CATEGORYINITIAL DEPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTSOFFICE SET UPTASK: The CCO should effectively explain reasons why he might need the referenced items in setting up an office and performing his mission.OBJECTIVE: Have the CCO explain what they need to set up an office upon arrival and accomplish their mission - Did the CCO defend the assigned vehicle as one of his most efficient or practical methods of conducting contracting operations in the contingency environment?- Did the CCO defend the cellular phone as one of the most effective ways to remain accessible to the commander, contractor, and customers while on the road?- Did the CCO provide his explanation in writing?- Did the CCO provide references for his requirements?SITUATION: Major Crockett, the new chief of the MPF (Military Personnel Flight) has just arrived in the deployment location a few days ago. Major Crockett had been given orders by the Deployment Commander to tighten up discipline around camp as the Commander feels things are becoming too slack. He was also tasked to look for waste and inform the commander of excess requirements and expenditures. In observing the CCO arrive from a recent purchase downtown, Major Crockett noted what immediately appeared to him to be unnecessary "perks or privileges." The next day the CCO received a note from the first sergeant, asking him to be ready to explain the CCO's need for a vehicle, civilian clothes and cellular phone. The note indicated that Major Crockett will be visiting soon to hear the CCO's explanation. REGULATION REFERENCES: Appendix CC, para CC-502-1 (a) & (b) ()PROPS: Letter to CCO from First SergeantFrom: First SergeantTo: CCOSubject: Contracting Perks and PrivilegesMajor Crockett, our new MPF (Military Personnel Flight) Chief has expressed concern over Contracting's need for vehicles and cellular phones. To the best of our knowledge contracting does not need these items at home station, so why must you have them here? Your advantages appear to be not only wasteful and unnecessary, but also unfair to the rest of our troops who are restricted to base. Major Crockett will be visiting you soon. I recommend you be prepared to discuss this matter with at that time.Sincerely, Robert M. GlasscoRobert M. Glassco, SMSgt, USAF,First Sgt ................

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