Chapter 2 The Army Organizational Life Cycle

嚜澦ow the Army Runs

Chapter 2

The Army Organizational Life Cycle

In his Biennial Report of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army to the Secretary of War for the period July 1,

1939, to June 30, 1941, General George C. Marshall described the stark situation in which he found the Army as the

war in Europe erupted and threatened to involve a neutral United States. President Roosevelt*s emergency proclamation of September 8, 1939 had given the authority for the Active Army to expand from 210,000 to 227,000 men and to

reorganize from the World War I square divisions to the new triangular divisions. However, General Marshall*s

problems could not be solved by a manpower increase of less than 10% and a division reorganization. He also had

major training deficiencies to correct. There was such a shortage in motor transportation that divisional training was

impracticable. A lack of corps headquarters and experienced commanders and obsolete doctrine and organizations

further degraded capabilities. Over half the undermanned Active Army divisions were horse-mounted and the horse

was still the primary means of mounted movement. At the same time Congress had reduced the Army Air Corps request

for replacements to World War I aircraft to only 57 planes. It was even worse in the National Guard organizations.

General Marshall*s solution to these massive problems was to reconstruct the Army systemically, by resourcing,

structuring and integrating new equipment, personnel, and organizations while training. Ultimately, he improved the

youth and vitality of the Army by discharging elderly and substandard soldiers. The U.S. Army*s success in creating,

deploying, and sustaining 89 divisions for the European Theater during World War II was largely due to General

Marshall*s genius for leadership and his skill at what, today, is known as force management and force integration.

Section I


2每1. Chapter content

a. This chapter provides an overview of the systems and processes employed by the Army to manage change on a

continuing basis. It reflects the fact, as General George C. Marshall understood all too well, that, in complex

organizations, every action or problem affects every other function of the organization. Army management systems and

processes dictate the entire life cycle of the Army, from the earliest stages of conceptual development to the final

disposition of people, equipment, and facilities.

b. The Army manages change by utilizing a myriad of institutional processes as it performs its legal function as

specified in, Title 10, United States Code, Section 3062, to prepare forces ※...organized, trained, and equipped primarily

for prompt and sustained combat incident to operations on land. It is responsible for the preparation of land forces

necessary for the effective prosecution of war except as otherwise assigned and, in accordance with integrated joint

mobilization plans, for the expansion of the peacetime components of the Army to meet the needs of war.§

c. This chapter looks holistically at the systems and processes in the context of the various products of one become

the inputs or constraints of others. This overview of how the Army runs addresses systems that are necessary to the

overall leadership and management of the Army, and that are integral to the force management processes. Subsequent

chapters will expand upon the sub-elements presented here.

2每2. The Army Organizational Life Cycle Model (AOLCM)

a. Managing change in any large, complex organization requires management of many interrelated and themselves

complex processes. In the context of developing operational organizations with highly trained personnel, led by

confident leaders, using effective equipment, and delivering them when needed by the unified COCOM commander,

the Army manages from an organizational lifecycle view. The Army Organizational Life-Cycle Model graphically

captures the continuous cycle of building, using, maintaining, and eliminating organizations. The Army recognizes the

need to understand change as a dynamic process. Realizing the Army Vision, Interim Force, and Objective Force

mandate that the Army effectively manage the process of change. The AOLCM provides a conceptual framework to do


b. The AOLCM shown at Figure 2每1, reflects the stages that organizations and their personnel and equipment will

experience at one time or another (and oftentimes concurrently) during their service in the Army. The functions

performed in these stages develop and field operational units and their supporting organizations, maintain their viability

and effectiveness, and remove them or their resources (personnel and things) from the force as requirements change.

