World History

These are all the questions for your 1st Semester Exam.1st Semester Exam study Guide will be graded for ACCURACY.It’s mandatory due on the day of your Semester Exam( pls. see exam schedule )Write on your own paper, put the no. in front of your answer; staple your answer sheet to this paper.Islam ( from Bulliet, White book)Read the scanned pages under the title Islam( on dcalut.)What is the religious Muslim practice based on? ( pg. 201)Know the 5 pillars of Islam. (pg. 201)Terms to define sharia, hijrah, ulama, Sufis, Mamlucks, hadith, Sunni, Shi’ites, Ouran, ummaWhat are the names of the 2 sects of Islam?How did the people convert to Islam?( pg. 209) Why did the Muslim fight in the Battle of the Camel?( pg. 202)How did Muhamad learn about Islam? Where are the revelations of Muhammad located? (pgs. 199, 200)Who was Saladin? ( Muslim leader who fought against the Europeans during the Crusades).How umma should be according to the sharia? (Common moral values, minimizing ethnic, and politic divisions).Why did the Abbasid Caliphate decline?( pg. 204) Define the Golden Age and the Abbasid Caliphate( pg. 204) Grey book or Read the scanned page ( on dcalut.) that have the title Song _Tang dynasties)What new religion rose to power in China during the centuries of disunity ( after the fall of the Han dynasty?) What did the Tang blame the most for the growing instability of their empire? ( the answer to these 2 questions is the same answer, one of the religions you studied about).Describe the tributary system in practice. (Read the scanned pages under the title Song-Tang dynasties pg.194 , 2nd paragraph)List the Song technological innovations.( pgs. 199-200)( list as many as possible, and include the paper money also named “ flying money”)Why Song dynasty was considered as almost having an industrial revolution?( look at the PPT for Tang and Song China).What special rice did the Song get from Vietnam?( see the PPT )What was the status of women during the Song dynasty?( pg. 202)What was the ideal person according to Neo-Confucianism? ( the sage man= a wise person) Read the scanned pages under the name: Korea, Vietnam and Japan( pgs. 203-210)What type of influence Korea got from China? ) pgs. 203-204What type of relationship did Korea & Japan had with China?( Ans. Both borrow from China and sent their students to China to study Chinese culture).In what ways did Korea, Vietnam, Japan kept their own culture?( pgs. 203-208)What was the 1st novel ever written in Japanese? Who was its author?( pg. 208)Describe the Japanese feudalism.( pgs. 209-210)What are the samurai? What was their guide to life?( pg.209)To get the answers for questions 24-28 look at the PPT The Mongols.The MongolsHow was the Mongol conquest and rule of Russia different from the conquest of Persia and China?Answer: As a result of Mongol conquest of Russia, the Russian princes adopted the Mongol’s diplomatic rituals an court practices.What was the outcome of the Mongol conquest of China?How did the Mongols contribute to the globalization of Eurasia?Which region ( which of the 4 Mongol Khanates got the most benefit) as a result of the Mongol rule?What territories were the 2 components of the Great Khanate?What city did the Mongols sacked /conquered in 1258?ReligionsWrite the main features from PPT , or your class notes or chart on the following religions( things like founder, location, main books, branches, the principle of that religion)HinduismBuddhismConfucianismNeo-ConfucianismDaoismLegalismSikhism( read the scanned pgs. Titled Islamic Empires, pg. 302).Islamic Empires, pgs. 301-314 in the Grey book)( read the scanned pgs. Islamic Empires, on weebly; read the PPT Islamic Empire, on weebly also)What was the longest lasting Islamic Empire?Define the terms: askeri, Janissaries, devshirme.What percentage of Balkan’s Peninsula’s population converted to Islam?What Muslim empire forced the Shia Islam as its official religion?What was the only Islamic Empire to have a navy?What important victory did the Ottoman Empire get in 1453? Over what city? What type of relationships were between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires?Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire? When?What was Akbar’s policy toward Hindu people in India?List Akbar’s reforms and their role.What is sati? What 2 architectural styles is the Taj Mahal based on?( think what are the 2 major religions of India).Define Sikhism( on what 2 religion is based on?) Who and when founded Sikhism?African countries( scanned material is from grey book, pgs. 224-231)( read the scanned pgs. under the title Africa and N America )What were the 2 components of Swahili civilization?Define the Bantu civilization, its main features ( state structure, skills) its direction of migration; how long it took to the Bantu people to migrate?( see the PPT , African countries on weebly).Define the Songhay Empire. Location? religion?( pg. 228)What difference is between the Songhay and the other 3 Islamic Empires?( you’ll find Songhay Empire on the last slide of the PPT Islamic Empires).( you must think about their locations, that is the answer).What was the religion of Ethiopia?( pg. 230-231)Where is Mai located? What was the source of its wealth?( pgs. 225-227)Who was Mansa Musa? What was he most famous for? What did he do on the way to Mecca?( pg. 228)Aztec and Inca Empires( pgs. 183- 188 in Grey book)(read the scanned pgs. titled Americas_ moche_maya_aztec_inca).; look at the PPT for Aztec and Inca EmpiresWhat did Maya, Aztec and Inca were missing? ( compared to AfroEurasian civilizations).How did the Aztec and Inca Empires overcome the challenges of their environment? ( think what each empire built in order to practice agriculture?; define chinampas & waru-waru techniques.Provide a synonym( another name) for Aztecs; define the pochetecas.Why did the Aztecs sacrifice people and who were the sacrificed people?Define the terms: quipu, ayllu( both are for the Inca Empire)Write the location and the capital city of Aztec Empire.Write the location and capital city of Inca Empire; what type of shape did the capital have?Middle Ages( pgs. 155-170)Define the Middle Ages.155 What agricultural innovations led to the increase of European population between 1000-1200?(pg. 160-161)Define 157What was the difference between peasants and serfs?( pgs. 159-161)Read the scanned pages under the title “Trading Routes: Silk Rd.”; Grey book pgs. 104-107); PPT on weebly.What 2 areas were connected by the Silk Rd. ?What items were traded along the Silk Rd.?What military technologies were spread by the Silk Rd.?What religions and diseases were spread by the Silk Rd. ? How did that disease help the Europeans later on?Read the scanned pages under the title “Trading Routes: Indian Ocean, Trans…”Define the monsoons.What type of items were traded along the Indian Ocean? How these were different compared to the items of the Silk Rd.?The sailors of the Indian Ocean were a multilingual and multiethnic group ;they were also bilingual b/c they were hired from many regional cultures and spoke at least 2 languages( bilingual=2 languages).What animal made the development of Tran Saharan trade routes possible?What items were traded along the Trans Saharan trading route?Great maritime explorations ( pgs. 274-277); scanned material under same title on weebly.Know the 4 main navigators from Portugal and Spain and where each one navigated.Know examples of navigational technology.Know causes for maritime explorations.Who and when conquered the Inca and Aztec Empires? ................

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