Obama Citizenship story update 12/21/08:

Obama Citizenship story update 12/21/08:

Summary of new selected links -

SCOTUS refuses to hear Connecticut (2d) case / Electoral vote count

in Congress Jan. 6 / SCOTUS to consider "cert" for Pennyslvania Berg (3d) case Jan. 9

The Electors in all 50 States and Washington D.C. met on Monday, December 15 to officially

vote for U.S. president; electoral votes to be officially counted in a Joint Session of the

U.S. Congress on January 6, 2009

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) on Monday, December 8, 2008, already denied certiorari, refusing to hear oral arguments on the New Jersey case (Leo C. Donofrio v. New Jersey Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells) filed by attorney Leo C. Donofrio

( and )

Leo C. Donofrio, Applicant v. Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) on Monday, December 15, 2008, also denied certiorari, refusing to hear oral arguments on the Connecticut (2d) case (Cort Wrotnowski v. Susan Bysiewicz,

Connecticut Secretary of State) filed by attorney Cort Wrotnowski

( )

Cort Wrotnowski v. Susan Bysiewicz, Connecticut Secretary of State

A third case before the SCOTUS, this time from Pennsylvania (Philip J. Berg, Petitioner v. Barack Obama, et al.), is scheduled for a conference of US Supreme Court justices on Friday, January 9, 2009 to determine whether to take (grant certiorari, hear oral arguments) this Pennsylvania case (). A decision on whether to grant certiorari may be expected January 12, 2009.

Philip J. Berg, Petitioner v. Barack Obama, et al.

See also earlier (11/30/08, 12/4/08, 12/7/08, 12/8/08, 12/9/08, 12/14/08) summary compilations of news regarding

the Obama Citizenship story:

Obama Citizenship story update 12/14/08: Summary of new selected links

- Dec. 15: Electoral College meets / awaiting SCOTUS decision on "cert" for Connecticut case


Obama Citizenship story update 12/9/08: Summary of new selected links

- WND national campaign to contact 538 Electors of 50 States/DC


Obama Citizenship story update 12/8/08: Summary of new selected links

- SCOTUS refuses to hear New Jersey Donofrio case


Obama Citizenship story update 12/7/08: Summary of new selected links

- articles/National Press Club event Dec. 8


Obama Citizenship story update 12/4/08: Summary of new selected links - articles/video/ads in CT

Obama Citizenship story: Summary of selected links - articles/videos/ad in WT/petition

(compiled November 30, 2008)


The Supreme Court has now denied certiorari on both the New Jersey Donofrio case (Dec. 8), and the Connecticut Wrotnowski case (Dec. 15). Exhibiting their characteristic, decades-long modus operandi, it appears the CFR-dominated Corporate Big Media are largely continuing their silence on radio and televison news and for the most part, ignoring the several ongoing court challenges to the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to be inaugurated on January 20, 2009. As you listen to the radio and TV network news, notice some of the ridiculous stories that pass for

"news" that are covered in their broadcasts, but NOT news on a potential looming constitutional crisis. It is by design,

to keep the American people uniformed about what matters.

-- As New World Order kingpin David Rockefeller said to the Bilderberg group on June 5, 1991 meeting in Germany:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications

whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of

publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to

the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."



Did anyone hear anything on air, either radio or television, from the ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX (fake and biased), or PBS arms of the CFR-dominated Corporate Big Media about the Connecticut case being denied certiorari

by the SCOTUS ? Now the Pennsylvania Berg case is scheduled for SCOTUS conference on January 9, 2009.

In addition, there are other legal challenges, notably the California Keyes case, still in the legal pipeline.

Take note of the lack of coverage by the Establishment Media (national and local network affiliates) on these other ongoing cases, not only today, but also in the days/weeks ahead. Notice how the CFR-controlled media manipulator propagandists of public thought and attention in ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and PBS, et al. continue to non-report, or under-report these critical, constitutional matters ! It is no accident. It is deception by design !