Each individual resource (a soldier or civilian or thing) required by a unit or activity will be found at some stage of the

model beginning with the establishment of need and entry into the Army to ultimate separation. The model details the

critical stages through which an organizational resource will move, at some point, during its life span. Generally, the

model depicts the life cycle of Army organizations from their development and their progression (clockwise around

Figure 2每1) to separation. The dynamic of the model, displayed by the interconnecting lines, illustrates that the Army

leadership must resource and manage all of the functions simultaneously, since some resources will be in each

functional stage at any one time. Any change to a resource in a functional stage will affect resources in most of not all


How the Army Runs

of the other functional stages. In other words, if you touch something in one functional node the response will vibrate

through the entire model affecting other nodes to some degree.

Figure 2每1. The Army Organization Life Cycle Model

c. Life cycle functions are listed below.

(1) Force Management. As the first phase of the organizational life cycle model force management becomes the

basis underlying all other functions. The process involves decision-making, and execution of the spectrum of activities

encompassing conceptual development, capabilities requirements generation, force development, organizational development, force integration functions and resourcing. Force management results in the development of a capable

operational force within constrained resources.

(2) Acquisition. After the Congress authorizes, and the DOD provides, the budget and the force structure allowance

(FSA) (see para 13每7b) guidance, the Army must then acquire the people and materiel specified in the requirements

and authorizations documents necessary to accomplish specified mission. From a materiel acquisition perspective, the

acquisition function extends beyond the principal item being fielded and must consider other essential requirements

such as the availability of associated support items of equipment and personnel (ASIOEP), technical publications,

repair parts, trained personnel, and facilities. From a human resource (HR) (see Chapter 13 and 14) acquisition

perspective, the acquisition function must consider recruiting and accession missions in concert with the overall

manpower management program and the influences of personnel life cycle functions.

(3) Training. The training function encompasses the processes for accomplishing the transition from civilian status

to military life. In this context, the training function is somewhat different from what most Army leaders think of when

discussing training. At this point in the life cycle, consider training from the aspect of initial entry training or the

requirement to provide soldiers with initial familiarization training on new or displaced equipment. In other words, this

aspect of the training cycle imparts new skills to the soldier or converts the civilian into a soldier. It most often results

in award of a military occupational specialty (MOS) or additional skill identifier (ASI). The training function also

includes the transition of U.S. Military Academy (USMA), Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), and Officer

Candidate School (OCS) graduates into officers through the branch basic courses. Traditional collective training and

professional educational training fall under the "development" phase of the Organizational Life Cycle Model.

(4) Distribution. Having produced or procured the resources necessary to form and sustain units they must be

distributed according to established requirements, authorizations, and priorities. The distribution function includes the

assignment of people from entry-level training to their initial unit and the delivery of new materiel from the wholesale

level to the user. It also includes the redistribution of equipment to less modernized units in the force.


How the Army Runs

(5) Deployment. Once trained or prepared, units, individuals, packages, or things become available to support

worldwide operations. An individual soldier, civilian, unit, or item of equipment may be subject to some, if not all, of

the mobilization, deployment, redeployment, demobilization, and reconfiguration processes of this function. Deployment represents both a planning and operational function involving agencies on the ARSTAF, other levels of DOD,

and the civilian transportation structure.

(6) Sustainment. In peace or war the presence of people and materiel in units establishes a requirement for

sustainment. People, skills, capability, and things must be maintained to the standard set for mission accomplishment

by replacement, rotation, repair, and training operations. From a personnel perspective this function covers soldier

reassignments throughout a career or obligation period, quality of life and well-being programs, as well as other aspects

of the personnel systems contributing towards retention. Repair parts and maintenance provide the sustainment process

for materiel. Training in units covering the process of sustaining common soldier skills that maintain unit or individual

proficiency falls under this function as well. The personnel priority group (PPG), officer distribution plans (ODP) (see

para 13每19b), DA Master Priority List (DAMPL), ten classes of supply, the authorized stockage lists (ASL), and

prescribed load lists (PLL) illustrate some of the systems or techniques used to apply authorization and priority to the

sustainment function.

(7) Development. The Army must continue to sustain itself. The Army also must constantly develop and improve.

