360 The Creative Power of the Word God Speaks I am ...


The Creative Power of the Word God Speaks

Genesis 1:3, Psalm 33:6,9, Hebrews 11:3

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Kawakawa Baptist Church- March, 2013, ekb

I am Watching over My Word to Perform It

Jeremiah 1:12, KJV margin

My Word that Goes Out of My Mouth

Shall Not Return Unto Me Void

It Will Accomplish what I Will

And Prosper in It

Isaiah 55:11 KJV

Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceeds out of the mouth of

God." Matthew 4:4.

Jesus said, "The WORDS I speak to you are Spirit and Life." (The power of the Spirit and the Life of God.)

John 6:63.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me." John 10:27.

As we read the Word of God, the Holy Spirit speaks to us Words from the mouth of God. These Words are power filled Words. Hebrews 4:12, Luke 1:37 AMP V, John 6:63. These Words are creative Words. Hebrews 11:3, Psalm 33:6,9, Genesis 1:3. These Words are eternal, unchanging Words of life and salvation. Matthew 24:35.

To make these Words a reality in our lives we need to: 1. Believe these Words in our heart. Luke 1:45, John 11:40, Romans 10:10. 2. Proclaim these Words out aloud. Psalm 116:10, 2Corinthians 4:13, Psalm 1:2,3, Joshua 1:8, Hebrews 3:1, 10:23. This is the creative process in action. "Meditate" means to think by talking to oneself. As we proclaim in faith the Word God has spoken to us, He is watching over His Word to fulfil it. 3. Act out these Words where this is appropriate. Peter heard Jesus speak, "Come!" Peter believed the Word and stepped out and walked on the water. Matthew 14:29. 4. Be persistent and not give up. Hebrews 6:12, 10:36.

We need to give the Word of God a priority place in our lives each day. Listen and watch for His Word. He will speak to us. (This may come by reading His Word, or by dreams, visions, pictures, prophecy, audible voice, fragrance of God, by touch or coincidence.)

Record the Words He speaks. Jeremiah 31:21. Follow the four steps above. Psalm 37:4. Receive the abundant life Jesus gives to us. John 10:10. Receive the fulfilment of God's purposes. Mark 11:24. The purposes of God, which He desires to accomplish in and through us, will be brought to fulfilment, as we boldly proclaim in faith, the Words He speaks to us. Jeremiah 1:12. He is watching over His Word to perform it.

Examples: *As our children were growing through childhood, the Holy Spirit gave us many Scriptures for them, such as, Isaiah 54:13, 49:25, 44:3,4, Isaiah 59:21, 65:23, Psalm 115:14, Proverbs 11:21, and many others. As we believed these rhema or spoken words from God, and confessed them boldly to the Lord, we have seen the Holy Spirit working steadily in their lives and in their families to bring the Word to pass. *In going to Africa and Papua New Guinea to preach the Gospel publically, I knew that there would be many seeking physical healing. Before leaving New Zealand I asked the Lord for Scriptures on doing the miraculous works of God. The Holy Spirit gave me many Scriptures to believe and proclaim. I spent much time doing this. A few of those Scriptures are: 1Corinthians 2:4, James 5:15, 1 Thessalonians 1:5, 2 Thessalonians 1:11, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 2:27, Luke 4:18, John 14:12, Matthew 21:14, Acts 3:12,16, 1John 4:17, Acts 10:38, Luke 7:22, Matthew 4:23,24, 8:16,17, 12:15, 14:14, 15:30. As a result almost all were miraculously healed.


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