Mandarin I 2009 Spring lesson plan 1-05-09 Lu

Mandarin II 2013-14 fall Quarter 1 lesson plan 7/22-9/27 /2013 P. 1

|Week/date |Learning goal & objective |Activities | Assignment | Note |

|1 |Set up classroom routines |1. Greeting phrases |1. Practice/write |* Due Syllabus |

|7/22- |Form learning group. |(1). |Chinese name 10 times. |signing sheet. |

|7/26 |Set up individual learning goals of this|2. Class routines. |2. Design Quilt and | |

|4 days |school year. |3. Ask like or dislike |classroom decoration. |* Quiz: vocab.& new |

| |4. Review common sports/time/ past time |common leisure activities.|3. Know your classmates'|phrases. |

|Zhen Bang 1 |cultural senses. | |summer experience. | |

| | | | |** 7/26 Due essay: |

|Unit 3 |Review common classroom objects. |* L. pattern: | |summer experience. |

|Lesson C-D |1. discuss a variety of sports, |-Word Order for Time | |200 + Chinese |

|在學校裡 |activities, |Words. | |characters |

| | |-The Adverb 還/ | | |

| |2. describe what you are going to do in |-Adjectives in Chinese. | | |

| |the future. |-The verb 來 & 去 | | |

| | |-The Auxiliary V. 要 | | |

|2 |*Culture theme: |1. Intro. New vocab. &n |Complete HW package |Vocab. Quiz |

|7/29- |文房四寶 (P.293) |phrases. | |* Due HW |

|8/2 |Calligraphy and Chinese panting. | |Group: Make up a game or|Group game. |

| |*Learner able to : |2. Review & add more MW. |activity to review | |

|Zhen Bang 1 |Identify and describe What and how | |vocab. phrases | |

|U3 |Chinese write & Pant picture. | | | |

| | | | | |

|U4. LA |1. Identify items of fast food and | | | |

|我要點菜 |drinks in Chinese. | | | |

|(order food | | | | |

|in | | | | |

|restaurant )| | | | |

|3 |2 Express personal preference in food |3. Practice Language |Complete HW package |Vocab. Quiz/ charter |

|8/5- |choice . |patterns: | |quiz & Oral Exam. P. |

|8/9 | | | |341-order food |

|U4. LA |3. Apply the Measure Word when order |Conj. 還是 | | |

|我要點菜 |meal. |V. 一下 | |P2 |

| | | | | |

| |4. Demo. How to order meal and handle | | | |

| |the order. | | | |

| | | | | |

|4 |3. . Recognize various beverages and |1.Group : Compare West & |1. Read/answer P. 351 |Vocab. Quiz |

|U4. LB |quantities. |Chinese beverages and make|culture window. |* Due HW |

|我要點菜 | |a list when show. |2. HW Package. | |

| |4. Indicate the content of a store menu.| |3. Group beverages | |

| | |2. Practice the P.350 |compare list. | |

| |5. Clarify info. about the elements of |dialogue :in the tea shop.| | |

| |the drinks and the difference while | | | |

| |making order. |3. P. 357 make a list of | | |

| | |friends’ drink orders | | |

|5 |4. Apply courtesy expressions |3. Learn & practice The |* Pair skit: Create a |1. review quiz |

|8/19- |appropriately. |deny tone in dialogue. |Chinese menu of a tea | |

|8/23 | |P. 346 |shop and present. . |2. Oral presentation .|

|U4. LB |5. Intro. Chinese tea culture | | | |

|我要點菜 | | | | |

|6 |4. Practice number 100 to 1000 in |1. Describe Chinese style |Small skit presentation:|1. skit writing |

|8/26- |Chinese. |breakfast |order a Chinese style |Assignments. |

|8/30 |5. Discuss prices and quantities. | |breakfast need to show | |

| | |2. Recognize the money |appropriate order |2. U4-LC vocab. |

|U4. LC | |system in China, Taiwan |/serve courtesy/ |Recitation. |

|我要點菜 | |and Hong Gong. |counting skills and | |

| | | |terms of food, MW, | |

| | | |quantities. | |

| | | | | |

|7 |6. Make a purchase and count change. |3. Dialogue practice P.367|1. HW Package. |* Due HW |

|9/3- | | | |*. Oral presentation. |

|9/6 | |4. Practice paying/ change| |* review quiz |

|(4days) 9/3 | |money (P.370-372) | | |

|Labor day | | | | |

|U4. LC | | | | |

|我要點菜 | | | | |

|8 | |1. Explain the original |Supplement handout:1. |1. Writing reflection:|

|9/9- |1. Intro. Double Nine’s Festival legend |concept of 重陽 & 敬老  |Double Nine festival.  |200 words in Chinese: |

|9/13 |2. Tang poet Wong Wei and his |2. State the influence of |2. legend cartoon and |Daoism and Chinese |

|U4. LD |poem.(雙449) 3. 茱萸(雙594) |Daoism among Chinese life.|celebration DVDs.  |life |

|我要點菜 | |3. Recite Tang poem九月九 |3. Daoism philosophy and|2. Recitation:王維: |

| | |日憶山東兄弟. |Yin-Yang & five elements|九月九日憶山東兄弟. |

| | |4. Indicate various |in nature.  |3. Oral P. 341-order |

| | |beverages and |4. Tang Poet Wang2 Wei |food |

| | |quantities. | |4. U4LD vocab. |

| | | | |Recitation |

|9 |7. Able to describe how different foods |1. Describe Chinese style |Small skit presentation:|1. Writing |

|9/16- |taste. |breakfast |order a Chinese style |Assignments. |

|9/20 |8. Compare the similarity & different | |breakfast show | |

| |with American and Chinese in food |2. Practice paying/ change|appropriate order/serve|2. Oral Group |

|U4. LD |culture. |money (P.370-372) |courtesy/ counting |presentation |

|我要點菜 | | |skills and terms of | |

| | | |food, MW, quantities. | |

|10 |Quarter 1 Exam. |Preparing exam. | | |

|9/23- |Reviewing. | | | |

|9/27 | | | | |

| |Having a great Fall break. 秋假快樂 | | | |

|9/281- | | | | |

|10/11 | | | | |

On line supplements :

味尖上的中國A bit of taste of China Chinese or/and English sub.

1 A bit of taste of China _YunNan/Eng.

1/Pine masuroom /Ch.

2 stable food/ Eng.

3 Eng.

3/Eng sub.

4 /Eng.

Intro./ Ch.

6 ingredint_Suger can / Ch.

6 /Eng

6 /Eng.



North Eastern/Ch


7 Sea food- Yellow sea/ Ch.


3 Bean curd_ yun Nan/Ch.

2 Shang Xi Noodle/Ch

4舌尖上的中国(6)sour五味的调和 ¾ more clear

Spicy hot_Chu Qin hot pot/Ch

(2)主食的故事_ sticky rice 4/4/Ch

2 (2) wheat主食的故事 1/4 /Ch

1)North Earstern Fish自然的馈赠 4/4 /Ch

时间的味道 preserve food 1/4 /Ch

Geo/people of China 美麗中國

纪录典藏 美丽中国

Oversea Chinese learning educational biweekly


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