We develop individuals through civilian, enlisted, and officer education programs that include character and leader

development modules. Education and training programs range from individual self-development, including graduatelevel degree programs to the entire range of branch and skill related institutional training culminating at either the

senior service college for officers and civilians or Sergeants Major Academy for enlisted soldiers. Units develop

through collective training processes that include individual training in units, home station training, and deployments

for training. Examples are collective training tasks (CTT), leader training, live fire and maneuver training, external

evaluations such as those under the Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP), emergency deployment

readiness exercises (EDRE), operational readiness tests (ORT), and training rotations to the combat training centers


(8) Separation. Finally, there comes a time when people and equipment separate from military control. People may

separate voluntarily by not extending following completion of an obligated service period or by retiring. Involuntary

separation may occur due to reduction in force (RIF) actions or qualitative reasons. The Army normally separates

materiel through the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) process or through foreign military sales

(FMS) actions.

d. External influences affecting the functioning of the model. There are two categories of external influences that

affect the model:

(1) The first category is the availability of resources. Resources include tangible objects in the form of funds,

materiel, or personnel as well as intangible resources such as time, information, and technology.

(2) The second category is the influence of command, management, and leadership in planning, organizing,

directing, controlling, and monitoring the multitude of inputs, decisions, and actions to ensure that functions at each

stage of the model execute effectively and at the appropriate time.

Section II

Force management

2每3. The Army War College Model

To aid in examining specific force management systems (see Chapter 5) and their interactions, the U.S. Army War

College has adopted the force management model shown in Figure 2每2 (insert at end of this book). This model reflects

a SoS (see para 11每15), each of which provides an essential force management function and, more importantly, how

these functions relate to each other.

a. In this network, strategic and senior leadership guidance, the processes for determining warfighting requirements,

conducting research and development (R&D), and providing resources all provide input to the force development

process. The resulting products of force development, in turn, provide the basis for the force integrating functions of

acquiring and distributing materiel, as well as acquiring, training, and distributing personnel in the Army. This widely

used model highlights key aspects and relationships of force management. The model shows the relationships of Army

processes to each other and to the major DOD management processes. These processes drive and interact with Army

processes. Each process displayed in the figure is examined in detail in other chapters of this text. These major DOD

management processes are the:

(1) Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS) (see para 4每2 and 9每40).

(2) Joint Operations, Planning and Execution System (JOPES).

(3) Planning, Programming and Budgeting System (PPBS).

(4) Materiel Systems Acquisition Management process.

b. The underlying basis for this model is that force management, in its simplest context, is the management of

change using many interrelated and complex processes. Although the model depicts the flow of processes in a


How the Army Runs

somewhat linear, sequential manner, the complexities of managing change mandate that at any one time an initiative

may be in several of these processes at one time at some level of maturity. As organizations develop, these processes

may run sequentially, be compressed, run in parallel, or even run in reverse depending on the urgency, risk and senior

leader guidance on the issue. History has shown, however, that eventually all of the steps must take place to produce a

fully trained and equipped operational force at the right time and at the right place for the Combatant Commander.

2每4. Force management terms.

This section will explore the terms commonly used when describing the force management process. Force management

has two major sub-components, Force Development and Force Integration:

a. Force development. Force development determines Army doctrinal, organizations, training, materiel, leadership

and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) capabilities requirements and translates them into programs and

structure, within allocated resources, to accomplish Army missions and functions. A capability provides the means to

accomplish a mission or task decisively. Capability comes from organizations comprised of well-trained people with

superior equipment, led by competent leaders employing sound doctrine. The following paragraphs offer a condensed

explanation of the force development process. (For more detail see Chapter 5).

(1) Generate capabilities requirements.

