The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q&A


Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer Teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is February 21, 2008 and everything on this call is being recorded.

The recording is available as a free download from our website: This question and answer call is one of the several ways we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes so that you can achieve the results you want. I would say the most important form of support that we provide above and beyond these calls and the recordings is the personalized coaching, custom coding that is included with every Healing Codes package. That almost guarantees your results if you use it.

I encourage people in that first 90 days if they would use The Healing Codes at least 50 times and use all the coaching calls they’ve got they stand to prove to themselves that they are on the right path. These calls are all about encouragement. That’s the first one you’re going to hear tonight.

We have a Clients Only area on our website. Just like the name says it’s for clients only. If you are not a client please respect this boundary. It’s a place where you can ask questions, read other people’s questions, and the responses they have received. We do have a moderator who monitors this support area. There is a user name and password required. I’m going to give you those top-secret items right now:

User name: healingcodes Password: 12days

These calls are really geared to encourage people. We recognize that if you’re unsure about any process or part of The Healing Codes procedures you tend to put your foot on the brakes. So let’s take the foot off the brakes and speed our progress patiently, carefully, joyfully into progress. That’s what this call is about as well.

We like to validate people who want to tell us of their successes with The Healing Codes. That’s always really nice. It also serves as motivational and inspirational to other people who are just starting or who are bumping into walls as they go by.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. Further I’d like to say that the opinions that I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t just let them go flying by.

In a moment I’m going to ask Jodi to explain how you can get into the queue to ask questions, make comments, tell stories, whatever. You’re welcome to do that. This is really what this is about.

The first order of business, I would say, is don’t try so hard. The easier you try the faster the results. If you could work real hard at doing it very easily you would put yourself in a good place. That is so contrary to a lot of the way we’ve been taught. Make it harder, struggle, push, push, push – but in this case that’s counter productive. If you can make it easier you’ll relax more. You’ll send a declaration of peace to your body and consequently your chances of benefiting sooner have just increased.

Jodi: (Gives technical directions.)

Tom Costello: In a minute if there’s anybody in the queue, Jodi, you can interrupt me and we’ll go right to that. I suggest that there are about six different things that we can do to make our lives easier from a physical standpoint and consequently from an emotional or spiritual standpoint. They are very fundamental in that they are not difficult to do.

The first order of business would be to drink plenty of good water whatever that means to you. This facilitates the detoxification and it also helps overcome what I would consider the most common form of physical stress, dehydration. If you can provide to the cells of your body, to the systems of your body enough water, its ability to function has just increased.

If you would turn around, now, and make sure that you oxygenate, that is you breathe deeply as a second step you would be in a better position to maintain health in your body. So if the cells in your body are getting enough water and they’re getting enough oxygen that is an indication that it’s time to get back to work rebuilding the body, doing repair, typical normal maintenance because those two things are not usually what’s present in a stressful situation. So, plenty of water, plenty of oxygen and you’re at least a third the way if not more to your path to health.

I would say that the idea is in order for the body to rebuild itself you might need some building materials. I would put that in the category of decent food, decent nutritional food. I’m not going to talk about supplementation. That’s up to you folks. But, your body needs the sorts of vibrations that come from quality food in order to maintain the systems.

If you would add rest and that rest is a thing that is in short supply. It doesn’t seem there is enough time to get all the things done that we need to get done. What happens is we deprive ourselves of sleep. Interestingly a lot of the maintenance that goes on in the body occurs when we’re resting, that is sleeping. If you want to get better faster, give yourself time to rest. If that’s not important to you, then shortchange yourself on the rest. Soon you’ll experience the results of that shortchanging and you’ll have to get rest again in order to recover from that lack of rest. That is way over looked with dietary habits of eating late in the evening or watching television or coffee or worrying about what’s going on at work or in the family and so on. That really needs to be handled.

