טופס הצעה להעלאה בדרגה


Joshua Schwartz

Books Written and Edited

1. Jewish Settlement in Judaea after the Bar-Kochba War and until the Arab Conquest, Jerusalem: the Magnes Press, 1986 (Hebrew).

2. Lod (Lydda), Israel: From its Origins through the Byzantine Period, Oxford: Tempus Reparatum, British Archaeological Reports International Series 571, 1991.

3. Hiqrei Eretz: Yehuda Feliks Jubilee Volume, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1997 (with Y. Friedman and Z. Safrai) (Hebrew).

3. Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity, Leiden: E. J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 1, 1998 (with M. Poorthuis and A. Houtman).

4. Medicine in Jerusalem Throughout the Ages, Tel-Aviv: Eretz; C. G. Foundation Jerusalem Project and Unit of the History of Medicine in Israel, 1999 (with Z. Amar and E. Lev) (Hebrew and English).

5. Purity and Holiness in Judaism and Christianity: The Heritage of Leviticus, Leiden: E. J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 2, 2000 (with M. Poorthuis).

6. Jerusalem and the Land of Israel, Arie Kindler Volume, Tel-Aviv: Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies and Eretz-Israel Museum, 2000 (with Z. Amar and I. Ziffer) (Hebrew and English).

7. Women in Jerusalem throughout the Ages, Ramat-Gan: Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, 2002 (Hebrew) (with T. Cohen).

8. Saints and Role Models in Judaism and Christianity, Leiden: E.J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 7, 2004 (with Marcel Poorthuis).

9. A Holy People: Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Religious Communal Identity, Leiden and Boston: E. J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 12, 2006 (with M. Poorthuis)

10. The Literature of the Sages, Second Part: Midrash and Targum, Liturgy, Poetry, Mysticism, Contracts, Inscriptions, Ancient Science and the Languages of Rabbinic Literature: Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum, Amsterdam: Royal Van Gorcum and Fortress Press, 2006 (with P. Tomson, S. Safrai (z"l) and Z. Safrai ).

11. Studies in Josephus and the Varieties of Judaism: Louis H. Feldman Jubilee Volume, Leiden: E.J. Brill; Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 67, 2007 (with Shaye J. D. Cohen).

12. Isolation, Independence, Syncretism and Dialogue: Models of Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in the Past and Present, Leiden and Boston: E.J.Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspective Series 17, 2008 (with M. Poorthuis and J. Turner).

13. The Actuality of Sacrifice: Past and Present, Leiden and Boston: Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspective Series 28, 2014 (with Alberdina Houtman, Marcel Poorthuis and Joseph Turner).

14.  Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: How to Write Their History, Brill, Leiden; CRINT 13, 2014, (with Peter J. Tomson).

15. Jerusalem: From its Beginning to the Ottoman Conquest (Ramat-Gan: Ingenborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, 2017) (with Avraham Faust and Eyal Baruch) (Hebrew).

16. Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: The Interbellum 70-132 CE (Leiden-Boston: Brill; CRINT 15, 2018) (with Peter J. Tomson).

17. Jews and Christians in Roman-Byzantine Palestine: History, Daily Life and Material Culture, Volumes 1-2 (Bern:Peter Lang, 2018).

18. The History of Jerusalem: The Second Temple Period to be published by Yad ben Zvi (together with Ronny Reich as Isaiah Gafni as co-editors) (Hebrew).

Chapters in Books

19. “Sinai in the History of Israel and in Jewish Thought,” in Z. Meshel and I. Finklestein (eds.), Qadmoniyot Sinai, Tel-Aviv: Kibbutz Ha-Meuhad, 1980, 79-87 (Hebrew).

20. “Jewish Settlement in Judaea and the Southern Coastal Region in the Third and Fourth Centuries CE,” in Z. Baras et al. (eds.), Eretz-Israel from the Destruction of the Second Temple until the Muslim Conquest, Jerusalem: Yad ben-Zvi, 1982, I, 180-201 (Hebrew).

21. “Judaea in the Wake of the Bar-Kochba Revolt,” in A. Oppenheimer and U. Rappaport (eds.), The Bar-Kochba Revolt: New Studies, Jerusalem: Yad ben-Zvi, 1984, 215-223 (Hebrew).

