Long Branch Public Schools

-1142990On the map above label the following land mass: China, Japan, Korea, India, Russia, Arabian Peninsula, Africa, Spain, England, United States, Mexico, Canada, and South America.Then label the following bodies of water: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Sea of Japan, East China Sea, and Mediterranean SeaBackground Information: After the Han Dynasty collapsed in 220 CE, nomadic peoples from the north conquered much of northern China. For 350 years, no emperor was strong enough to hold China together. More than 30 dynasties rose and fell. By 589 an emperor named Sui Wendi united China under the Sui Dynasty. The Sui built a Grand Canal that connected the Yellow River (Huang He) to the Yantze River. Thousands of workers died digging the 1,000-mile canal, but it enabled northern China to trade with southern China. The Sui dynasty only lasted 30 years and was followed by the Tang Dynasty in plete the timeline using the information above:220 AD _______________________?? 220AD - 589 (Describe what was going on in China)__________________________________????????The ___________ Dynasty ruled and built the _____________________ 589??______________________________________________________________________618Base your answers on the map above. Use the map key to help you answer the questions.1. What countries are located near China?______________________________________________________________________2. What bodies of water are located on the eastern and southern part of China?______________________________________________________________________3. How does the land area of the Tang Dynasty compare with the land area of the Song Dynasty?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Explain how the extent of Song rule changed between 1050 and 1150?______________________________________________________________________5. Which direction did the trade routes of the Chinese Dynasties run?______________________________________________________________________China’s Tang Dynasty-16192428575The Tang Dynasty came to power in China and expanded northwest to include parts of Mongolia, and southwest to include parts of Tibet.The Tang controlled their vast empire by strengthening the empire’s military forces and by creating a strong central government. Candidates for government posts had totake the civil service exams that the Han rulers had introduced. In theory, anyone could take the exams, but most peasant families could not afford the tutoring their sons would need.Land reforms helped the Tang keep the support of their people. Land was given tofarmers, and in the Yangtze region, farmers learned to grow strains of rice with higheryields. Now that crops could be planted and harvested in peace, farm output expandedand the population was able to grow.Trade grew in importance during this period. The Tang built new trade routes throughout their empire. Water routes took them to Japan, India, and the Middle East. The traders carried silk and pottery and brought back foreign goods and ideas. Boosted by the growth of trade, the Tang capital of Changan became the world’s largest city with over two million people.3867150914400Chinese potters, painters, and poets flourished under the Tang. Buddhism gained many converts during the Tang period. Scholars wrote dictionaries and encyclopedias and histories of the empire. The earliest form of printing was developed by monks who carved letters onto wood blocks, inked the blocks, and then pressed themonto paper. The prosperity, security, and cultural achievements of China under the Tang make it a Golden Age in Chinese history. The Golden Ages of Achievement: Tang and Song DynastiesThe Tang and Song Dynasties were eras of major technological advancement in China. The technologies improved China as a country and, in turn, helped people conduct their daily business. Much of China’s technology spread to other parts of the world where it improved the lives of the people living there.Inventions of the Tang and Song ChinaDescriptionImpactBone‐hard, white ceramicmade of special clay and amineral only found inChina.Became a valuable export‐soassociated with Chinese culturethat it is now called ‘china.’ Thetechnology remained a Chinesesecret for centuries.*Marco Polo was the first todescribe pottery found in Chinaas porcelain.This clock operated bydripping water thatpowered a wheel whichmade one full revolution in24 hours. An iron andbronze system of wheelsand gears made the clockturn. This system causedthe chiming of a bell on thehour.Early Chinese clocks were short lived.The idea for themechanical clock was carried bytraders to medieval Europe.Block printing: one blockon which a whole page iscut.Movable type: individualcharacters arranged inframes, used over andover.Printing technology spread toKorea and Japan; movable typealso developed later in EuropeMade from a mixtureof saltpeter, sulfur andcharcoal.First used for fireworks,then weapons. Thistechnology spread westwithin 300 years.Paper currency wasissued by the Songgovernment to replacelarge and heavy stringsof metal cash used bymerchants.Contributed to thedevelopment of a large scale commercial economyin China.Floating magnetizedneedle that alwayspoints north‐south;device that existed inChina for centuriesbefore it was adaptedby sailors for use atsea.Helped China become asea power; technologyquickly spread west.1. Which of these inventions eventually affected warfare and exploration?______________________________________________________________________2. Which of these inventions do you think had the greatest impact on history?______________________________________________________________________Which Inventions would help with… (yes you can and should use inventions more than once)?? Education ______________________________________________________________________? Warfare: ______________________________________________________________________? Trade: ______________________________________________________________________? Exploration: ______________________________________________________________________Of all the inventions of the Tang and Song Dynasties of China…1. Which 2 will have the greatest impact on history? Why?