I would suggest to you that you’re going to want to look in the area of movement, physical movement. Physical movement helps the lymphatic system cleanse the body. Cleansing it not only on the inside, but when we perspire we are cleansing it through the skin as well. When we move, all of our excretory functions are easier. It improves our digestive capability of moving waste products out of the body. The lymphatic system is responsible for cleansing the cells, moving the waste products out of the body or at least to the excretory parts of the body. That lymphatic system does not have a pump of its own. It doesn’t have a heart like blood does. It doesn’t have lungs like air or oxygen does. So it is the expansion, the contraction, the movement, the expansion and contraction of the lungs serve to facilitate the movement of the lymphatic system throughout the body. So whatever is appropriate from a physical standpoint for your level of conditioning whether it’s walking or stretching or some other form of exercise, whatever is appropriate for you you’re going to want to do. It’s good for the attitude. It’s good for everything.

Then finally, do something like The Healing Codes in order to eliminate the internal dirt which is what I describe as stress. That internal dirt, the frustrations, whatever is going on that we’ve accumulated over the entire course of our lives and it’s the way we process information, as we process stress we move out of the “threat manufacturing” business. Somebody who is under stress sees way more threats than a person who is relaxed and has done these first five steps that I just talked about. If we’re out of threats, we’re not perceiving threats, we’ve reduced our stress, we literally have made ourselves smarter. We literally have a healthier body because maintenance is a higher priority. When we’re under stress, fight-or-flight, maintenance, higher cognitive thought, cell multiplication, digestion are all lower priorities. As we reduce the stress we start to function better. We see opportunities instead of threats. We see challenges that could turn into blessings instead of threats. Those six steps, to me, are achievable by anybody on this call.

Since there is no one in the queue, let me just talk about the idea of doing the Codes in a relaxed, comfortable, easy-to-do fashion. I recommend to people if they are going to do The Healing Codes they do it with their elbows propped up on a desk, propped up on a pillow as you sit in a recliner, propped up on pillows as you lie down on the floor, the bed or the couch so there is no muscular effort being exerted by your arm or shoulder muscles and you can easily move your hands and fingers into position. You don’t have to worry about getting tired or literally adding stress to your body from doing those positions.

That relaxation is the declaration of peace that we’ve been talking about that allows your body to turn its priorities back on and start renewing the maintenance of whatever the body recognizes needs maintenance.

The Healing Codes, this is just a little bit for those on the call, to make it a little bit more interesting. The Healing Codes are not really geared toward physical symptoms. Physical symptoms are treated by traditional medicine and that’s their area of business. What we think is if we approach things from the spiritual level, that underlying, energetic, spiritual level where things are caused rather than where the symptoms show up, the chances of being able to change things is going to be longer lasting, more effective and healthier. If you can remove the cause, shift the cause or heal the cause of a problem, then the problem doesn’t need to recur. If you deal with the symptoms and you squash the symptoms, oftentimes the symptoms will show up in another form in another part of the body. I’m in Florida in the United States where it’s warm, where lawns are an issue because they’re green all year around. It’s almost like mowing the lawn trying to get rid of crab grass. You can mow crab grass every three or four or five days and it looks like you have it under control. Unless it is being dealt with at its roots, the problem is going to recur in four or five days for years and year and years and years.

So, in a case like that, much like we talk about getting to the root cause, if that early lifetime experience in which some sort of vibration that was so disharmonious, so disturbing of our peace, it looks like it only occurred for one moment and then the moment is over. However, those vibrations have a tendency to persist particularly if we formed conclusions about them. We give meaning to experiences. It is that ability to give meanings that makes us so creative, so powerful. However, if we do this as youngsters before we have a full understanding of exactly what we’re doing, we draw a conclusion about an experience. It’s almost as if we plant the seed in our own heart soil.

Now we can do it, other people do it to us, because at a young age we can’t filter, we can’t protect our heart soil. We don’t know enough. We’re not aware enough to do that. Bruce Lipton, a scientist we refer to pretty frequently in The Healing Codes work, because his scientific studies validate some of our points of view if not most of them. The idea is that children up until about the age of 6 don’t have any perceptual filters. If they’re told something those words go right in to the subconscious mind. There’s no, “Wait a minute. That didn’t make any sense. That was silly. That was foolish. I dispute that. I disregard it.” Little kids don’t have that capability, so words like that no matter how foolish, no matter how counterproductive those things literally will penetrate and become almost as if they are programming statements.