A word to the wise, be wary of what you hear from CFR-member Brian Williams (NBC anchor-propagandist); or

from retiring interim NBC's "Meet the Press" host CFR Director Tom Brokaw (and former NBC anchor-propagandist), or from CFR-member Katie Couric (CBS anchor-propagandist), or from CFR-member, former CFR Director Diane Sawyer (ABC News-propagandist), or from CFR-member Barbara Walters (ABC News-propagandist), or from FOX News (overseen by CFR-member Rupert Murdoch, Newscorp. CEO), or from the PBS Newshour ("CFR Evening News") crew, including CFR-member Jim Lehrer, CFR-member Judy Woodruff, or CFR-member Margaret Warner, or any of the other CFR mouthpieces in the broadcast (radio/televsion), print, or internet media. These names are only the "tip of the iceberg" of CFR members occupying influential positions in the nation's most influential media - print (newspaper and magazine), and television.

2006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster


The CFR controls American media


Video (4:32) Views: 116,440

Do your own research from independent and varied sources, especially on the internet (blogs, e-mail). Check out plaintiff Phil Berg's (Pennsylvania case) website (), and the United States Justice Foundation (California case) website (modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=13). Links to reports from various media are provided below, from Dec. 13 - Dec 20.

God says, "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

and, "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16

To paraphrase this nation's Founding Fathers, Only a Virtuous People is Capable of Liberty; Only a Moral People

is Capable of Freedom; Only a People which can Govern Themselves as Individuals, can practice Self-Government corporately. To apply the Scriptures above, America has gotten wicked rulers because we ourselves as a People are wicked: a nation that practices, tolerates, enshrines, advertises, supports financially both privately and publicly, and protects in law: child-murder-by-abortion, fornication, adultery, and sodomy, etc. Can such a nation survive ? NO.

America's only hope is Repentance, beginning with those who profess to be Christians.

Repent Church (2 Chronicles 7:14). Repent America (Psalm 9:17, Proverb 14:34).

Steve Lefemine

December 21, 2008



Supreme Court to talk about Obama 3rd time

Berg eligibility case set for conference Jan. 9

Posted: December 19, 2008


[excerpt, SCOTUS court docket case name and link displayed]

One of the original legal challenges to President-elect Barack Obama's eligibility for office to reach the U.S. Supreme Court now has been scheduled for a conference, a meeting at which the justices discuss its merits and whether to

step into the fray.

Online schedules posted by the court show the case brought by attorney Philip J. Berg is set for a conference Jan. 9.

Philip J. Berg, Petitioner v. Barack Obama, et al.




More challenges fail in Supreme Court

Kennedy turns back cases based on eligibility questions

Posted: December 17, 2008

[excerpts, emphasis added]

Two cases raising questions about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president under the U.S. Constitution's requirement

chief executives be "natural born" citizens have been turned back by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Kennedy denied without comment an appeal by Philip J. Berg which alleged Obama is a citizen either of Kenya or Indonesia and thus ineligible, as well as a California case making similar claims, according to a statement on the court's website.

It's the latest in a series of decisions by the Supreme Court rejecting a full hearing on the questions.

Perhaps the most perplexing detail, however, has been Obama's own refusal to allow the public release of

a signed "vault" copy of his original birth certificate.

The biggest question was why, if a Hawaii birth certificate exists as his campaign has stated, Obama hasn't simply ordered it made available to settle the rumors.




Investigator casts doubt on Obama's birth residence

Neighbor believes family didn't live at address in newspaper announcement

Posted: December 16, 2008

[excerpt, emphasis added]

Barack Obama

and his mother, Anne Dunham

A private investigator has released to WND an affidavit that casts doubt on whether Barack Obama's family lived at the address listed in the published notice of his birth in 1961.

Jorge Baro was hired by WND to investigate issues related to Obama's birth amid allegations the Democrat does not meet the Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural born citizen."

Baro's affidavit documents an interview his staff conducted with Beatrice Arakaki, who has lived at 6075 Kalanianaole Highway in Honolulu since before Obama was born.

The affadivit is at the center of a federal lawsuit filed prior to the November election in Hattiesburg, Miss., before

U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett. The suit is one of several yet to be adjudicated that calls for proof of Obama being a "natural born citizen" as required by the Constitution.

Baro is the in-house senior investigator for Elite Legal Services, LLC, in Royal Palm Beach, Fla.



It's official: Barack Obama elected 44th president

Dec 15 05:11 PM US/Eastern


[excerpts, emphasis added]

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Presidential electors have formally elected Barack Obama the nation's 44th president.

Electors gathering in state capitols across the country have pushed Obama above the 270 electoral votes needed to win, according to a tally by The Associated Press. Obama takes office Jan. 20, becoming the nation's first black president.

Monday's voting was ... mandated by the Constitution.

