Ferdinand part 9

Ferdinand part 11

Ferdinand had always been known to be a very pudgy dog. (Heck! Even as a little puppy he can recall always having a larger belly slowing him down while all the other puppies played along.)

Being a fatass with a skateboard to help him move around was pretty common to him now, but still he felt it took a lot more of his energy now then in the past. (And he knew just why.)

Thanks to a certain Cat & Mouse duo that moved in with him, Ferdinand had been experiencing the two more comedic side by always being the butt of all their jokes.

If it was to either make him look bad for the girl dog he was dating, or making him into the product of a food factory visit, or just see how much of the food in the house they could stuff into him, Ferdinand had always been ending up getting more then enough well feed each day!

And it was not just him noticing these changes as even his owner Miss Figgs felt that her "Little Feddie Booby" was starting to look a little bit to big for his own good, and she decided therefore to do something she hadn't be doing for a long time.

She was going to weight him!

When only making the obese dog roll off his skateboard and onto the scales was proving to be a very hard challenge, then they all knew that the end result would most likely not be very pretty.

Once on the scale the dial on the machine first had a bit of a stir (And they all fear Ferdinand's weight might break the thing), but then it seemed to decided on a certain even number. And it was not something that Miss Figgs liked to see.

"100 Pounds?!" She asked shocked as she looked down at her pudgy doggy, who just gave a very sheepish smile as trying to play innocent. (As if all of this weight had just appeared on him without his notice.)

Still the fact that her pet dog had triple digests on his weight number was pretty alarming and Miss Figgs said "Well, this is really not going to fly with me." as she then walked of to make a phone call.

Once she came back she bend down to her very fat dog and said "I have just been ordering something for you that will be just perfect for your situation!"


Later the same day a couple of guys in a delivery truck had not only been coming with the ordered goods, but also unpackaged and instated them all in one of the many rooms in the mansion from where they lived.

Miss Figgs was very excited to show Ferdinand this, and as the obese dog entered the room on his skateboard he almost fainted in shock over what he saw.

Inside this room was now standing...

• 1 treadmill.

• 1 Barbell resting onto two small support beams.

• 1 long mat to do sit-ups on.

• And finally 2 small platforms to rest the front paws on when doing push-ups.

It was now a mini gym for the dog!

"I thought that this would be the best way to help you lose some of those unnecessary extra pounds." Miss Figgs said as she patted on some of the very large dead meat around the waist of Ferdinand. "I'm sure this kit from the "Weight Loss" fitness company will be of great help."

"I will leave you here to make a great workout, and then later today I will put you on that scale again to see how much of an effect these things will have had for you." She said before then walking away for her own business works, putting all the responsibility for Ferdinand to lose some of his weight entirely onto his own shoulders.

As the dog nervously made his way towards the first station he failed to notice that some other familiar fellows was joining him in.

A certain Cat & Mouse!


Carefully Ferdinand approached the very first stop on his weight loss journey.


To fully get this thing to work Ferdinand knew he had to do something he almost never did in his life.

Get of his Skateboard and use his real legs!

After taking first a deep breath to calm himself Ferdinand puts his front paws up on the treadmill, pulled the rest of his body onto it, and then pressed a button to makes it start going and make him start walking.

And while the machine was at it's very most slowest pace it still was a pretty exhausting process to for the dog to try and keep up with it and not fall off. (Making it even more clear to Ferdinand just how out of shape he really was.)

Tom & Jerry of course wasn't far after to play their usual prank on the dog, and in this case they had thought out the perfect plan with the help of four larger pies.

One by one Tom was placing them on each side of the treadmill, and Ferdinand as a result had to take REALLY long steps if he didn't want to end up stepping into them!

And as each pie was falling of the treadmill Jerry was quick to catch them up and send them sliding across the floor back to Tom, making these 4 pies into a never-ending chain for the poor dog that was forced to try and avoid them all!

While this was very gruelling for Ferdinand the dog still managed to work his legs quickly enough to not step into the pies, but as the tiredness and sweat started to increase he found it harder and harder to lift those thick juicy turkey legs of his.

And eventually a very lout SPLAT! could be heard as he ended up pressing his left front paw into one of the pies!

Once he had made his first mistake it didn't take long until all four of his paws had all ended up messy and slippery from the pies, and that made it a lot more harder for Ferdinand to stay on the track!

After only a few more steps the fat dog ended up loosing his balance completely, and he got forced off the track and landed on the ground on his big butt.

Once that happen the mouse took and jumped up and change the speed of the track from "Slow" to "Super Fast!", and Tom in return drop the pies one and one in the dead centre of the track as to "Aim them".

The aim in question was to have them all sent like projectiles off the track and straight into the open mouth of Ferdinand, and each aim was perfect!

After the first pie got into him the pure shock of the experience left Ferdinand stunned for long enough that the second pie could also get sent into him...and the third one...and the fourth one!