In The Healing Codes as we relax, as we become more open, as we reduce the level of threats in our lives, it becomes safer for us to come out of the protected mode, that is self-protection, and become more open. Because we’re doing The Healing Codes in 2008, we are applying energy back into the healing centers. In addition to that we show up with 1) and intention to heal. We are using prayer or a request to further establish that intention and connect to what I would call God or the Source. Then 2) we’re applying and delivering this enhanced energy to ourselves. The body in its amazing design can use it to create a sense of peace on a cellular level where, as you would expect, cellular memories would reside. Now what no longer serves us, because we’re so open, can shift, can heal, can be seen in the light of day, 2008, and new points of view can be formulated about it. It happens in some cases almost instantaneously. In some cases people don’t even know it. They don’t get an “aha”, but at a later time they notice their behaviors in certain business or social situations or at home are certainly different than they used to be. Instead of reacting as if things were threatening and dangerous and problematic, all of a sudden they are enjoying a circumstance that prior to that they would have sought to avoid.

Participant: (Char, Ohio) I’m wondering, this whole thing about under the age of 6 they claim that we’re like little sponges. Basically then, when we’re healing we’re basically healing our parent’s (how do I want to say this)… It certainly is the ill that was put upon us in our mind. Some of it is real and some it’s like the whole popsicle thing. There are a lot of things that happen that do negatively impact us when we’re that young. If we’re healing this, are we also, aren’t we really healing our parents’ issues in us?

Tom Costello: We are healing our parents’ issues in us. Our parents delivered, I’ll say, static to us based upon their level of awareness. So they delivered this energy package to us. “You are…..” Boom! We take that in. Now, X number of years later we’re healing that. That energy pattern was given to us. It can be given to us by our parents, by some friends, by schoolteachers, clergy, any other authority figures, our peers, our brothers and sisters or ourselves. We would have said, “This means….. about me.” Boom! We just gave that to ourselves.

It is to be able to heal those patterns or energy packages or programming statements or conclusions or causative statements… We have picked those up over the years, sometimes in utero.

Participant: Sometimes, Tom, I did hit something yesterday that felt like it was younger, but basically a lot of times I can’t go back. The thing that I was thinking on was more like 8 or 9 something happened. I’m thinking, okay, that’s really not the core issue because they’re claiming that it’s younger than that. I’m really just breaking down that house of cards from 8 on and really not getting to the source of it. I’m not really to the root. Right?

Tom Costello: No. I wouldn’t agree with what you just said. Bruce Lipton says kids up to about the age 6 don’t have filters. I have recognized that 8 and 10 year old, that time frame to me seems particularly sensitive. I’m not certain why, but I’ll suggest this. When we’re 8 and 10 we’re starting to expand our reach. We’re starting to do things that a 5 or 6 year old kid would not do. We’re starting to find our place in the world. We’re starting to venture outward. Now we’re going to do things – our comfort zone is expanding. We’re starting to take action in school and social activities and church activities, on sporting fields. Eight years old is when little league baseball for kids like me, that was a great adventure. That was my first real social activity outside my family. Now I belonged to a baseball team. That’s where you’re learning how to act and interact with people; how to follow instructions. If you’re dealing with somebody who is not sensitive, not gentle, who’s a bull in a china shop with kids, (fortunately I didn’t experience that, but I know those situations occur) now you get handled roughly, you get crushed. “I should never have….” Now we pull back from that overload of energy. Now that happens at 8 or 10 or 12 years old. I think those are significant things.

Now, is it the core as if there’s only one core? I don’t know if there’s only one core. Maybe there’s only one original event in our lives related to money. Maybe there’s one original event that happened in our lives related to our speaking. Maybe there’s one original event in our lives related to members or the opposite sex, that sort of thing. Whether each of those major events all occurred below 6, I would tend to doubt.