22. “Between a Nation and Its People: Judaea and Samaria in the Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud Periods,” in J. Levita (ed.), The High Mountain of Israel: Judaea and Samaria- Past, Present and Trends in the Future, Tel-Aviv: Defense Ministry Press, 1984, 62-77 (Hebrew).

23. “Everyday Life in Tiberias in the Mishnah and Talmud Periods,” in Y. Hirschfeld (ed.), Tiberias: From Beginnings until the Muslim Conquest, Jerusalem, Yad ben-Zvi, Idan11, 1988, 103-110 (Hebrew).

24. “On Economy and Trade in Lydda during the Yavneh Period,” in I. Gafni et al. (eds.), Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud Period, Jerusalem: Yad ben Zvi, 1993, 198-211 (Hebrew).

25. “The Southern Mt. Hebron region in the Mishnah and Talmud Period,” in Z. Ehrlich (ed.), Peraqim be-Nahalat Yehuda, Benai Beraq: Moriah, 1995, 239-251 (Hebrew).

26. “Peter and Ben Stada in Lydda,” in R. Bauckham (ed.), The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting, IV, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1995, 391-414.

27. “Birah and Baris in Jerusalem,” in M. Poorthuis and C. Safrai (eds.), The Centrality of Jerusalem: Historical Perspectives, Kampen: Pharos, 1996, 29-49.

28. “The Economy of Judaea in the Hasmonean Period,” in D. Amit and H. Eshel, The Hasmonean Period, Jerusalem: Yad ben-Zvi, Idan, 1996, 125-131 (Hebrew).

29. “On Mishnah Tamid and Jericho,” in J. Schwartz et al. (eds.) Hiqrei Eretz: Yehuda Feliks Jubilee Volume. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1997, 247-257 (Hebrew).

30. “The Patriotic Rabbi: Babylonian Scholars in Roman Period Palestine” in S. Pearce and L. Jones (eds.), Jewish Local Patriotism and Self-Identification in the Graeco-Roman Period, Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 31, 1998, 118-131.

31. “To Stand-Perhaps To Sit: Sitting and Standing in the Azarah,” in J. Schwartz, M. Poorthuis and A. Houtman (eds.), Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity, Leiden: E. J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 1, 1998, 167-189.

32. “The Absorption of Olim from Babylonia in the Mishnah and Talmud Period,” in D. Ha-Cohen, Aliyah to the Land of Israel, Jerusalem: Mercaz Shazar, 1998, 51-65 (Hebrew).

33. “Archaeology and the City,” in D. Sperber, The City in Roman Palestine, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, 149-194.

34. “Gambling in Ancient Jewish Society,” in M. Goodman, Jews in the Graeco-Roman World, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998, 145-165.

35. “Aspects of Leisure-Time Activities in Roman Period Palestine,” in P. Schaefer (ed.), The Talmud Yerushalmi in Greco-Roman Culture, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1998, 313-325.

36. “The Ark of the Lord in Ancient Jewish Art,” in I. Rosenson, Following the Ark of the Lord: On the Wanderings of the Ark in the Shefelah of Judaea, Elkanah, Eretz Hefetz Institute, 1998, 32-40 (Hebrew).

37. “On Birds, Rabbis and Skin Disease,” in J. Schwartz and M. Poorthuis (eds.), Purity and Holiness in Judaism and Christianity: The Heritage of Leviticus, Leiden: E. J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 2, 2000, 207-222.

38. “Purity and Holiness: An Introductory Survey,” in J. Schwartz and M. Poorthuis (eds.), Purity and Holiness in Judaism and Christianity: The Heritage of Leviticus, Leiden: E. J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 2, 2000, 3-26.

39. “John the Baptist, the Wilderness and the Samaritan Mission,” in G. Galil and M. Weinfeld (eds.), Studies in Historical Geography and Biblical Historiography Presented to Zecharia Kallai, Leiden: E. J. Brill, Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, 2000, 104-117.

40. “Gilgal and the Lord’s Field,” in Joshua Schwartz, Zohar Amar and Irit Ziffer (eds.), Jerusalem and the Land of Israel, Arie Kindler Volume, Tel-Aviv: Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies and Eretz-Israel Museum, 2000, 77*-88*.

