVA is to know our clients, connect them correctly, and provide support and respect.It is important to also consider the achievements of the past year including:The current trial on the single view of client based in the Queensland office;Triage team who determine where best to refer a veteran for support when they have complex needs and require intensive case management;Veteran Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy and National Action PlanResponses to two parallel Royal Commissions;Veterans Recognition Package;Psychiatric Assistance Dogs; MyService;Responding to disasters; andCommemorations and War Graves.Members discussed the negative media reports that DVA is dealing with on a regular basis. Mr von Berg raised the importance of communication and the need to rebut the negative press and requested DVA provide a “one pager” which lists these achievements and provide to all members who can tailor this information into communication items for their members. Item ActionAssigned to 2020/2DVA to provide all ESORT members with list of achievements.SecretariatItem 3. DVA Website DemonstrationMr Charles Hardie provided an overview of the new DVA website which will replace the current website on 4 March 2020.The new site provides information that is simple to find and easy to understand. The focus is to ensure that all of the veteran community can quickly find the information they need and work out what to do next, to gain access to services and support. The valuable feedback from the veteran community told DVA that our previous website was too confusing and hard to navigate. We were told it was designed for people who already knew about DVA programs and services and didn’t focus on the needs of the user.The new site provides information that is simple to find and easy to understand. Our focus is to ensure that all of our veteran community can quickly find the information they need and work out what to do next, to gain access to services and support. There are two important changes for members to be aware of:‘DVA Fact sheets’ will no longer exist in their old format. The information will still be available to read in a single page and you will be able to print it in a convenient way. If you do use fact sheets you should remove any links or downloads of fact sheets you may have saved from the old site.The changes do not affect MyService or the availability of existing forms.In early March, DVA will also move our nominal roll websites into a new, single access portal new portal provides access to each separate nominal roll. The rolls will continue to provide information on the service history of members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) who served during World War Two, Korean War and Vietnam War.The site is now in a transition period whereby users accessing the old websites are presented with a redirection message and have the option of either continuing their specified search within the old websites or exploring the new website.Item 4.Minister’s AddressThe Minister addressed the ESORT members, noting there was a significant amount happening in the portfolio such as:The creation of the National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention which will save lives. The elevation of the Minister into Cabinet, this is an excellent outcome as it is important that both Ministers in the Defence portfolio are in cabinet together. Being very proud of the contribution ADF reservists have given to bushfire affected regions of Australia, and of the crew of the HMAS Choules in supporting the population in Mallacoota; The development of National Wellbeing Centres, feeling very positive with the level of engagement with the ESO community and providers in the various locations. The 75th Anniversary of the end of World War II, there are currently 14,000 veterans and may be the last time we will be able to thank this group. An interpretive centre is being established in Port Moresby, which will provide an opportunity for those not able to walk the Kokoda Track to obtain a perspective not available to them at the moment. Item monwealth, State and Territory Committee updateThe next meeting of the CSTC will take place on Friday 13 March. A key focus of the meeting will be the Prime Minister’s announcement made on 5 February which included: The establishment of an independent National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention.An immediate comprehensive and independent review and analysis of the more than 400 suicide deaths in the defence and ex-service community since 2001 and the need for co-operation from State Coroners for reviews to be undertaken. The establishment of the Veteran Family Advocate, which will undertake engagement, liaison and advocacy across the veterans’ sector and ensure ongoing input to veterans’ benefits, services and policy settings.The addition of a question regarding veterans in the next Census.Unfortunately, the issue of aligning transport concession rates available to veterans across each State and Territory will not be possible. DVA will maintain on its website a table which provides information on concessions in each state and territory to assist veterans when making travel bookings. The work undertaken by Mr Chris Tilley, a member of the Younger Veterans Forum, on incarceration of veterans was discussed and was suggested that he present at the next CSTC meeting. Item ActionAssigned to 2020/3CSTC to consider agenda item for its next meeting on Incarceration Rates of Veterans Secretariat Item 6.National Consultation Framework Review update A great deal of work has gone into preparing an online survey, which will form the centrepiece of the review. To assist with this process, DVA has engaged an external research company, ORIMA Research, to assist in development of the survey questions and online hosting of the survey. ORIMA will also compile all data and provide this to the Department to facilitate the review. A firm timeline for release of the survey cannot be confirmed at this stage, due to external factors, including the government’s response to the Productivity Commission report, establishment of the National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention, establishment of the Veterans’ Family Advocate.Item 7.Military Employment Classification ReviewMr Darrell Duncan, Director, Strategic Clinical Assurance, Department of Defence provided an update on the Military Employment Classification Review (MECR) process. The MECR is a workforce management tool emphasising functional capacity to perform specific tasks in specific environments.There are approximately 1000 medical discharges per year. This is the end of a process that can take some timeAllowing time for treatment and rehabilitationCan be two to three years from date of onsetPreparation for separationAllows for any retraining and DVA claims process to be completedDue process90 days is standard period between decision and date of dischargeThere are avenues for redress and reviews.Item 8.ADF Presentation – Women’s Health in the ADFCAPT Kate Tindall, RAN, Director Defence Health Policy, Joint Health