The point, too, Char, is how much do we need to know? If you look at the conscious mind and the subconscious mind as conduit, the subconscious mind can process about 4 billion bits of information per second. The conscious mind processes near 4000 bits of information. You can imagine if you took 4 billion and tried to funnel it through this little teeny processing thing called the conscious mind, 4 billion people standing at 4000 turnstiles, it’s like --- the chances of it getting through are mighty slim.

For you to say, “I’d really like to take the tip of the iceberg and understand the whole bottom of the iceberg.” Me too, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Really what I would say with my intention is “I want to know what I need to know in order to heal. I don’t want to know everything. I want to know what I need to know in order to heal. I want to heal. If I don’t need to know it in order to heal, fine, I’ll take the healing. I want to heal. I trust enough in God. I don’t know how to digest a sandwich or grow fingernails or heal a scratch, so I’m not going to pretend that I know how to figure out all this stuff. So, God and my body, my subconscious mind, please take over and handle this. My intention is to heal in this area of my life and I trust that to happen. Let me relax enough so that I’m not using all my resources like I’m in a war situation. I will handle that to get to a peaceful place and allow you folks to take over. AMEN”

Now you do The Healing Codes. You’re thinking of a particular area, a relationship in the family or finances or a health issue. What is it I want? I think, really, what we want, if I could net it out and make it as simple as possible for me, I would say, “I want more Light in my life. I want that Light in my body. I want that Light in the way I think”, that is so I can process more information. I can be more aware. I can see options. I can see the truth of situations where somebody acts poorly or rudely or something. I can look past that and see that person is probably wounded or in pain or has some other thing going on without me needing to turn them into a threat.

Sometimes people are threats, but not as often as we make it be that way. Now I’ve got more Light in my body. If I had an illness I think it would be safe to say I have insufficient Light in my cells and they are experiencing that and somebody is going to diagnose this as an illness. What I need is more Light in my cells, more water, oxygen, nutrition, rest, movement which allows for cleaning the dark out, and let me clean out the invisible dark that is the cellular memories, the stress and so on and now my body has a chance of building. If I can connect to the Source of Light, God in my language, all of a sudden I have this trust and this feeling and sense of connectedness. Now it feels as though maybe I have more Light flowing to me and through me. I feel the safest. I feel the healthiest. I feel the happiest because I’ve got more Light flowing to me and through me. I think that’s what we’re trying to do.

Participant: You’ve been doing this a lot longer. I’ve been two years doing this. I’ll be doing this great, feeling good and then boom! I hit something last night. I woke up in the middle of the night sobbing. I remembered something. I thought, “Well, I’m not going to sleep.” So I did through the whole Codes on this one incident. I couldn’t even use “Father” any more. The last couple I did today, no God, or Power or whatever because it was an incident with my dad who had his own way. The boys came first and the girls didn’t. I was the only girl. So I’m dealing with that. I was using The Q Codes and going great guns and them, boom! I just hit this. Up until last night it’s been great doing the Codes. I’m assuming it’s just like anything, like a sine wave with ups and downs. It just happened that I hit something and I just have to kind of work it out. Work it out of my system. Like it’s going to get better but you almost don’t even want to – don’t look, don’t do it! Close down. I’m thinking, don’t do that. Keep open and walking through it because you’ll get to the other end of it, you know?

Tom Costello: That is the truth. You know it will get better. I would suggest this. We don’t remember a lot of stuff because we repress it. Just think, some people say the subconscious mind has recorded every bit of data from our experiences from a physical standpoint from conception until this moment, the temperature, the color, the sound, the brightness of the lights, on and on and on….. Wait a minute, the breeze in the room from the ceiling fan overhead. If you had to pay attention to all that stuff you’d be overwhelmed. You’d not be able to make a decision about anything. So we tend to repress it, we push it below the surface and try to focus on significant things that are important to our decision making at that point.

