Chapter 7 Study Guide with Answers - Weebly

Chapter 7 Study Guide

Directions. Using your textbook and notes, answer the following questions in preparation for your Chapter 7 Assessment on Tuesday, January 17, 2017.

1. How did the Articles of Confederation make sure to protect the rights of the states?

The Articles of Confederation gave states the most power. The central government had very little power under the Articles of Confederation, so this protected the rights of the states to govern themselves.

2. According to the Articles of Confederation, what powers did the central government have? How did the Articles of Confederation limit the powers of the central government?

The central government could deal with foreign nations and with Native Americans outside the 13 states. It could make laws, declare war, coin or borrow money, and run a postal service. Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government could not regulate trade or collect taxes. It also had no way to enforce the laws that it made.

3. How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 explain how western lands were settled? How were these lands divided?

The Land Ordinance of 1785 created a system for selling and settling land. Under this law, surveyors divided the land into townships, which were six miles on each side. Within each township, there would be a grid of squares, each 1 mile on each side. These 36 sections within a township would be sold for no less than $1 an acre. One section was reserved for education.

4. What was the purpose of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? How did this ordinance affect the practice of slavery in this area of the country?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 outlined how land in the Northwest Territory (land north of the Ohio River) would be governed. It guaranteed basic rights for settlers and banned slavery there. The Northwest Ordinance also outlined the process for how a territory could become a state.

5. Explain the economic problems that the Union faced because of the Articles of Confederation.

Under the Articles of Confederation, trade between the states was not working very well. Because each state had its own regulations, currency, and taxing policies, the Union started to suffer. Also, because the central government could not tax, it was running out of money quickly.

6. What conflicts did the Union face with Britain and Spain?

Following the Revolutionary War, Britain still occupied forts in the Northwest Territory even though they had agreed to turn them over to the United States. During this time, Spain controlled New Orleans and refused to allow the United States to ship goods down the Mississippi River. These two countries viewed the United States as week and had very little respect for the country because of this.

7. Explain the events that occurred during Shay's Rebellion. How did this incident shed light on the failures of the Articles of Confederation?

Shay's Rebellion occurred as a result of farmers in Massachusetts losing their farms and rebelling against the government. The United States was in a depression during this time, and farmers were not able to pay their taxes because of declining prices. As a result, the state took over their farms and resold them to get the taxes paid. This angered the farmers, and they called for rebellion against the state of Massachusetts. When the farmers attacked a state warehouse, the state called on the central government for help. But because the central government had no power to intervene in state issues, its hands were tied. This incident helped people in America see that the central government needed more power in order for it to effectively assist in leading the country.

8. What was the initial purpose of the Constitutional Convention?

The initial purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation.

9. What state did not send a delegate? Rhode Island

10. Explain the differences between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.

Virginia Plan ? Called for 3 branches of government ? Called for a 2-house legislature ? Called for representation in Congress based on

state population

New Jersey Plan ? Called for a single house of Congress with equal

state representation ? Expanded the powers of Congress to raise money

and regulate commerce

11. What was the Great Compromise? How did it benefit states with large and small populations?

The Great Compromise was a third proposal that benefited states with large and small populations. Under the Great Compromise, the legislature would be a two-house Congress with one house based on population and one with equal representation of all states.

12. Explain the Three-Fifths Compromise. How did this agreement lead to further tension between races in America?

The 3/5 Compromise was an agreement between states on the issue of slave population. States with slaves wanted their state population to include the counting of slaves because it would give them greater representation in Congress. Other states did not agree with this because slaves were not allowed to vote or given other rights. Under the 3/5 Compromise, each slave would count as 3/5 instead of 1 whole. This was a blow to African Americans because it gave evidence to the prejudice that African Americans experienced under the slavery system. The 3/5 Compromise essentially made provisions to continue discrimination and unequal treatment of African Americans.

13. What agreement did the states come to regarding slave trade in America?

The states agreed that from 1788 to 1808, states could still continue the slave trade with other nations. But after 1808 Congress could make laws banning the practice. This agreement had no effect on slave trade between states.

14. What is the difference between the Federalist and the Antifederalist position?

Federalist ? Wanted a strong central government ? Supporters of the new Constitution ? Believed that the central government needed the

power to enforce laws in order to be effective


? Opponents of the Constitution ? Agreed that the AoC were not strong enough but

felt that the new Constitution gave too much power to the central government ? Believed that the Constitution weakened states' powers, needed a Bill of Rights to protect individual freedoms, and shouldn't have called for one person to lead the executive branch

15. How many states were required to ratify the Constitution before it went into effect? 9

16. Which state first approved the Constitution? What was the 9th state to approve the Constitution? Why is that significant?

Deleware was the first state to approve the Constitution. New Hampshire was the 9th state to approve the Constitution, and this allowed the Constitution to go into effect.

17. What is the Bill of Rights? List the first ten amendments using p. 221 and explain what specific rights they protect.

The Bill of Rights is a series of amendments that list rights guaranteeing individual rights for American citizens. 1 ? freedom of religion, speech, and the press

2 ? right to bear arms 3 ? bars Congress from forcing citizens to keep troops in their homes 4 ? protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures 5-8 ? protects a citizen who is accused of a crime and brought to trial 9-10 ? limit the powers of the federal government to those that are granted in the Constitution

18. Why did southern delegates not want to limit slavery? They did not want to limit slavery because of the negative impact doing so would have on their agricultural economy.


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