Command presented this item. Key policy initiatives include Assisted Reproduction Technology Service, family sensitive practice, models of maternal care and the adoption of civilian best practice guidelines.Female serving ADF members have not been significantly researched as it is a small cohort. JHC does draw on research of other militaries, and external data. Key areas of research interest:Suicide data – Australian Institute of Health and WelfareMental healthFuel and female reproductionMothers in the MEAO studyInjury prevalence.Discussion on the implications of sexual harassment, bullying, domestic violence and workplace harassment followed. Cultural reform across the ADF is occurring, support mechanisms have been put in place to support females who move into previously male only roles. The Military Policing Unit is being trained on how to deal with sexual assault/ harassment matters, first responders are now trained in what to say and how to act when first dealing with a victim. Public notification of convictions are now standard procedure. The ADF has put in place a Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Office (SeMPRO) service and has stood up a Safezone phone number. Details on both these will be provided to members. Item ActionAssigned to 2020/4Information and details of the SEMPRO and Safezone contact number to be provided to members. MAJGEN Fox Item 9a.Member Submissions – Special Rate Disability Pension Compensation Option on MRCA ClaimsMs McCabe provided commentary on this submission noting that anecdotal evidence indicates that members once achieving 50plus impairment points were not being provided with explanation of options available to the member. Members were provided with an outline of the procedures in place across DVA which ensure all Veterans who meet the eligibility criteria for SRDP are fully informed of the choice between Special Rate Disability Pension (SRDP) and incapacity payments under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA).Item ActionAssigned to 2020/5Further discussion offline with Ms McCabe to follow. Mark CormackItem 9b.Member Submission - Welfare and Men’s Health Peer Education (MHPE) AdvocacyMr Kel Ryan raised the good work undertaken by the Trojans Track project, particularly with regard to veteran wellbeing. In providing the overview, funding was raised as an issue and the question was asked how it could be funded as an ongoing project?The MHPE model and the possibility of accessing funds to enable the Trojan Track project to be ongoing was discussed. Unfortunately the MHPE funding is a total of $250,000 per anum and is not able to fund projects of this size. As an alternative an individual can discuss and apply to participate on a Trojan Track activity with their Rehabilitation Provider. The veteran must establish via an evidence basis, the gain they will obtain from their participation. A rehabilitation provider is then able to approve the funding for the activity. Item 10.ADF Financial Service Centre and new Veteran Wellbeing ModelDVA is continuing to liaise with the ADF Financial Services Consumer Centre in relation to the potential to leverage the service for ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and their families. Defence indicated that if it will be possible to leverage this service, then it will need to be scaled up prior to it being put in place. In the meantime veterans are encouraged to use the literacy and budgeting applications that form part of the ADF Financial Counselling Service website. Item 11a.Round Table on Hearing ServicesMembers were given an overview of the roundtable on hearing services which was held on 12 February 2020. A presentation was delivered by the Director of Hearing Services Management (Department of Health) which focused on the policy underpinning the Hearing Services Program (HSP) under which Veterans access hearing aids. In particular insight was provided into the upselling practices by providers and the mitigation strategies adopted by the HSP.The DVA Audiology Adviser presented three de-identified DVA client case studies, which demonstrated the clinical assessment and governance process undertaken when making a recommendation to approve or decline a request for partially subsidised hearing devices.The meeting was very productive and DVA committed to a number of action items including the development and implementation of a hearing specific communication and education strategy and also to answering a number of Questions on Notice.A copy of the draft strategy will be provided to the round table representatives prior to a follow up meeting to be held in March 2020.It is important that veterans and their families understand their entitlements to access hearing services and are better informed when they meet with their audiologist. The work of the roundtable aims to ensure veterans feel confident to ask questions and are prepared to inform the audiologist of their personal and unique circumstances as part of the assessment process.DVA will continue to work to ensure prescribers are better educated about the technology available under the HSP.Item ActionAssigned to 2020/6Further update on the Hearing Services Round Table to be placed on the next meeting agenda. SecretariatItem 11b.ADF Firefighters Exposure to Toxic ChemicalsMr Schiller, on behalf of the Air Force Association provided a comprehensive paper that raised complex issues. DVA representatives met with Mr Schiller on 23 January 2020 to discuss these issues and provide an overview of work that has previously been undertaken by the Department (and other work currently underway) to support the firefighter group.Noting the concerns raised by Mr Schiller and the Air Force Association, it was agreed that DVA would prepare a discussion paper for an upcoming meeting of the ESORT which proposes a strategy/options for how the Department can better respond to issues currently impacting ADF firefighters. Further work on how to highlight the inadequacy of legislation for this group of ADF members is ongoing. Item 12.Consumer Directed Care: the NDIS and what work DVA is currently undertaking in this space DVA has primary responsibility for meeting the needs of its eligible population, there are a number of DVA clients (the exact number is unknown) that may be eligible to access services and supports through both DVA and the NDIS. The NDIS provides individuals aged under 65 (including veterans) who have a permanent disability, with the reasonable and necessary supports required to enjoy an ordinary life. The NDIS can offer services in some cases where DVA is unable to, or where the client has chosen not to access support through DVA. Work is currently being undertaken to better support clients who have dual eligibility with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).Item 13.Other business There was no other business. Meeting close The Chair thanked all members for their attendance and participation. The meeting closed at 4.05pm. The next meeting is scheduled for 12 May, Budget Briefing. ................

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