(a) The force development process has its roots in the process of developing operational concepts to meet the future

functional needs of the Joint force. The capabilities requirement generation process identifies the desired operational

capability in terms of personnel, equipment, and unit structure. This process begins with national-level guidance such

as national security strategies, Joint Vision, DPG, guidance from the Army*s senior leadership (Army Vision, The

Army Plan (TAP) (see para 4每14b)), operational requirements of Combatant Commanders, joint warfighting concepts

(such as rapid decisive operations, peace enforcement operations), and/or new materiel capabilities evolving from the

RDA process. Taking into account projected future operating environments, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine

Command (TRADOC) assesses future concepts through a series of analyses, tests, experiments, and studies to gain

insights for solutions across DOTMLPF domains for functional needs.

(b) Using the Integrated Concept Team (ICT) management technique, TRADOC pursues timely involvement of

appropriate agencies/expertise to aggressively analyze and assess future operating concepts. This assessment process

leads to a recommendation by the Commanding General (CG) TRADOC to HQDA on mission solutions to fulfill the

mission needs capabilities. If the capability requires a change in doctrine, training, or leader development TRADOC

begins action to meet the requirement upon approval of HQDA Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), G每3. If the analysis

results in a need for change in soldier occupational specialty structure, then the recommendation goes forward to

HQDA DCS, G每1 for action (See Chapter 13). If the required capability needs a materiel solution, TRADOC prepares

a capabilities requirements document and forwards it to HQDA DCS, G每3 for approval of the requirement through the

Army Requirements Oversight Council (AROC) validation/approval process. HQDA DCS, G每8 has responsibility for

materiel solutions and DOTMLPF integration through out the program life cycle. (For more detail on fulfilling materiel

capabilities requirements see Chapter 11). If the solutions analysis determines a need for change in facilities, then the

recommendation goes forward to the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM) (see para 9每8i) for

action (See Chapter 17). If TRADOC determines the required capability needs an organizational solution, TRADOC

prepares a Unit Reference Sheet (URS). TRADOC forwards the URS to HQDA for approval. The approved organizational solutions move to the next phase of force development.

(2) Design organizations. As the conceptual organizational structure begins to clarify, the force development process

begins to design organizations. The combat development community develops the proposed organization, as well as its

mission and functions, to meet the required mission capabilities. Organizational solutions to Future Operational

Capabilities (FOCs) are captured in a URS in sufficient detail to support Army force design initiatives, and related

studies and analyses. After the design has been developed, laid out and analyzed by TRADOC, it moves forward to

HQDA in the force design update (FDU) (see Chapter 5). Once approved, this design will be further refined into an

organizational model known as a table of organization and equipment (TOE) (see para 5每9).

(3) Develop organizational models. U. S. Army Force Management Support Agency (USAFMSA) applies rules,

standards, and guidance to the doctrinally correct design to produce the organizational model (TOE). The TOE is a

requirements document, and defines a fully mission-capable organization (i.e.; unresourced).

(4) Determine organizational authorizations. The HQDA approved TOE competes in the total army analysis (TAA)

process for resources. TAA develops requirements and authorizations defining the force structure the Army must build,

raise, provision, sustain, maintain, train and resource. Through TAA, the Army provides the COCOM commanders

with the proper force structure to execute assigned tasks. TAA determines the requirements (number and type) for all

approved TOEs followed by competing for resources in the POM Force (Officer/Warrant Officer/Enlisted spaces). The

resourcing phase of TAA also accounts for the materiel requirements. TAA takes into account force guidance and

resource availability to produce a balanced and affordable force structure. It determines and/or verifies the affordability,

supportability, and executability of the organizational model. (see para 5每15)

(5) Document organizational authorizations.

(a) After approval of the resourced force structure by the Army leadership, USAFMSA manages the process of

documenting the decision(s). This process results in organizational authorizations documented as modification tables of


How the Army Runs

organization and equipment (MTOE) or tables of distribution and allowance (TDA) (see para 5每23a(2)). The force

development process culminates with the HQDA approval and documentation of personnel and equipment authorizations as Army organizations in the force structure. The resource-constrained decisions on the allocation of authorizations are recorded in The Army Authorization Document System (TAADS) (see para 5每23) and the Structure and

Manpower Allocation System (SAMAS).

