A Possible Template for




TOA Title: Juan’s Birthday Party

Theme: To Bargain or Not to Bargain

Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group : 5th grade

TOA Overview:

You and your family are going to Mexico for your cousin Juan’s birthday. To sharpen up your Spanish, you pick up a book about shopping for a birthday party. You will answer questions to show that you understand what you read. While in Mexico your aunt sends you to the market where you will use your bargaining strategies. You and your aunt come across a newspaper with sales specials for food markets in the area. You then decide to help your aunt by making a list of items she needs to buy and make recommendations about markets that have the best offers.

Task Title: Juan’s Birthday Party

Theme: To Bargain or Not to Bargain

Level : Novice-Mid Focus Age group: 5th grade

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures

Communicative Mode: Interpretive

Time Frame: One class period 35 minutes

Description of Task:

You are going to Mexico for your cousin Juan’s birthday. To sharpen up your Spanish, you pick up a book about shopping for a birthday party. Below are some questions to help you better understand.

What are some of the items that you can purchase at this particular market? Read the following pages and answer the questions.

Materials Needed: Book El Gusto del Mercado Mexicano by Nancy María Grande Tabor. Pictures of market places, pictures of typical Latin American markets

Teacher Notes: The teacher spends 15 minutes in the preparation phase the day before the test. (Questions are below). Buy book El Gusto del Mercado Mexicano by Nancy María Grande Tabor. Use pages 24 and 25. All the words that are underline where changes that I made in order to adapt the text to my task.

Scoring Criteria / Rubric:


Adaptations: The students are familiar with items sold at a typical Mexican market.

* Preparation questions:

1. Do you go to the market with your family?

2. What do you buy there?

3. What kinds of markets have you seen?

4. Do you like going to the market?

5. What kinds of things will be found in Latin American markets?

6. If you want to buy items for a birthday party is it possible to get them at a market?


Nombre:__________________________ Fecha: _________________ Clase: ______

You are going to Mexico for your cousin’s Juan birthday. To sharpen up and your Spanish, you pick up a book about shopping for a birthday party. Below are some questions to help you better understand.

I. Word Recognition

Read pages 1 and 2 of El Mercado. Match each word with the corresponding picture by writing the letter on the line.

1. comida ______________________

2. dulces _______________________

3. comprar _______________________

4. postre _______________________

5. pan ________________________

6. pan dulce _________________________ f.

II. Comprehension

Answer the questions based on El Mercado.

1. What dessert is considered special?

2. Write the names of three Spanish desserts?

3. What flavor is one of the desserts?

4. Besides desserts, what other things can you buy at the market?

5. If you were organizing a party what would you buy from El mercado?

III. Main Idea

6. Circle the main idea of El mercado.

a. You can buy horses at the market to make a party special.

b. Going to the market to buy pan dulce and other things makes a party special.

c. You can buy jewelry at the market to make a party special.

C. Interpretation

1. Do you think the author likes desserts? Explain why or why not. Write at least three sentences.

2. On page 1, the author asks the reader a question. What is he asking? Please write in English.

3. On page 2, the author asks another question. What is he asking this time? Please write in English.

Novice-Mid Interpretive Rubric

Juan’s Birthday Party


|Do I understand the | | | |

|vocabulary? |I was able to match all the |I was able to match most of the |I was able to match only a few |

| |pictures with the vocabulary word |pictures with the vocabulary word in |pictures with the vocabulary word in |

|(Vocabulary) |in section 1. |section 1. |section 1. |

|Do I understand supporting | | | |

|details? |My answers are accurate and to the |Most of my answers are accurate and |My answers are irrelevant and/or |

| |point. |relevant. |inaccurate. |

|(Comprehension) | | | |

|Do I identify the main idea? | | | |

| |I identify the main idea of pages |I identify the main idea of pages 24 |I do not identify the main idea of |

|(Main Idea) |24 and 25of El Mexicano. |and 25 of El Gusto del Mercado |pages 24 and 25 of El Gusto del |

| | |Mexicano. |Mercado Mexicano. |

|Do I infer meaning? | | | |

| |I use context clues and cognates to|I use some context clues and cognates|I do not use context clues or cognates|

|(Interpretation) |understand pages 24 and 25 of El |to understand pages 24 and 25 of El |to understand pages 24 and 25 of El |

| |Gusto del Mercado Mexicano. |Gusto del Mercado Mexicano. |Gusto del Mercado Mexicano. |

Task Title: Juan’s Birthday Party

Theme: To Bargain or Not to Bargain

Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group: 5th grade

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Interpersonal

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Description of Task:

When you arrive in Mexico your aunt (Juan’s mother) is very busy preparing for the fiesta. Unfortunately she just realized that she needs to go grocery shopping. You are eager to help her, so you ask her to make a list so that you can go to the market for her. Your aunt gives you the list along with some Mexican pesos. When you get to the market you realize that she did not give you a lot of pesos. So you are going to have to use your bargaining techniques to get her everything on the list.

