Colonial Life Test - Loudoun County Public Schools

Colonial Life Test

Study Guide

1. Which colony did the planting of tobacco save? ________________

2. The king gave Puritans a ____________ so they could settle the ______________________ colony.

3. The colony of Georgia was started so ___________ and ____________ could start over.

4. The Separatists called themselves _______________ because they were on a religious journey.

5. Georgia was the (first, second, last) of the British colonies to be established in America.

6. The Roanoke Colony was also known as the _________________ because no one knows what happened to the settlers here.

7. Which 2 colonies were moneymaker colonies? _________________________

8. Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Bay, and Plymouth were founded for what reason? __________________________

9. Which group wanted to make the Church of England better? ________________

1. Who told the Jamestown workers that they must work to eat? __________________________

2. Sir ________________ had the idea to establish the Roanoke colony.

3. John Rolfe helped _________________ succeed by growing _________________.

4. Who returned to find his colony had disappeared? ____________________

5. Who founded the colony of Georgia? ____________________

10. The Quakers believed that everyone was equal so they refused to ______________________________.

11. Who was the French and Indian War between?

_________________ and ________________

17. The reason that the Iroquois decided to fight on side of the Colonists is because _________________________________________

18. After the Treaty of Paris, North America was divided between ___________________ and ___________________.

19. Which Native Americans fought on the French side of the French and Indian War? _______________

20. Did winning the French and Indian war give the colonist’s confidence? (YES, NO)

21. Define:

a. Artisan –

b. Indentured servant-

22. Farmers relied on __________________ for labor.

23. Women worked as ______________________ and homemakers but could not _________________ and did not have the opportunity to go to school.

24. Shipbuilding, fishing, and the church were things you would find in the (New England, Middle, Southern) colonies.

25. You would primarily find cash crops and counties in (New England, Middle, or Southern) colonies.

26. (New England, Middle, Southern) had culturally diverse people, livestock and grain.

27. What were triangular trade routes? __________________________________________________

28. What was the region of small farms in the southern colonies called? _____________________

29. ____________________ colonies had long winters and thin rocky soil.

30. Name three cash crops that were grown in the south.

31. What is a militia? __________________________________

32. Which colonies mostly practiced Subsistence farming? ___________

33. The hub for North American trade was in the _______________ colonies.

34. The Proclamation of 1763 said that the colonists _______________ _________________________________________

35. The ______________ of Paris marked the end of power for ________________ in North America.

36. George Washington was sent out by the governor of ____________________ to ask the French to leave the Ohio Valley.

37. A document that ended the French and Indian war and gave most of the land to England was the _________________________.

38. Southern plantations fields had ___________________ working on them.


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