In just a matter of seconds Ferdinand had ended up having all four of the pies forced down into his gut, and he realised that this would most likely end up being a very difficult weight loss work out.


The next thing for Ferdinand to try out was the BENCH PRESS with the barbell.

After now being stuffed full with pies the dog was more then happy to do an activity that mostly involved him laying onto the ground and let his arms works.

After getting onto his back he pushed himself back until he was right under the weight filled pole (That had a combining weight of only 20 pounds, but it still felt like a lot more for the poor mutt!), then he grabbed a hold on it with both his front arms and started doing some slow pulls.

He usually would be using his arms a lot when he was pulling his whole bodyweight across the floor, but to now actually having to push up something heavy was turning into such an extreme challenge for him!

It was so hard for him that he was having his eyes closed during it all, and that only made it easier for the prankster duo to prepare their next thing onto him.

As he was blindly lifting his pole up and down Ferdinand suddenly felt the smell of food right above his nose, and opening his eyes he suddenly saw how what looked like a 3 feet long sub hanging down in front of him!

Then as he followed to where the string holding the sub was leading he saw that it was ending with the other end of it tied down next to Tom, who was wearing a baseball glove for some strange reason.

Then he peaked up to see a much smaller glove appear from under his belly, and he realised that it was Jerry standing down there...right between his wide spread legs. (Uh, Oh!)

Tom then picked up a baseball and after a few warms ups for his arm he sent a very fast ball towards Jerry, who "accidentally" missed catching it. And the following results of where it ended up hitting was pretty obvious (And super painful!) for Ferdinand!

Feeling how his most sensitive parts just got a very hard beating to them the chubby dog open up his mouth wide out in pain, and as he did that Tom was quick to cut of the wire next to him, and send that long sub flying down!

Suddenly Ferdinand went from letting out all the air in his lungs to have his whole throat filled with baloney and cheese! Looking down he saw that it was because he had unintentionally swallowed almost half of the thing in one go, and that wasn't all!

During all of this Ferdinand had been in the middle of doing a new lift with the pole, and thanks to all these recent distractions his arms had forgot just how tired they where, and they let the big thing come crashing back down onto him!

Or rather the 20 pound heavy weight lifting pole ended up landing right onto the un-swallowed end of the subway sandwich, and the pure weight of it was now instead forcing pore Ferdinand to swallow down the rest of it! (As the weights was having a stronger push then Ferdinand's own throat muscles.)

Ferdinand could do nothing in this pinned position then to just keep swallowing and swallowing as the long sandwich was starting to curling up inside if his stomach like a snake ready for resting.

It wasn't until the very last part of it was down when the dog could reach for the pole, and force it off his head and onto the ground behind him.

As he was now finally free of the pressure of forced swallowing, Ferdinand now instead had to deal with the force of his belly trying to handle this abnormal amount of food in it!

And to think, he was still only halfway done with his training!


Next on the line was something that didn't require any machines at all, but would still be almost as painful.


Just to imagine that he was actually suppose to reach up with his upper body and, manage to see past his very large (And bloated, thanks to the 3 feet sandwich and 4 pies from earlier.) stomach was almost the funniest joke he could ever imagine. Almost!

Cause sadly this was all to true, and Ferdinand just had to count himself lucky if he just could manage to reach up enough to make his chest bend.

That was when Tom & Jerry was at it again, as this time the mouse had the main job of silently running up to the very lazy hind legs of Ferdinand (while once again being completely hidden thanks to the dog's very wide midsection.) with a long piece of candy rope.

Given that during sit-ups you don't focus a whole lot on the feet Ferdinand was completely unaware of that Jerry started using the candy rope as a way to tie the hind legs up together tightly, before running back to hand the other end of it to Tom.

The cat then simply walked up to the struggling Ferdinand, and shoved the other end of the rope as deep as he could into his mouth!

Once he could feel the sweet taste of the candy rope in his mouth Ferdinand started to happily swallowing the rest of the thing down, not thinking at all over where the other end of it was.

It wasn't until he started to feel how both his chest and feet was starting to move closer together when he realised that this was also a trick by the comedic duo! (And by that point it was all to late!)

Ferdinand's throat muscles had been so used of letting all kinds of things down into his stomach, that even if they just got a small feeling of anything then they would start dragging that down! (Even if the dog himself was begging for them to stop and let it back up again.) And this was the case now when the candy rope was slowly but steady getting pulled down into the already cramped belly of Ferdinand, with Ferdinand's legs risking of joining in on it!

If it wasn't for the bizarre situation that was of Ferdinand being on the verge of trying to swallow himself he would be pretty impressed that he was even able to stretch his legs so much that they now where touching his nose, but that was exactly what was going on and in the next second his hind paws was finding themselves inside of his mouth!