(b) The marriage of these two systems occurs in the Structure and Composition System (SACS). SACS, in

conjunction with the Force Builder System, produces the Army*s time-phased demands for personnel and equipment

over the Current, Budget and Program Years and is extended for a total of a ten-year period. Additionally, SACS

defaults to FY 2050 and builds a fully modernized Objective TOE (OTOE) position for all units. In this way, SACS

shows current levels of modernization, levels achieved at the end of the Program Objective Memorandum (POM) (see

para 4每17 and 9每60g) period and a fully modernized Army (for planning purposes). SACS outputs combine information from Basis of Issue Plan (BOIP), TOE, SAMAS, TAADS and known force structure constraints not included in

the previous files. Key outputs are the Personnel SACS (PERSACS) and the Logistics SACS (LOGSACS) (see Chapter


(c) SACS provides the data that drives the force integration processes to acquire, train, and distribute personnel and

acquire and distribute materiel to the right place at the right time. Upon completion of force development the

management processes become integrating functions. These force integration functions take an approved force development program and incorporate it into the force.

b. Force integration.

(1) Effective force integration is a difficult and demanding process that involves coordinating many complex and

unique procedures and data systems. Force integration is the synchronized, resource-constrained execution of an

approved force development program to achieve systematic management of change, including〞

(a) The introduction, incorporation, and sustainment of doctrine, organizations, and equipment into the Army;

(b) Coordination and integration of operational and managerial systems collectively designed to improve the

effectiveness and capability of the Army, and;

(c) Knowledge and consideration of the potential implications of decisions and actions taken within the execution


(2) The scope of force integration includes the functions of structuring organizations, manning, equipping, training,

sustaining, deploying, stationing, and funding the force during the introduction and incorporation of approved organizational or force structure changes. It also includes the function of minimizing adverse impacts on force readiness during

the introduction and incorporation of change. Force integration synchronizes these functional activities to produce

combat ready organizations. Force integration is an enabling process of force management. Force integration focuses

Army management actions towards organizations to ensure the orderly incorporation and sustainment of structure,

equipment, and doctrine in the Army. The objective of the effort is to assess the combined impact of Army functional

systems on units and ensure the appropriate mix of resources (structure, people, equipment, dollars, facilities, and

information) result in fully operational units.

Section III

Coordination of force integration actions

2每5. Information exchange as a key element of force integration

Coordination of all aspects of force integration requires the constant exchange of information. In the Army*s battle to

achieve effective force integration, there have been and continue to be initiatives that focus on improving the

information flow within and between the multiple systems and processes of force integration. Throughout this text,

readers will find detailed descriptions of systems and processes that exchange information and help coordinate force

integration actions.

2每6. The team approach to force integration

a. Execution of the organization integration process was the responsibility of the organization integration team prior

to the 1 December 2000 reorganization of the G每8 and the G每3 While the materiel management responsibilities of the

G每3 and the G每8 are known in general terms to be as described above and in Chapters 9 and 11, the functions and

responsibilities of these staff elements and their individual force management action officers with respect to the force

integration function are still evolving. HQDA has learned from the force management experiences of Force XXI,

digitization, and the formation of the Stryker brigades, the value of utilizing the working team approach to problem

solving. Teams of stakeholders meet to discuss and seek solutions to implementation challenges of force management

initiatives. These working groups have been able to work the complex issues faced by the accelerating pace of change

in a manner superior to the linear and sequential methods used in the past. HQDA will continue to use the team

approach for force management. The three key staff officer that chair the major integrating working groups are the

requirements staff officer (RSO) assigned to the G每3, the synchronization staff officer (SSO) assigned to the G每8 and

the DA system coordinator (DASC) assigned to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and

Technology (ASAALT). They work with other team members including the G每3 force integrator (FI) (see para 2每6c),



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