Anthology Poetry Revision Booklet

Anthology Poetry Revision Booklet

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A Poison Tree by William Blake

Quick questions

1. What is the poet's overall message? 2. What do you think the poem is saying about the effects of anger? 3. Why has Blake used the extended metaphor of the tree? 4. What three relevant links to context can you make? 5. Challenge: why has Blake used the ballad form?

Quick comparison task

1. Write five `Both...' statements for A Poison Tree and other poems from the conflict anthology that you could compare it to.

e.g. Both the poems A Poison Tree and Half-caste express the strong negative emotion of anger.

Sample exam questions

1. Re-read A Poison Tree. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how strong emotions are presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

2. Re-read A Poison Tree. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how the power of humans is presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

3. Re-read A Poison Tree. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how the effect of conflict is presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron

Quick questions

1. Briefly summarise what the poem is about. 2. How does the poem convey the power of god? 3. How does Byron present the Assyrian in the first stanza? 4. What three relevant links to context can you make? 5. Challenge: what meter is used and what effect does it have?

Quick comparison task

1. Write five `Both...' statements for The Destruction of Sennacherib and other poems from the conflict anthology that you could compare it to.

e.g. Both the poems The Destruction of Sennacherib and What Were They Like? use images of nature.

Sample exam questions

1. Re-read The Destruction of Sennacherib. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how natural imagery is presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

2. Re-read The Destruction of Sennacherib. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how powerful figures are presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

3. Re-read The Destruction of Sennacherib. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how an overwhelming event is presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

Extract from The Prelude by William Wordsworth

Quick questions

1. What do you think Wordsworth is saying about man's relationship with nature?

2. How do the narrator's feelings change over the course of the poem? 3. Give an example of the personification of the mountain. What is the effect of

this? 4. What three relevant links to context can you make? 5. Challenge: what is the effect of Wordsworth's use of iambic pentameter?

Quick comparison task

1. Write five `Both...' statements for The Prelude and other poems from the conflict anthology that you could compare it to.

e.g. Both the poems The Prelude and Exposure use personification.

Sample exam questions

1. Re-read Extract from The Prelude. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how the power of nature is presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

2. Re-read Extract from the Prelude. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how inner turmoil is presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

3. Re-read Extract from The Prelude. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how fear is presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy

Quick questions

1. What is the poet's feeling towards war? What quotation demonstrates this?

2. Why do we never learn either of the men's names in the poem? 3. How are parallels used in the poem? What is the effect? 4. What three relevant links to context can you make? 5. Challenge: why is the narrative perspective different between the title and rest

of the poem?

Quick comparison task

1. Write five `Both...' statements for The Man He Killed and other poems from the conflict anthology that you could compare it to.

e.g. Both the poems The Man He Killed and Exposure explore the futility of war.

Sample exam questions

1. Re-read The Man He Killed. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how the reality of conflict is presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

2. Re-read The Man He Killed. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how traumatic experiences are presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written

3. Re-read The Man He Killed. Choose one other poem from the conflict anthology. Compare how negative memories are presented in the two poems. In your answer, you should consider the: ? poet's use of language, form and structure ? influence of the contexts in which the poems were written


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