More than 131 million voters cast ballots ­ the most ever in a presidential election. But Obama's election will not be complete until Congress tallies the outcome of Monday's Electoral College vote at a joint session scheduled for Jan. 6.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.




Supreme Court refuses 2nd challenge to eligibility

Case alleges dual citizenship disqualifies Obama for office

Posted: December 15, 2008


[excerpts, emphasis added]

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a second challenge to the presidency of Barack Obama, announcing today it denied an application for a stay or an injunction in a case from Connecticut.

The case brought by Cort Wrotnowski had been distributed for review by the court and apparently was considered during a conference of the justices Friday.

It met the same fate as an earlier case brought by Leo Donofrio and essentially challenged Obama on the same issue: allegations that dual citizenship based on a father who was a British subject and a mother who was an American minor disqualified him for office under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be "natural born" citizens.

As is its custom, the Supreme Court made no comment other than to post its decision:

Order from the U.S. Supreme Court

The court last week also turned down a request to stop the Electoral College today from selecting the

44th president until Obama documents his eligibility for the office under the Constitution's requirement that presidents must be "natural born" citizens.

The action came in a case brought to the high court by Philip J. Berg, who also alleges Obama is ineligible to be president.

Berg had asked the court for an injunction to stay the Electoral College votes and prohibit Vice President

Dick Cheney, the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate from counting any votes until the demanded

proof arrives.

The injunction was sought while Berg awaits the court's determination on whether it will hear his writ of certiorari requesting review of a dismissal of his case in U.S. District Court in eastern Pennsylvania.

"I know that Mr. Obama is not a constitutionally qualified natural born citizen and is ineligible to assume the office of president of the United States," Berg said in a statement on his website.

"Obama knows he is not 'natural born' as he knows where he was born and he knows he was adopted in Indonesia; Obama is an attorney, Harvard Law grad who taught Constitutional law; Obama knows his candidacy is the largest 'hoax' attempted on the citizens of the United States in over 200 years; Obama places our Constitution in a 'crisis' situation; and Obama is in a situation where he can be blackmailed by leaders around the world who know Obama is not qualified," Berg's statement continued.

However, the high court, in a website entry, confirmed the application for the injunction was "denied by Justice [David] Souter."

As WND has reported, more than a dozen lawsuits have been filed over Obama's eligibility to assume the office

of the president, many have been dismissed, while others remain pending.




Corsi detention orchestrated by Obama's political friend

Investigative reporter held in Kenya while reviewing president-elect's links

Posted: December 20, 2008


[excerpt, emphasis added]

The Kenyan official who reportedly orchestrated the detention of WND senior staff reporter Jerome R. Corsi when he visited Kenya to investigate President-elect Barack Obama's close ties to the nation's prime minister, Raila Odinga, was Odinga himself, according to WND sources inside Kenya.

Corsi, whose recent book, "The Obama Nation," raised questions about the Democrat when he was a candidate for president, had scheduled a news conference in Nairobi to discuss his discoveries during his visit this fall.

However, he was detained by immigration officials and held without food for much of a day until he was escorted onto his already-booked flight leaving Kenya with the sendoff, "See you in hell."

Now sources inside Kenya have reported to WND that his detention was orchestrated by Odinga, not President Mwai Kibaki or Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka. Corsi, in fact, had discussed with governmental officials for the president and vice-president his findings, and they provided no objection to his scheduled press conference.




Kenyan government imposes gag order on Obama family

No media contact: 'We are doing this because we want to ensure better flow of information'

Posted: December 20, 2008


[excerpt, emphasis added]

Gagged: Mama Sarah Obama

The Kenyan government has barred unapproved contacts between the media and President-elect

Barack Obama's extended family.

Family members will be required to receive permission from the government before making any public statements about their famous relative, according to the Nairobi Star.

"We are doing this because we want to ensure better flow of information," Athman Said, an under-secretary in

the Ministry of Heritage, told the Obama family in Kogelo.

"The government has decided that you should inform its officers who will be based here if you want to address

the media."

Journalists wishing to speak with the family must first be approved by the government.



Representative Presents Proof of Citizenship Bill

Saturday, Dec 13, 2008 @08:42am CST

[excerpt, emphasis added]

Republican Representative Mike Ritze has introduced a bill requiring candidates who file for office in Oklahoma to show proof of citizenship.