41. “The Relationship Between Jews and Non-Jews in the Mishnah and Talmud Period in Light of Their Attitudes to Play and Leisure Time Activities,” in A. Oppenheimer et al. (eds.), Jew and Gentiles in the Holy Land in the Days of the Second Temple, the Mishnah and the Talmud: a collection of articles, Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi Press, 2003, 132-141(Hebrew)

42. “Dogs in Ancient Jewish Rural Society,” in A. M. Maeir, S. Dar and Z. Safrai (eds.), The Rural Landscape of Ancient Israel, Oxford: BAR International Series 1121; Archaeopress, 2003, 127-136.

43. "Introduction" in Joshua Schwartz and Marcel Poorthuis (eds.), Saints and Role Models in Judaism and Christianity, Leiden: E.J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 7, 2004 (with Marcel Poorthuis), pp. 3-6.

44. “Material Culture in the Land of Israel: Monks and Rabbis on Clothing and Dress in the Byzantine Period" in Joshua Schwartz and Marcel Poorthuis (eds.), Saints and Role Models in Judaism and Christianity, Leiden: E.J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 7, 2004 (with Marcel Poorthuis), pp. 121-137.

45. “Material Culture and Rabbinic Literature in the Land of Israel in Late Antiquity: Beds, Bedclothes, and Sleeping Habits,” in L. I. Levine (ed.), Continuity and Renewal: Jews and Judaism in Byzantine-Christian Palestine, Jerusalem: Dinur Center for the Study of History, Yad Ben-Zvi and The Jewish Theological Seminary, 2004, pp. 197-209 (Hebrew).

46. "Wirkungsgeschichte of the Tower of Babel Story in Jewish Tradition, (= De torenbouw van Babel in de joodse traditie) " in Ellen van Wolde (ed.), The Tower of Babel (= De toren van Babel), Zoetermeer: Meinema, 2004, 73-87, 155-157.

47. “Temple and Temple Mount in the Book of Acts: Early Christian Activity, Topography and Halachah,” Jack Pastor and Menachem Mor (eds.), The Beginnings of Christianity, Jerusalem: Yad ben Zvi, 2005, pp. 279-295.

48. "Jew and Non-Jew in the Roman Period in Light of Their Play, Games, and Leisure-Time Activities," in J. Harold Ellens et al. (eds.), God's Word for Our World, Theological and Cultural Studies in Honor of Simon John De Vries, London and New York: Clark International; Continuum, 2005, pp. 128-140.

49. "A Holy People in the Winepress: Treading the Grapes and Holiness," in Joshua Schwartz and Marcel Poorthuis (eds.), A Holy People: Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Religious Communal Identity, Leiden and Boston: E. J. Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspectives 12, 2006, pp. 39-51.

50. “The Realities of Material Culture in Jewish Society in Roman Palestine,” in Steven Katz (editor), The Cambridge History of Judaism: The Late Roman Period-Rabbinic Period (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 431-456.

51. "Are the 'Halachic Temple Mount' and the 'Outer Court' of Josephus One and the Same?" in Joshua Schwartz and Shaye J.D. Cohen (eds.), Studies in Josephus and the Varieties of Judaism: Louis H. Feldman Jubilee Volume, Leiden: E.J. Brill; Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 67, 2007, pp. 207-222.

52. "Katzen in der antiken juedischen Gesellschaft," in Rainer Kampling (ed.), Eine seltsame Gefaehrtin-Katzen, Religion, Theologie, Theologen, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang; Apeliotes, Studien zur Kulturgeschichte und Theologie, Bd.1, 2007, pp. 41-73.

53. "Issues in Reconstructing a Site for which Archaeological Evidence is Lacking: the Second Temple in Jerusalem (Herodian Phase)," in Antonella Coralini and Daniela Scagliarini Corlaita (eds.), Ut natura Ars: Virtual Reality e archeologia-Atti della Giornata di Studi (Bologna, 22 aprile 2002), Bologna: University Press Bologna; Imola, 2007, pp. 59-69.

54. "The Deserts of Palestine: Wilderness in the Thought of the Rabbis and the Desert Fathers: Geographic Reality and the Crisscrossing of Motifs," in Joshua Schwartz (ed.) (with M. Poorthuis and J. Turner), Isolation, Independence, Syncretism and Dialogue: Models of Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in the Past and Present, Leiden and Boston: E.J.Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspective Series 17, 2008, pp. 141-161.

