Your Values and Mission Statement

Your Values and Mission Statement

Adapted from: Franklin Covey ()

Identifying Your Values

Fill in the blanks of each sentence with Your Answers.


Name one of your traits you want to pass onto your children.

Your Answer

I seek to be ________________ in all I do.

List two of the most important people in your life. (influence)

I will be ____________________ and _______________________.

Now list two words to describe each of them. (character)

I will be ___________________ and ______________________.

Imagine you have started your own country. What one word would describe the guiding principle or motto of this country? "In _____ we trust." (belief)

I will _________________________ above all else.

What's one thing for which you'd be willing to risk your life? (ethics)

I will value ______________________ above all else.

What are the two qualities you look for in a life partner? (partnership)

I will always be ___________________ and _____________________.

Describe yourself in one word. (awareness)

I will seek ___________________ first.

If you could only achieve one thing by the end of your life, what would it be? (possibility)

I will strive to _____________________________.

If there were just two rules in life that everyone should follow what would they be? (principles)

I will always___________________ and ______________________.

Think of the person you admire most--why? (admiration) I will ____________________________________.

*Your Answers are the essence of what you believe. This will help you begin writing your mission statement.

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My Mission Statement


I am at my best when...

Your Answer

I am at my best when I'm ____________________.

I am at my worst when...

I will try to prevent times when I'm ______________________.

What do I really love to do at work?

I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can _________________________.

What do I really love to do in my personal life?

I will find enjoyment in my personal life through _____________________. My natural talents and gifts are:

I will find opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts such as ________________________.

If I had unlimited time and resources, and knew I could not fail, what would I choose to do?

I can do anything I set my mind to. I will ______________________________.

My life's journey is... (e.g., My story with me as the hero/heroine)

My life's journey is _______________________________________________________________.

I will be a person who... (e.g., What people will say about me at my 80th birthday party)

I will be a person who ___________________________________________.

What do I consider to be my most important future contribution to the most important people in my life?

My most important future contribution to others will be __________________________________.

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Are there things I feel I really should do or change, even though I may have dismissed such thoughts many times? What are they?

Your Answer

I will stop procrastinating and start working on ____________________________________________.

Imagine you could invite to dinner three people who have influenced you the most--past or present. Write their names in the boxes below. Then record the one quality or attribute you admire most in these people.

I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life: ____________________________________

Let's think of balance as a state of fulfillment and renewal in each of the four dimensions: physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional. What are the single most important things you can do in each of these areas that will have the greatest positive impact on your life and help you achieve a sense of balance? 1) Physical 2) Spiritual: 3) Mental: 4) Social/Emotional:

I will constantly renew myself by developing more ___________________________________________.

Life is an ongoing process.

So is your mission statement.

Over the years, your circumstances will change. Your priorities will change. Your goals and dreams will change. That's okay - because change means growth. As you grow, transform, and broaden your horizons, allow yourself the freedom to expand and refine your mission statement.

Life is a journey. And your mission statement is your map.

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