Northwest Ordinance - Weebly

[Pages:2]Yeah! We Won! Now What???

Organization of Western Lands

Name: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ____________________

Economists say that three things are needed to produce goods: resources, labor, and money. In the late 1700's, the country had growing numbers of people to supply labor. However, it had little money. It also had shrinking amounts of a vital resource ? land.

Vast stretches of new land were available just beyond the Appalachian Mountains. In the region north of the Ohio River, called the Northwest Territory, much of the land was rich and fertile ? ideal for farming. The new government wanted to make sure that the land was settled in an orderly way. After all, if people simply grabbed whatever they wanted, fights could break out. The Northwest Territory might become a center of violent conflict rather than a peaceful settlement.

The Land Ordinance of 1785 was passed creating an orderly system for settling that land. The question remained, how would the land be sold? If the parcel sizes were too large, ordinary people could not afford them. Only the wealthy or land speculators could buy the land. Then they would be able to divide the land up into smaller lots and sell those plots at huge profits. How did they solve this dilemma??? 1. After the American Revolution, who claimed the land WEST

of the Appalachian Mountains? Look at the map on page 207. Most of the already existing 13 original states

3. How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 state that the western lands should be divided up?

4. What land makes up the Northwest Territory? Use geographical features to describe...NOT state names. NORTH of... SOUTH of... EAST of... WEST of...

2. Why did these land claims upset some people? In other words...why were the claims unfair? The states that did not have an opportunity to claim land felt it was unfair. It left small states at a money, no power

Because of the Land Ordinance of 1785, common people had a chance to buy land in the NW Territory. And it made sure that the process

of settling these lands was well-organized and free of conflict.

The Value of Land

The Revolution caused a number of changes in America. Its trade and industry grew. Settlers, freed of British restrictions, resumed their westward movement. The former colonies, now independent states, set

up new governments for themselves and joined together in the United States of America. Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government achieved some important results.

The Northwest Ordinance Before the Revolution, several colonies had claimed ownership of the same Western lands. After independence, the new states turned over their claims to the central government. Now the United States had to decide on a policy for the Western lands. How were these territories to be governed? How might they become states? In 1787, Congress answered those questions for the land making up the Northwest Territory. Congress provided for the territory's future in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

Section 3. From time to time, the Congress of the United States shall appoint territorial governors for the term of three years.

Section 9. As soon as there are 5,000 free males of full age in a governor's district, they may elect representatives to a general legislature.

Section 11. The governor, a legislative council, and a house of representatives shall have power to make laws for their district. To become a law, a bill (a proposed law) must first be approved by a majority (more than half) of both the council and the house. Then it must be approved by the governor.

Section 14. The following articles shall be considered as a compact between the original 13 states and the people and states in the territory.

Article I No person acting in a peaceable and orderly manner shall ever be ill-treated on account of his religion.

Article II The people of the territory shall always be entitled to trial by jury. No one shall be deprived

of liberty or property except by the judgment of his peers (equals) or the law of the land. No law ought ever to be made that shall, in any manner whatever, interfere with private contracts.

Article III Schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.

Article IV The territory and the states that may be formed from it shall be part of the United States forever.

Article V There shall be formed in the territory not less than three nor more than five states. Whenever any region shall have 60,000 free inhabitants, it shall become a state. A new state shall be equal with the original states in all respects.

Article VI There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory. Any slave or servant escaping into the territory may be lawfully reclaimed.

1. According to the document, how are territorial governors chosen?

2. When can elections for a legislature be organized?

3. Once a legislature exists, what two steps will be necessary for a bill to become a law? a. b.

4. How many states could be formed out of the Northwest Territory?

5. How many people must live in a territory in order for it to become a state?

6. What would be the status of a slave who escaped from a slaveholding state and reached the Northwest Territory?


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