55. "Bar Qatros and the Priestly Families of Jerusalem," Hillel Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982, Volume IV: The Burnt House of Area B and Other Studies, Final Report (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society- Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2010), pp. 308-319.

56. "Play and Games" in Catherine Hezser (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 641-653.

57. "Sinai-Mountain and Desert: The Desert Geography and Theology of the Rabbis and Desert Fathers," in Zeev Weiss, Oded Irshai, Jodi Magness and Seth Schwartz, 'Follow the Wise' (B. Sanhedrin 32b): Studies in Jewish History and Culture in Honor of Lee I. Levine (Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2010), 357-376.

58. "Jesus the 'Material Jew'," in Zeev Garber (ed.), The Jewish Jesus: Revelation, Reflection, Reclamation (West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University: 2011), 47-64.

59. "Notes on the Virtual Reconstruction of the Herodian Period Temple and Courtyards" in Steven Fine (ed.), The Temple of Jerusalem: From Moses to the Messiah: In Honor of Professor Louis H. Feldman (Leiden-Boston, 2011), 69-89) (with Yehoshua Peleg)

60. “How Jewish to be Jewish? Self-identity and Jewish Christians in First Century CE Palestine,” in B. Isaac and Y. Shahar (eds.), Judaea, Babylon and Rome: Jews in Antiquity (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012), 55-73.

61. " 'Reduce, Reuse and Recycle' – Prolegomena on Breakage and Repair in Ancient Jewish Society: Broken Beds and Chairs in Mishnah Kelim" (Hebrew), in Yuval Shahar (ed.), Aharon Oppenheimer and Raz Mustigman (co-eds.), Teuda, 25, Israel and the Diaspora in the Time of the Second Temple and the Mishnah: Aryeh Kasher MemorialVolume (Jerusalem: Tel-Aviv University, 2012), 295-326 (Heb).

62. “Jews at the Dicing Table: Gambling in Ancient Jewish Society Revisited,” in Ra`anan Boustan, Klaus Hermann, Reimund Leicht, Annette Yoshiko Reed and Giuseppe Veltri (eds.), Envisioning Judaism: Studies in Honor of Peter Schäfer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013), 129-145.

63. "Cult and Ritual on the Temple Mount during the Second Temple Period" to appear in The History of Jerusalem: The Second Temple Period to be published by Yad ben Zvi (together with Ronny Reich as Isaiah Gafni as co-editors) (Hebrew).

64. "Jesus in Jerusalem" (co-author Eyal Regev) to appear in The History of Jerusalem: The Second Temple Period to be published by Yad ben Zvi (together with Ronny Reich as Isaiah Gafni as co-editors) (Hebrew).

65. "Good Dog-Bad Dog: Jews and Their Dogs in Ancient Jewish Society" to appear in Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman and Rakefet Zalashik, A Jew's Best Friend? The Image of the Dog throughout Jewish History, Brighton-Portland-Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, 2013, 52-89.

66. "Methodological Remarks on 'Jewish' Identity: Jews, Jewish Christians and Prolegomena on Pauline Judaism," in Peter Tomson et al. (eds.), Jewish Perspectives on Paul: 2 Corinthians and Late Second Temple Judaism, Leiden: Brill; CRINT 14, 2014, pp. 36-58.

67. “Sacrifice Without the Rabbis: Ritual and Sacrifice in the Second Temple Period according to the Sources of the Second Temple Period,” in Alberdina Houtman, Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Schwartz and Joseph Turner (eds.), The Actuality of Sacrifice: Past and Present, Leiden/Boston: Brill; Jewish and Christian Perspective Series 28, 2014, pp. 123-149.

68. “Yavne Revisited: Jewish Survival in the Wake of the War of Destruction,” in Joshua Schwartz and Peter J. Tomson (eds.), Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: How to Write Their History, Brill, Leiden; CRINT 13, 2014, pp. 238-252.

69. "Ancient Lod: An Historical Survey from the Persian through the Byzantine Period," in Laura Lappin (ed.), The Lod Mosaic: A Spectacular Roman Mosaic Floor, New York, Israel Antiquities Authority and Scala Arts Publisher, 2015, pp. 24-37.