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Which do you believe is most impressive for the time period(618‐1200)? (Chose a different achievement than #1)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Why is movable type more efficient or better than block printing?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Review Questions:1. A golden age is time of ________________, ______________________ and many ___________________.2. Confucius respected farmers more than merchants because farmers produced food that everyone needed, yet merchants did not produce anything, but simply traded other peoples’ goods. a. During the tang/song golden age who will be wealthier, farmers or merchants? Why.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. If Confucianism is still important to the Chinese who will earn more respect, farmers or merchants? Why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Women and footbinding48387000Mothers and fathers desperately hoped for sons. Since girls could not take the civil service examinations and therefore could not become government officials, girls would only be a cost for the family, not an asset. If, indeed, a boy was born the whole family rejoiced, but if a girl arrived, everyone was dejected. On the third day after her birth, it was the custom to place a girl on the floor beneath her bed, and to make her grasp a tile and a pebble so that even then she would begin to form a lifelong habit of following orders and understanding hardship.-3047990*Below is a first‐hand account from a women who had her feet bound as a child:“How did your mother feel when she first began binding your foot?”:Mother did not feel bad about the pain suffered when my feet were bound, for the following reasons: Small feet were then thought to be beautiful. If a person were plain‐looking but had small bound feet, she might still be considered a beauty. If she had naturally large feet, however, no matter how good‐looking she might be, she was not thought pretty, and no one wanted to marry her.Description of the footbinding process who was married off at the age of 9 and therefore her mother‐in-law finished her footbinding. Her own mother hadn’t begun it till the girl was 7.“Every toe but the big one was inflamed… the bindings were covered in blood and pus. To get them loose the skin often peeled off, causing further bleeding and the smell was hard to bear. Every other day the biding was made tighter and sewn up and each time smaller shoes had to be worn. I still had to work everyday because I was from a middle class family but walking was excruciatingly painful. This made it impossible for me to complete an average woman’s chores. The cold caused me to lose one toe on my right foot. My feet were only 3 inches long and22574251352550-3047991276350relatives, friends and my husband praised them.Boys...Preparing for the Civil Service ExaminationA. It was thought best for a boy to start upon his studies as early as possible. From the very beginning, he was instructed almost entirely in Confucian classics, since mathematics could be left to merchants, and science and technology to the working class. He must study the Four Books, the Five Classics, other Confucian works, and, know how to compose poems and write essays. Studying the 5 classics required memorization, but not much questioning. This system of education was quite different than the Socratic method.B. It was usual for a boy to enter school at the age of eight and to complete the general classical education at fifteen. If we count the number of characters in the classics that, the boys were required to learn by heart, we see that the total number of characters that a student had to MEMORIZE was 431, 286!3124200133350C. Confucius believed that education should be available to students from all classes: a. A “Great Academy” or State run university was established in 124 BCE during the Han Dynasty. b. Although the number of students steadily increased, most students still needed expensive tutors to pass civil service exams. c. Even with pricey tutors, education became the way individuals from even the poorest backgrounds could rise to great heights. Therefore, those who were appointed to civil service positions were not to be chosen through special or inherited privilege, but through an individual’s own abilities. d. The civil service examination became a strategy that was imitated by France and Britain in the nineteenth century.D. The success rates of these exams were extremely small. During the Tang Dynasty, the passing rate was about two percent. Candidates were known to repeatedly fail the exams. Some committed suicide because of the disgrace that these failures brought to their families. Those who were successful in passing the examinations brought their families into social prestige and wealthE. Moreover, the boys were at an age when the urge to play is strongest, and they suffered bitterly when they were confined all day in a classroom. Parents and teachers urged boys to ”study while young, to get ahead." The Sung emperor Chen‐tsung wrote:In books there are girls and faces of jade.A boy who wants to become a somebodyDevotes himself to the classics, faces the window, and reads.CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS & FOOTBINDING:TANG AND SONG DYNASTIES Boys & the Civil Service ExamsGirls & Foot binding1. What texts or books must boys studyfor the exams?2. How do the boys study?3. What are some of the difficulties inbeing a young Chinese boy during theTang and Song Dynasties?4. How did the civil service examsimpact Chinese society? (hint; socialmobility, social classes, governmentefficiency)5. How did civil service exams in Chinainfluence other civilizations?6. Why was the birth of a girl notcelebrated like the birth of a boy?7. Why was foot binding practiced inChina?8. In what way are today’s high-heeledshoes for women similar to thefoot binding process?9. How did foot binding affect women’s role in society and in the Chinese economy?10. Why would the Chinese governmenttoday ban foot binding?“If you love your son, you don’t go easy on his studies.If you love your daughter, you don’t go easy on her foot binding.” ................

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