Make lanterns profitable for your business

Make lanterns profitable for your business! Preparation is the key. Make light strands that match your inventory of tents. For example, one strand that is approximately 23’ long will be usable in most of the 40’ wide high peak pole tents, such as an Anchor Century tent. This length can be used from the center of the tent to the side on a seam. Use the same method, with pre-measured strands, to accommodate your inventory of pole and frame tents. This will provide you with a basic lantern scheme for each tent that you can rent for many different clients. Make sure when you are making your strands you space female sockets about every 12”, putting 6 to 10 on strand. Normally you will use only 4 to 5 for each job, but the additional sockets give you more options.

Decide on how long you want to make your inventory of drops. Typically you can make 12”, 24”, 36” and some 42” will be most useful. Having an inventory of drops ready to go is key. Test them before you go out on each job.

You can also fabricate a set of crossbars, placing them up on center poles and run 3 or 4 lighting strands from crossbar to crossbar. This allows you to cluster lanterns in the center heights of a pole tent. Not all of them need light bulbs, and the clusters can also be washed with light from par cans located on your side poles.

Using mounting hardware, such as our exclusive Multi Brackets and Power Blocks will speed up the installation process. Using your pre-made lighting strands and drops you can use your hanging schemes for many different clients. Most installations should take 1 to 2 hours using 2 crew persons. Making sure to have a stock of 1/8” or smaller coated cable, power cord, plugs and sockets, will have you equipped to design custom lantern jobs for your clients. Always set up your lighting on ground level first – run strands from pole to pole, hang the drops and lanterns and test everything before raising the lights, strand by strand to the desired height on your center pole. For frame tents, install and test everything on the frame before putting the top on and raising the tent.

Knowing what to charge is certainly based on what your market can bear. Most profitable rental companies charge the customer by the drop, anywhere from $25 each to $45 each. You can purchase paper or nylon lanterns depending upon the color and look the customer is looking for. When purchasing paper you should assume you might only get this one job from them so charge your customer accordingly. Nylon lanterns will have a longer shelf life if you are careful with them.

Need more information? Please feel free to ask us any questions you may have.

[pic]633 Second St. Manchester, NH 03102

Ph 800-245-7116 fax 877-820-8129 email: info@

Paper or Nylon Lantern Recommendations

The quantity of lanterns suggested here can apply to almost all styles and brands of tents. The dimensions determine the quantities, while the brand and style (frame, pole, structure etc.) affects the installation methods.

The quantities recommended here are ‘minimums’. These numbers will effectively light the tent for an event, and will create a visual impact. Too few lanterns do not look good. Adding lanterns to these numbers is fine, and serves to make the visual more impressive. These minimum recommendations are presented in a narrow range… the size of lanterns used is a consideration. For larger tents, 14” should be the smallest, and not too many of these. The bulk of them should be 18” to 24” or bigger. You can use 30” & 36” lanterns for larger venues. The larger the tent, the larger the lanterns. Dimmers are almost always necessary!

20 x 20 - 6 to 10

20 x 30 - 9 to 14

20 x 40 - 12 to 16

30 x 30 - 12 to 16

30 x 40 - 15 to 18

30 x 50 - 18 to 22

30 x 60 - 20 to 24

40 x 40 - 16 to 20

40 x 60 - 22 to 28

40 x 80 - 26 to 32

40 x 100 – 36 to 42

50 x 70 - 28 to 32

50 x 100 – 36 to 42

60 x 60 - 24 to 32

60 x 70 - 28 to 36

60 x 100 – 36 to 54

[pic]633 Second St. Manchester, NH 03102

Ph: 800-245-7116 fax 877-820-8129 email: info@


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