Uniform Laws of Large Numbers - Stanford University

Uniform Laws of Large Numbers

John Duchi Stats 300b ? Winter Quarter 2021

Uniform Laws of Large Numbers



Uniform laws of large numbers "argmax" theorem Covering and bracketing numbers Metric entropy


van der Vaart Chapters 5.2, 19.1, 19.2. Wainwright Chapters 4, 5.1 cover the material but rely on some concentration inequalities we will cover in coming lectures.

Uniform Laws of Large Numbers


Uniform laws of large numbers

Let F be a collection of functions f : X R. Then F satisfies a ULLN (for a distribution P) if

Pn - P F := sup |Pnf - Pf | p 0.

f F

Example (Glivenko Cantelli)

Let F = {f (x) = 1 {x t}}tR. Then

sup |Pnf - Pf | = sup |Pn(X t) - P(X t)| p 0.

f F

t R

More is possible: Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz inequality gives

P sup |Pn(X t) - P(X t)| 2 exp -2n 2 .


Uniform Laws of Large Numbers


Consistency and argmax theorems

ULLNs make consistency results much easier easy "generic" consistency result for loss minimization is a parameter space, : ? X R a loss population loss (risk) L() = P (, X ) and Ln() = Pn (, X )


If F = { (, ?)} satisfies the ULLN and

Ln(n) inf Ln() + oP (1) then L(n) p inf L()

Uniform Laws of Large Numbers


The argmax theorem

Assume for all > 0, there is > 0 such that

L() L( ) + whenever d(, )

Proposition (Argmax)

If Ln(n) inf Ln() + oP (1) and { (, ?)} satisfies the

ULLN, then

n p .

Uniform Laws of Large Numbers



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