70. "Teaching Jesus in a Halakhic Jewish Setting in Israel: Kosher, Treif, or Pareve," in Zev Garber (ed.), Teaching the Historical Jesus: Issues and Exegesis, New York and London: Routledge; Taylor and Francis Group, 2015, pp. 156-167.

71. "Ancient Lod: An Historical Survey from the Persian Period through the Byzantine Period," in Alon Shavit, Tawfiq Da'adli, Yuval Gadot, Lod: "Diospolis-City of God"- Collected Papers on the History and Archaeology of Lod, Lod; Israel Institute of Archaeology, 2015, pp. 101-119.

72. “Color and Hair in Rabbinic Literature,” in Geoffrey Herman, Meir ben Shahar and Aharon Oppenheimer, Between Babylonia and the Land of Israel: Studies in Honor of Isaiah M. Gafni (Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 2017), pp. 387-400 (Hebrew).

73. "Jerusalem from Alexander the Great until the Destruction of the Second Temple," in Avraham Faust, Eyal Baruch and Joshua Schwartz, Jerusalem: From its Beginning to the Ottoman Conquest (Ramat-Gan: Ingenborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, 2017), pp. 103-138 (Hebrew).

74. "Jerusalem in the New Testament," in Avraham Faust, Eyal Baruch and Joshua Schwartz, Jerusalem: From its Beginning to the Ottoman Conquest (Ramat-Gan: Ingenborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, 2017), pp.145-158 (with Eyal Regev) (Hebrew).

75. "Encounters in the Playground: Jewish and Christian Children at Play in Roman-Byzantine Palestine, " in Paul van Gest, Marcel Poorthuis and Els Rose, Sanctifying Texts, Transforming rituals: Encounters in Liturgical Studies (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 349-365.

76. "Lod of the Yavneh Period: How a City was Cheated Out of its Period," to appear in Joshua J. Schwartz and Peter J. Tomson, Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: The Interbellum 70-132 CE, to appear as CRINT 15, Leiden: Brill


77. “Tension between Palestinian Scholars and Babylonian Olim in Amoraic Palestine, “Journal for the Study of Judaism, 11 (1981), 79-84.

78. “Babylonian Commoners in Amoraic Palestine,” Journal of the American Oriental Society, 101 (1981), 317-322.

79. “Sinai in Jewish Thought and Tradition,” Immanuel, 13 (1981), 7-14.

80. “Southern Judaea and Babylonia,” Jewish Quarterly Review, 72 (1982), 178-192.

81. “Jerome and the Jews of Judaea,” Zion, 47 (1982), 186-191 (Hebrew).

82. “Aliyah from Babylonia during the Amoraic Period,” Cathedra, 21 (1982), 23-30 (Hebrew).

83. “Tension Between Scholars of Southern Judaea and the Galilee in the Mishnah and Talmud Period,” Sinai, 93 (1983), 102-109 (Hebrew).

84. “Aliyah from Babylonia during the Amoraic Period (200-500 C. E.),” The Jerusalem Cathedra, 3 (1983), 58-69.

85. “Jubilees, Bethel and the Temple of Jacob,” Hebrew Union College Annual, 56 (1985), 63-85.

86. “Be’er Ha-Qar, Bor Heqer and the Seleucid Akra,” Cathedra, 37 (1986), 3-16 (Hebrew).

87. “The Temple of Jacob and the Cult at Bethel in the Second Temple Period, “ Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division B, I, Jerusalem, 1986, 7-12 (Hebrew).

88. “The Encaenia of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, The Temple of Solomon and the Jews,” Theologische Zeitschrift, 43 (1987), 265-281.

89. “The Morphology of Roman Lydda,” Jewish History, 2 (1987), 33-66.

90. “On Priests and Jericho in the Second Temple Period,” Jewish Quarterly Review, 79 (1988), 23-48.

91. “On the History of Lod in the Persian Period,” Cathedra, 49 (1989), 3-12 (Hebrew).

92. “Once More on the ‘Boundary of Gezer’ Inscriptions and the History of Gezer in the Second Temple Period,” Israel Exploration Journal, 40 (1990), 47-58.

93. “On Zonen and His Son Beytus,” Sinai, 103 (1989), 108-122 (Hebrew).

94. “Gallus, Julian and Anti-Christian Polemic in Pesikta Rabbati,” Theologische Zeitschrift, 46 (1990), 1-19.

