Katherine’s fourth-grade class learned about taste buds

Katherine’s fourth-grade class learned about taste buds. She wrote this report to tell about the interesting facts she learned. She wants you to read her paper and help correct it. Read Katherine’s paper and think about the changes she should make. Then answer the questions that follow. Great Taste(1) Imagine sinking your teeth into a lemon. (2) Does your mouth pucker just thinking about it? (3) Now think about taking a bite of a big watermelon. (4) Can you taste the sweetness? (5) If so, thank your taste buds. (6) Taste buds are located on your tongue, on the roof of your mouth, and at the back of your throat. (7) If you look in the mirror and stick out your tongue, you can see your taste buds. (8) They are the tiny bumps all over your tongue. (9) Right now, you have about 10,000 taste buds. (10) You will have fewer when you are older. (11) Scientists know that our taste buds can detect four different tastes – sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. (12) Today, scientists are studying if your taste buds detect other tastes, such as a specific flavor in food. (13) Your sense of smell is closely linked to your sense of taste. (14) This is why the scent of baking bread can make your mouth water. (15) If you have ever had a stuffy nose, you probably noticed that things did not taste the same. (16) It could make peaches taste like paper. (17) Most people don’t like that taste. (18) You need both your sense of smell and sense of taste to truly enjoy your food. (19) Without them, food would have little flavor. (20) The next time you bite into a good sandwich, thank your taste buds for making it so tasty! Katherine wants to use a more accurate word than big in sentence 3. Which of the following could BEST replace this word? tinygoodminiature giganticWhat is the BEST way to combine sentences 9 and 10?Right now, you have about 10,000 taste buds, you will have fewer when you get older. Right now, you have about 10,000 taste buds, but you will have fewer when you are older. Right now, you have about 10,000 taste buds, or you will have fewer when you get older. Right now, you have about 10,000 taste buds so you will have fewer when you are older.What is the BEST way to combine sentences 16 and 17?It could make peaches taste like paper, or most people don’t like that taste. It could make peaches taste like paper and most people don’t like that taste. It could make peaches taste like paper, so, most people don’t like that taste. It could make peaches taste like paper, and most people don’t like that taste. Katherine wants to use a more accurate word than good in sentence 20. Which of the following could BEST replace this word?deliciousbetterdisgustingplain INDEPENDENT PRACTICE ANSWER KEY FOR GRADE 4Great TasteItem #AnswerSkillTEKS1DRevise drafts for coherence, organization4.15 C2BRevise drafts for coherence, organization4.15 C3DRevise drafts for coherence, organization4.15 C4ARevise drafts for coherence, organization4.15 C ................

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