John Locke School of Life Video Worksheet

John Locke ? School of Life ? Video Worksheet

Watch the video here and complete the worksheet below:

1. When was John Locke born? ________________________ 2. What did Locke study at university? _____________________ 3. What was the name of the `Whig' politician whose household Locke joined? Lord S_____________________ 4. What did some people think should happen to people who weren't members of the official religion of the

state? (1:50-2:00) _________________________________________________________________________ 5. What were the three points along which Locke advocated for religious toleration?

a. _________________________________________________________________________ b. _________________________________________________________________________ c. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Complete the quotation: "Coercing religious uniformity leads to far more social disorder than... ________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. "Religion is a ____________________ choice". (2:48) 8. What book did he publish in 1689? ___________________________________________________________ 9. What questions were this book trying to answer? (pause video to fill out answer) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. In the First Treatise, Locke demolished the idea that God had created _________________ 11. In the Second Treatise he took on Hobbes' ideas about the S____________ of N_______________. 12. He argued that people possessed inalienable or N________________ Rights. 13. If a ruler acted as a tyrant and unfairly deprived his people of their freedom or property, the subjects were entitled to _______________________________________________________________________________ 14. Which document of 1776 was heavily influenced by Locke's work? __________________________________ 15. What was the name of Locke's book on education from 1693? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Locke through that we are born as `blank slates'. What Latin phrase does he use to sum up that idea? T___________________ R_____________________. 17. In his book An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Locke argued that everything we think and known is derived from _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. Complete Locke's quote: "The little and almost insensible impressions on our tender infancies have... ________________________________________________________________________________________ 19. What did Locke think should and shouldn't be on the school curriculum? (give 2/3 examples of each) Should be on: ____________________________________________________________________________ Shouldn't be on: __________________________________________________________________________ 20. When did Locke die? _______________________________


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