Materials Needed: fake Mexican pesos / market items / market signs

Teacher Notes: Students role-play a market scene between them and a seller at a market. One student will be buyer and the other student will be the seller.

Market scene will be set up with food items and prices.

Scoring Criteria / Rubric:


Novice-Mid Interpersonal Rubric

Juan’s Birthday Party

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Does Not Meet Expectations |

|Do I understand you? |I am understood by the teacher |I am understood by the teacher with |I am understood by the teacher with |

|(Comprehensibility) |without difficulty. |occasional difficulty. |much difficulty. |

|Do I understand my partner? |I understand my partner without |I understand my partner but sometimes|Most of my responses do not reflect |

|(Comprehension) |difficulty. |need repetition or restatement. |comprehension. |

| |I am mostly correct when producing |I am somewhat correct with memorized |I am accurate only at the word level.|

|How well do I use the Spanish |simple sentences. |language. | |

|language? | | |I have limited use of words / |

| |I am mostly correct when attempting |I am less correct when attempting to |phrases. |

| |to create sentences. |create sentences. | |

|(Vocabulary Use & Language | | | |

|Control) |I recognize and use vocabulary with |I recognize and use most of the | |

| |ease. |vocabulary correctly. | |

|How well do I keep the |I begin to recombine some memorized |I use memorized chunks of language to|I do not demonstrate an ability to |

|conversation going? |language to keep the conversation |keep the conversation going. |keep the conversation going. |

| |going. | | |

|(Communication Strategies) | |I ask for repetition. | |

| |I ask for repetition and/or | | |

| |clarification. |I tell my partner when I do not | |

| | |understand. | |

| | | | |

|How well do I act like a native |I demonstrate some awareness of |I demonstrate some awareness of |I do not demonstrate awareness of |

|speaker? |cultural appropriateness. |cultural appropriateness. |cultural appropriateness. |

| | | | |

|(Cultural Awareness) | | | |

| | | | |

Task Title: Juan’s Birthday Party

Theme: To Bargain or Not to Bargain

Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group: 5th grade

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures

Communicative Mode: Presentational

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Description of Task:

When you return from the market, you find the newspaper on the door steps and bring it to your aunt. She finds ads with sales offers for several food markets. Her food supplies are still running low and she wants you to go shopping with her tomorrow. You want to help your aunt as much as possible so you decide to do the following:

a) Look through the pantry and make a list of the food supplies that are running low.

b) Look through the paper and pick the markets that have best offers for the items on your list.

You can’t wait to show your aunt your list and make recommendations for food markets according to prices!

Materials Needed: construction paper / markers / crayons / authentic newspaper ads from Mexico, teacher created template to show structure of list.

Teacher Notes: Students have prior knowledge of market items and vocabulary used at the market.

Scoring Criteria / Rubric:


Novice-Mid Presentational Rubric

Juan’s Birthday Party

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Does not Meet Expectations |

|Do we understand you? |We understood you without difficulty. |We understood you. |We did not clearly understand you. |

| | | | |

|(Comprehensibility) | |I may have some hesitations or |I have frequent hesitations and |

| | |unnatural pauses. |unnatural pauses. |

|How well do I use the Spanish |I state comparisons and made |I state comparisons and made |I state few comparisons and |

|language? |recommendations using memorized as well|recommendations using mostly |recommendations. |

| |as created language. |memorized language. | |

|(Language Control & Vocabulary Use) | | | |

| |My list is rich in appropriate |My list reveals basic vocabulary. | |

| |vocabulary. | |My list is in English. |

|How well do I capture and maintain my |I use gestures, visuals and tone of |I use some gestures and visuals to |I use no effort to maintain audience’s|

|audience’s attention? |voice to maintain audience’s attention.|maintain audience’s attention. My |attention. |

| | |tone of voice is acceptable. | |

|(Impact) | | | |

|How well would I pass for a Native |I demonstrate some cultural awareness |I demonstrate some cultural awareness|I demonstrate limited awareness of |

|speaker? |of cultural appropriateness. |of cultural appropriateness. |cultural appropriateness. |

| | | | |

|(Cultural Awareness) | | | |
















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