The very nightmarish and ironical event of Ferdinand eating himself up was only going further as his strong throat muscles was pulling more and more of his hind legs into himself! He needed to do something and fast if he wanted to stop this!

In the middle of his panic state the dog suddenly got an idea, and in the very next second he started to shove his own front paws into his mouth!

His plan was to untie the knot around his feet and let the rest of the rope getting gulped down on it's own. (But he had to act quickly, cause once his feet would enter the throat then there was no way for him to get them out!)

Having such an enormous body mass would often give Ferdinand many hard tasks to make, but he would have never guessed one of those tasks would have been "Trying to untie a knot around your feet, while both they and the hands are inside your own mouth"!

Despite having both the time and stress against him by some share miracle Ferdinand managed to untie the knot, and could feel how the rest of the candy rope disappeared down into his gullet, while his legs stayed in his mouth.

That's when another problem occurred.

His legs and arms was stuck into this cramped position!

From a distance now he was actually looking like a big ball of himself (With a good portion of himself even inside of him!), and for Tom & Jerry this had to be one of the most unique ending to one of their pranks they had ever seen.

Tom in particular felt for trying out a bit of a workout now as he grabbed a hold on the giant Ferdinand Ball, and then started to lift him up and down over his head! (Using the dog as a giant Medicine Ball.)

For the first couple of lifts Tom had forgot that he was actually trying to with a "ball" that was weighting around 100lbs, but then reality checked in again and his untrained arms ended up dropping Ferdinand onto the carpet!

Luckily for Ferdinand the carpet not only attenuated his fall, but the impact with the ground helped making his limbs pop out of his mouth!

Rolling onto his back Ferdinand almost fainted out of exhaustion of his latest workout section, and to think he was still having one last thing ahead of him!


Only one more thing was left until Ferdinand's "work out" would be finished, and that was to do some PUSH-UPS.

By this point the poor dog's body had been getting both extremely bloated and sore from all it's previous exercises, so when he got himself ready to do some push-ups he was going to cut some corners by resting on his monstrous gut while he pushed his arms and chest up and down a few times.

Ever since starting this Ferdinand for once felt very happy with what he was doing.

It was not to hard, while still taking some strength to do. He could feel himself working of a sweat, while still building muscles. And best of all, he could not imagine anything Tom & Jerry could do to him next!

So he just continued doing that for a while (2-3 minutes) until he was starting to get really tired in his arms. And as he started to struggle to just push himself up for a few second, he noticed that the Cat and Mouse had placed something straight under where his face would land on the mat.

A big plate covered in whip cream.

Compared to everything else he had been forced to eat and swallow during his work out (Including almost himself!) Ferdinand couldn't help to think that just simple whip cream was a bit "lame" for those two, and he gladly let his face get covered in it as he let go of his arms to fall back down.

If it had just been a small mountain of whip cream and nothing else then this would have been fine, but it wasn't!

Hidden inside of it was the actually whip cream can that it all came from, and as Ferdinand fell face first into the pile (with his mouth wide open even.) he took the top half of the can into himself!

And upon getting it inside his mouth he managed to turn on a switch on it that made the thing start to shoot whip cream straight down into his throat at will, and before he knew it he was starting to get slightly inflated by the white stuff!

Ferdinand was so tired and full beyond belief that he had now no longer any strength to fight off or trying to get the thing out of his mouth, and instead just let it empty itself into him.

After another 2 minutes Ferdinand felt how the can had stopped spraying the cream, and he spit it out as he felt how it had added another few inches to his already 3 feet in diameter sphere of a body!

He knew he was going to be feeling completely wasted after this, but he had not been expecting to get such a full stomach from it!


When Miss Figgs was returning to the workout room Ferdinand seemed to have been doing nothing but hard work given how tired and sweaty he looked. (Maybe still a little bit round around his belly, but it was just his first training after all.)

More then a little curious on just how much of an effect this training had been having Miss Figgs once again had her dog weighing himself on the scale to compare his weight from then to now.

Still having the number 100 fresh in her mind Miss Figgs was very curious to see just how much her dog might have lost so far. 2-3 pounds, or maybe so much as 5?

One could only imagine her shock and disbelief when the number on the scale instead stopped on a whooping 150 pounds!!! (A gain of 50 since his first weight in!)

Ferdinand could see just how super upset and angry his owner now was over the numbers she was seeing, and he was just waiting for her to start the yelling.

And she did just that...but not towards him!

Instead she got onto the phone and called up the same people she had bought this work out kit in the first place. Then she spend 10 whole minutes calling them everything from "crooks" to "thieves" and "swindlers", before demanding a refund and that all the things would be picked up again and taken away from her property!

Once that was all done Ferdinand was very split on how to feel afterwards.

On one hand he had just gained a super lot amount of weight to his already alarming size, but thanks to this his owner will at least think twice before wanting him to do another "weight losing training". (And that was something another 50 pounds to skate around with was more then well worth!)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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