It sounds to me, Char, that a real “atta girl” is in order here. The way I would interpret it, and you can make your own determination, is that your body has said to you, or your subconscious mind has said to you, “Okay, you’re ready for the next level.” Move it. And it’s painful. If you did this on day one, two years ago, you might have gone, “Oh boy, I’m not touching this stuff again. This is way to hard. I’m not doing this.” Now you know on the other side of this splinter is healing because you as a meaning-giver you’re going to be able to look at this incident and go, “Okay today it has this meaning which is the same as it had whenever it occurred at 5 or 6 or whatever. It has the same meaning. I’m just going to observe that as I do The Healing Codes. I’m not going to change it. I’m just going to observe it.” Now you are adding extra energy and you’re showing up in 2008 which is not when it occurred.

Now “There are other factors I could add in to this. Oh, I never really saw it from this point of view before. Oh, maybe it was…..” People interpret stuff and see it as a gift ultimately that perhaps our parents were trying to help us, trying to strengthen us, trying to support us, trying to protect us. Well, they weren’t very elegant at it. They weren’t. They did it in harmony with their level of awareness just like we do stuff. Wow, that was very indelicate to say the least, but if I could ascertain the intention behind that action. Was it really mean spirited? Was it really cruel? Was it, what was it? Wow!

I had a grandfather who I never met. He owned a butcher shop. He believed it was important for men to be strong. In the world in order to survive you had to be strong. That was his point of view. And somebody that was born before 1900 and lived through the depression and WWI – okay, to a degree I understand that. Now what? My father didn’t want any part of the butcher shop. He didn’t want to kill animals. That didn’t appeal to him. He didn’t think that was a “higher calling”, but my grandfather, in order to make my father tougher used to kill an animal and then slap my father in the face with it to make him tougher.

You’d go I understand the intention. He wants his son to be tougher so he can be successful, can be happy, can be this or that, but the technique! If that happened today the guy would be arrested. “That’s brutality. That’s child abuse.” Hmmm. The only way to shift something like that (my father is dead so he’s not going to do it in physical form) the only way to shift that is to be able to look past the event and see if there’s some other meaning that can be extracted from it. “My father was trying to protect me by making me strong.” You know the animals in the herd, if you watch National Geographic, the weak and the older ones on the fringe are the ones on the menu that day. Okay, I see the intention. I think the technique could use some serious help.

Participant: I am logical and analytical anyway, so I think what happened with this is I’ve always logically and analytically said this “It’s a family thing. It’s no big deal.” The reality is I never dealt with the heart pain of being denied what I needed, to be looked over because of “you’re just the girl, you’re not important.” I’ve always logically dealt with it and I think it was the heart pain. I’ve been working with opening up the heart on the other calls. I keep telling myself, “I want to open my heart, open my heart.” I think I really hit something that is this heart pain. It really did hurt me at the time. That’s how I took the intention of it. I thought, “This is stupid. I’ve always told this story and it’s not been a big deal.” Yes, I guess it was.

I’m hopeful it will clear in a day or so. It will. I’ve been up and down anyway, but it was like it came out of nowhere. In the middle of the night I’m sitting up wide-eyed going, “Oh my God”. It just hit me right in the head. It was kind of overwhelming.

Tom Costello: I don’t know exactly how old you are, but you can go back in time. I know, my ex-wife told me a story that her father told her two different things specifically. She was the smartest child in the family. She happened to be a female, that’s a problem, and he said, “You don’t need to go to college because you’re going to get married.”

Then you turn around and say, hmmmm! If you translate it in a different way it’s, “You’re going to have somebody to take care of you and support you. But your brothers won’t. They’re going to have to be the providers. We have to devote our resources to them.” That sounds good on paper, but it doesn’t keep a person from feeling belittled.

Then when you add in ignorant comments like the next one which will be shocking to you, he onetime said, “You can’t be as smart as your brothers because you get your period.” Hold on a second. Let me think that one through. You’ve got to go pretty far to find something more ignorant than that. That’s pretty – what? If anything that makes me more creative because I get my period. You can make a whole case that you’re stronger because you get your period or a whole bunch of other things. But, huh? How did smart get considered that way?

It would be wonderful if when she heard that stuff she went, “That’s silly. Next.” But because it comes from a trusted person who is, in theory, a loving person that penetrates and it can hurt. It has an effect. “I guess I’m not as smart as…” Wait a minute. That’s totally untrue. Ah! Those things need to be healed.

