Los Angeles Times Online Tour

Kathryn Gomard

EDU 566 – Media Utilization & Curriculum

Project # 8 - Virtual Field Trip

Dr. McGinn

August 9, 2007

Lesson Plan

Make a Classroom Newspaper

by Ms. Gomard

Fabulous Students’ Middle School

Hometown, USA

Grade Level: 5-8

Subject: Language Arts, Communications Media


- To communicate classroom activities via newspaper media.

- To understand the operations and management of newspaper media.

- To gain experience working on a team project.


Students will study the production process of a large city newspaper, The Los Angeles Times, via a virtual field trip. Students will examine the structure of The Los Angeles Times and a local newspaper, The Shoreline Times. Through team work, students will use what they have learned to produce a classroom newspaper. Project also presents opportunity for collaboration with other teachers, parents or community professionals.


- Classroom computer, LCD projector and screen

- Multiple computers (Computer Lab or media center) and scheduled time for research

- Multiple copies of The Los Angeles Times and The Shoreline Times

- Desktop Publishing Software

- Printer

- 11X17 Paper

- Digital Camera and Software

- Copier

Time Required

12-16 classroom sessions

Lesson Description

By examining a national newspaper as well as a local newspaper, students will gain understanding of various types of news events that are deemed worth reporting. They will also examine what sections of a newspaper besides headline news add to the value of newspapers. This analysis will help students examine the “news” valuable to various sectors of society/community.

The virtual field trip of The Los Angeles Times will give students insights into how a newspaper is produced – mechanics, content, staffing, production and distribution. This knowledge and understanding will contribute to the application, analysis and synthesis of an original classroom publication.

Lesson Procedure

- Outline the project with students, stating goals and objectives. Show them samples of newspapers, The Los Angeles Times and the local newspaper, The Shoreline Times. Ask them to examine these or other newspapers at home re: sections, content, inserts, editorials, advertising, layout, style, etc.

- In the classroom using LCD projector, view the Virtual Field Trip – “Los Angeles Times Online Tour”. Emphasize the various parts of production as shown in the tour.

- In the computer lab, briefly review the layout and departments seen on websites of The Los Angeles Times and The Shoreline Times. Teams will explore them independently in this session.

- Have students identify the departments for their classroom newspaper. Divide students into teams/departments. Introduce and or review the elements of successful team dynamics, composition of the group, and goal setting.

- Each group will meet and decide who will be the editor, reporter, word processor, layout, etc. Each group will outline their goals and plan of execution.


- The teacher acts as a facilitator throughout the project.

- Review LA Times virtual tour prior to lesson to know content therein.

- The advertising department can keep track of “dollars” collected for ads.

- There should be an Editor-in-Chief or co-Editors-in-Chief with teacher’s help to oversee all the processes. Teacher should be identified to all as their consultant.

- The Art teacher or parent volunteer could be solicited to work with the artwork and layout department.

- Production department may need additional instruction in using desktop publishing software. Utilize the business skills teacher or possibly a parent volunteer.

- Circulation department in cooperation with production team will collate, fold, staple and distribute the paper.

- Have follow-up session with students to review benefits and criticisms of the lesson/project.

Concluding Activity

Students will present their project to parents, other classes, teachers, administration, etc. Editors-in-chief will introduce the teams/departments, goals, process and production. Each student on the team will briefly present their participation and responsibilities within the group effort. Copies of the paper will be distributed to attendees. If possible, a representative from the local paper would also be present to take photos and information to submit to The Shoreline Times for publication.


Students will be evaluated by the teacher as teams using a rubric. The student audience will use the same rubric to evaluate teams for the oral presentation.


The Educator’s Reference Desk. “Making a Class Newspaper”. Retrieved August 5, 2007 from

The Los Angeles Times. The Los Angeles Times homepage. Retrieved August 6, 2007 from

The Los Angeles Times in Education. “The Los Angeles Times Online Tour”. Retrieved August 5, 2007 from

McKenzie, Walter. “Virtual Field Trip Guidelines”. Retrieved August 6, 2007 @

The Shoreline Times. The Shoreline Times homepage. Retrieved August 6, 2007 from


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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