The idea came about from the controversy around whether President-elect Barack Obama meets the U.S. Constitutions citizenship requirements.

Ritze's bill requires all candidates, running for any office, to show a copy of a certified birth certificate as well as driver's license or other government-issued identification upon registering with the Election Board.




Obama citizenship issue has merit, AOL poll says

Nation seeks answers to questions about president-elect's eligibility

Posted: December 16, 2008

[excerpt, emphasis added]

America Online is conducting a new poll asking readers whether they believe there is any merit to the controversy surrounding Barack Obama's citizenship – and most respondents say "yes."

There are more than 90,000 national votes in the unscientific survery. A full 52 percent of nationwide respondents believe people should be concerned about Obama's citizenship, 42 percent say the controversy has no merit and 6 percent of voters remain undecided.

In all, 44 states agree that there could be merit to the Obama citizenship controversy.




2007-2008 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster

(including Current and Historical Rosters of Directors and Officers)


See a concise overview article about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on the internet at:

"The Definition of Tyranny," The New American (May 15, 1995), by John F. McManus


"Formed in 1921 by Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's right-hand man,

the CFR's purpose has been undeniably clear from the start: to submerge our nation into

a socialist, one-world government."

"Never forget that the CFR was formed to bring about socialism and world government.

Its increasing domination over America's affairs amounts to a conspiracy the grip of which must

be broken by an informed and alarmed American citizenry. If CFR influence over our federal

government isn't soon broken, America will be reduced to a mere province in a socialistic

world government where freedom has disappeared and national sovereignty is but a dim memory.

And James Madison's worst fear -- tyranny reigning in this land -- will become a reality. The time to

expose the CFR and its grip on this land is now."



Side 2 - The Definition of Tyranny (CFR)

The New American - May 15, 1995


ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

Video (2hrs, 19 min)

The New World Order - including CFR, NAU, eugenics, forced global population reduction, Georgia Guidestones

[ Warning: over the course of the 2+ hrs, there are some cases of profanity ]

Sovereignty and globalisation


Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations

February 17, 2006




Psalm 33:12; Proverb 14:34; Psalm 9:17; 2 Kings 24:1-4; Jeremiah 19:3-5; Psalm 106:37-42

"America repent" (music video)

"Contemporary Christian Artist: Tim Juillet"


"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."

Psalm 9:17, KJB

"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."

Psalm 94:15, KJB

Biblical "Separation" for a Nation

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,..." 2 Corinthians 6:14-17a (KJB)


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. The Declaration of Independence

is part of the organic law of the United States of America United States Code Annotated

The people of Iraq have far greater freedom to enshrine their national religion of Islam in the legal structure

of their country than do Americans to honor Christianity and Biblical Law in the United States. Christianity

was by far the predominant faith of the founding generations of America, from Jamestown in 1607 to the

Declaration of Independence in 1776, and beyond, as the historical record clearly shows:

No King but King Jesus! ((Yeshua Messiah)

Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions,

and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982


The Sixth President of the United States, John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams, the Second US President,

and a signer of the Declaration of Independence), said: "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this;

it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity." and

"From the day of the Declaration... they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all,

and by the laws of The Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledge as the rules of their conduct." Tragically,

today in 2008, American law has become exceedingly anti-Christian. Witness the government-protected murder of One Million pre-birth human beings each year ().

The Constitution of the United States should be amended as first proposed by the National Reform Association in 1864, with a Christian Amendment:

Confession of the Saviour (Messiah) as the Ruler of Nations, including America, by amending the Preamble to the United States Constitution

In 1864, the National Reform Association advocated amending the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States to read, in substance:

"We, the people of the United States, humbly acknowledging Almighty God as the source of all authority and power

in civil government, the Lord Jesus Christ as the Ruler among the nations, his revealed will as the supreme law of

the land, in order to constitute a Christian government, and in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice,

insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the inalienable

rights and the blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to ourselves, our posterity, and all the people, do

ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Explicitly Christian Politics: The Vision of the National Reform Association


"Since 1864 the National Reform Association has advocated an explicitly Christian approach to politics.

In this book their vision of politics, based on the mediatorial reign of Jesus Christ over the nations, is explained for a new generation."



February 5, 1874, Wednesday

Further articles on the National Reform Association


"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

Yeshua Messiah

Hallelu-Yah !

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life

PO Box 50358

Columbia, SC

(803) 794-6273

December 21, 2008


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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