Participant: I think I’m in that mode right now. I’m getting into all that stuff. I’m noticing where I guess the big heart splinter is going to be for me for right now that I’m going to start working. When it hits you in the middle of the night, you know…. I guess I’m not going to be able to be analytical about this any more and say, “Oh, ha-ha” My brother got guitar lessons. Somebody had given me a piano and I had it and begged for lessons. My dad gave the piano away and goes out and buys my brother a guitar and has lessons for him. He hated it. He wouldn’t do it. Didn’t participate. It was that whole girls aren’t important and boys are. It was that kind of thing.

I think I’m going to start hitting – it’s almost like I’m ready, like the universe is saying, “Now we’re going to start dealing with the heart issues on this. You’re strong enough and ready.” Well ready or not let’s get through this. It’s starting to really…. I started writing and said, “this one and, oh, that too.” It’s all these ha-ha jokes that we’ve laughed about. I guess we’re going to start healing the heart on these things.

Tom Costello: I’d like to say two things. One of them is I’ve mentioned a book a couple of times, “Core Transformation”. Two sisters suggest that all or most of our behavior are geared to achieve one or more of what they call core states. The core states for them are: Being, Inner Peace, Love, Okay-ness, Oneness. Without much definition of those terms you can look at your behavior and look at your pain and you might be able to say, “Ah, I’m always trying to prove I’m okay. I’m always trying to prove I’m okay….” Or, “I’m always trying to be loved and loving.” “I want to be part of a group.” “I want to create families and committees and community.” You can see that as being “Oneness.”

If one of those applies when we get signals, “You’re not okay because of one simple fact, you’re female.” That is so awful, so awful. First of all it can’t possibly be true. It can’t possibly be true that you’re actually not okay because you’re a female. But, lots of people can make the case for it, “Yeah, you can’t even play professional football. You can’t lift 300 pounds.” Is that the only way to measure okay-ness? How about compassion and decency and nurturing and maternal instincts and creativity and mothering and carrying a baby and on and on…. ?”

Those truths about your okay-ness is really what has to come out of the shadows. You and I and every one on this call is okay. Everybody on this call is connected to other people, not only on this call, not only in The Healing Codes, but in families and the world and the planet. More importantly we’re connected to Source. We’re connected to God. How do I know that? Because we’re alive. Because we’re functioning.

Love – people feel isolated, but the fact of the matter is they see a puppy, they see a bird, they see a flower and automatically they feel some sort of heart experience of connection. Those indications of love we can express it, we can receive it. It’s a question of how we translate a beautiful sunrise or beautiful sunset or the eclipse, how magnificent that was last night. The same with inner peace and being.

We can really, really get the truth of these things, not the lies or mis-conclusions that we heard or others gave us, but those truths about us.

The next thing is sometimes it seems to me “You’re fifty years old, but I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to the five year old you, or the eight year old you.” Frankly I think the 50 year old you is doing fine. I think it’s that 5 year old or 8 year old or some other young age you is the one that is still holding on to some of the statements that they’ve heard early on. They are hurtful. They are painful. They’re scary if they’re true. “Something’s wrong with me because I’m a girl. Something’s wrong with me because….” Now as a 50 year old we’re waking around and all of a sudden that thought, emotion or energy pattern, cellular memory gets triggered. Here we are standing in front of a store and we look like 50 year old women, but in fact we’re that young girl who is experiencing that physiological anxiety and stress, not related to being 50 but to being 5.

So I say to people, “I’m not interested in healing the 50 year old you, but I think if you heal that 5 year old you or that 6 year old or that 8 year old or that 10 year old, you’re going to have some amazing experiences.” Oh! It’s not the present time us that we’re challenged by. It’s those little energy patterns that were created years and years ago and get activated today.

And, as you’re describing, came up for healing last night.

Participant: Thank you. You’ve been helpful. I appreciate it.

Tom Costello: Thanks for the comment and the story, too.

I’m going to tell a story that happened in Toronto. I had a great teacher early Monday morning. I’ve told everybody I’ve spoken to about it since Monday morning. You’re next in line.

My wife MaryAnn and I were making our way from the parking garage at the Toronto airport to the terminal. We were pulling our luggage and computer bags. We were waiting for the elevator. The elevator door opens. In it is a maintenance guy, a little, old guy. He looked like Eastern European perhaps. He comes out with a broom and dustpan in one hand and he’s pulling a large barrel on wheels with the other hand. He recognizes that we’re waiting to go into the elevator so he holds the door for us. We say, “Thank you.” He looks at us and says, “God bless you.” No strings attached, no anything, just “God Bless You.”

I was actually stunned by it. That’s not something that I’ve really heard from a complete stranger with no context. “God Bless You.” We thanked him and said, “The same to you.”

After, I said to my wife, “Wow, didn’t you find that amazing? Wasn’t that powerful? Didn’t you feel that energy?” She said, “I absolutely did. That really was powerful.” The day had already been really excellent although it was only 7:10 a.m. or so.

The whole experience in the airport, standing in line and stuff, was different because of that.

We fly to Miami and we’re going to rent a car. As I’m getting out of the Hertz bus the driver helps me get the luggage down to the ground. I say, “Thank you” to him as I hand him a tip. He thanks me for the tip. I look him in the eye and say, “God Bless You.” I delivered the gift to him that I had received just 3 or 4 or 5 hours earlier from my teacher from the elevator. I thought how that guy in Toronto taught me how powerful it is to deliver a straight-forward, unequivocal blessing to another human being. The man in Miami said, “Thank you, and the same to you.” I could tell when I delivered that “God Bless You” to him he felt it right down to his very feet. It went into his eyes and his heart and right down to his very feet. I thought that made a difference in his day just like my day had been shifted because of my Toronto experience. Wow. God Bless You.

Isn’t that what we all want? Don’t we all want to be blessed by God? Isn’t that what we seek, to be blessed by God? We want to connect to God more fully. To have somebody direct energy at us in that form I thought was very powerful, very touching, very caring and very honest and courageous.

The idea that you can say something like that directly even, “What if they don’t believe in God. What if ….. I don’t want to hurt their feelings. I’m not selling religion or God…..” The first guy didn’t go through any of that stuff. Neither did I with the bus driver. It’s safe enough to come from a position of intention that, if it were up to me, God would bless you. The fact of the matter is, now that I just said that sentence, if we look around us we have been mightily blessed by God. Where we live, we’re on this call or we’re listening to this recording. We have the means, literally and figuratively in our hands -- I’m looking at my fingers – in our hands that can heal these very deep wounds, these heart splinters that we’ve acquired years and years ago in some cases. We have the means to heal them. How blessed is that? Mighty blessed.

There are billions of people that don’t know anything about making these kinds of changes to their lives. They’re busy trying to live from day to day. We are so blessed. As a reminder, “God Bless You.” I find that vibration to be so beautiful.

If we want light, more light in the cells of our bodies, more light in our hearts, more light in our head, giving a blessing primes a pump that has got to work for us in that regard. Just saying, “God Bless You” feels so good. I hope it feels good to the person it’s directed to. I don’t know how it could not feel good. Now this flow of energy, this flow of high vibration caring, loving, considerate energy … Because every person that’s connected to us that is blessed is a blessing to us. Every time we’re blessed we are a blessing to them.

So when I got home and got to my computer, my signature on my e-mails has things like, “Hugs to you”. Frankly I’m a good hugger. I’m a pretty big boy. I’m a good hugger, but that’s because I wasn’t courageous enough to say, “God Bless You”. I am now. I changed the “Hugs to you” to be “God Bless You.” If somebody takes that wrong they really need that blessing. If they take it right good for them.

I think we have a great opportunity to bless ourselves, to bless our loved ones, bless our situations, bless our bodies, bless our conditions, bless our desire to make things better. We bless the world as we do that.

We’re near the bottom of the hour. Since there are no others in the queue, I say thank you to you on the call and to you, Jodi. And, to you Jodi and you on the call, God Bless You.


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