95. “Ben Stada and Peter in Lod,” Journal for the Study of Judaism, 21 (1990), 1-18.

96. “Gallus, Julian the Apostate and Anti-Christian Polemic in Pesikta Rabbati,” in Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division B, I, Jerusalem, 1990, 30-36 (Hebrew).

97. “On Mattathias and the Desert of Samaria, “ Revue Biblique, 98 (1991), 252-271 (with J. Spanier).

98. “Once More on the Nicanor Gate,” Hebrew Union College Annual, 62 (1991), 245-284.

99. “Jewish Settlement in the Southern Mt. Hebron Region,” Cathedra, 60 (1991), 94-98 (Hebrew).

100. “Commerce in the Land of Israel during the Hasmonean Period,” Mahanayim, 2 (1992), 142-149 (Hebrew).

101. “On Mattathias the Hasmonean and the Desert of Samaria,” Cathedra, 65 (1992), 3-20 (with J. Spanier) (Hebrew).

102. “The Wine Press and the Ancient Judaeo-Christian Polemic,” Thelogische Zeitschrift ,49 (1993), 215-228; 311-324.

103. “A Child’s Wagon,” Tarbiz, 63 (1993), 375-392 (Hebrew).

104. “Ball-Playing in Ancient Jewish Society,” Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, Divison B, The History of the Jewish People, I, (Jerusalem, 1994), 17-24.

105. “Priests in Jericho in the Second Temple Period,” Ariel, 105-106, (1994), 52-57 (Hebrew).

106. “Ishmael at Play: On Exegesis and Jewish Society,” Hebrew Union College Annual, 66 (1995), 203-221.

107. “Ball Play in Jewish Society in the Second Temple and Mishsnah Periods,” Zion, 60 (1995), 247-276 (Hebrew).

108. “Pigeon Flyers in Ancient Jewish Society,” Journal of Jewish Studies, 48 (1997), 105-119.

109. “Ball Playing in Ancient Jewish Society: The Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods,” Ludica, annali di storia e civilta del gioco, 3 (1997), 161-39.

110. “On the Prohibition Against Eating Nuts on the Eve of Rosh ha-Shanah,” Talilei Orot, 7 (1997), 112-115 (Hebrew).

111. “A Child’s Cart,” Ludica, annali di storia e civilta del gioco, 4 (1998), 7-19.

112. “Dog, ‘Water’ and Wall,” Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, 14 (2000), 101-116.

113. “Dogs and Cats in Jewish Society in the Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud Periods,” Proceedings of the Twelfth World Jewish Congress, Division B, History of the Jewish People, 2000, 25*-34*.

114. “Lessons from Inter-Communal Conflict during the Second Temple Period,” Jewish Political Studies Review, 12 (2000), 39-52.

115. “Material Culture in the Land of Israel: Monks and Sages on Clothing and Dress,” Al Atar 8-9 (2001), (Hebrew).

116. "Cats in Ancient Jewish Society," Journal of Jewish Studies, 52 (2) (2001), 211-234.

117. "Gallus, Julian, Jerusalem and Anti-Christian Polemic in Pesikta Rabbati, " Al Atar, 11 (2002), 59-74 (Hebrew).

118. "On Dogs in Jewish Society in the Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud Periods," Al Atar 12 (2003), pp. 47-82.

119. "Dogs in Jewish Society in the Second Temple Period and in the Time of the Mishnah and Talmud," Journal of Jewish Studies, 55 (2) (2004), 246-277.

120. "Prolegomena on a New Reconstruction of the Herodian Temple: Virtual Reality and Josephus," New Studies on Jerusalem 10 (2004), pp. 7*-17* (with Y. Peleg).

121. "The Role of the Hebrew University's Institute of Jewish Studies in Jewish Studies-Past, Present and Future: Internal and External Perspectives " Jewish Studies, 43 (2005/2006), 37-45 (Hebrew).

122. " 'Reduce, Reuse and Recycle' – Prolegomena on Breakage and Repair in Ancient Jewish Society: Broken Beds and Chairs in Mishnah Kelim" Jewish Studies Internet Journal ( ).

123. "The Temple Cult Without the Sages: Prolegomena on the Description of the Second Temple Period Cult according to the Sources of the Second Temple Period," New Studies on Jerusalem, 14 (2008), 7*-19*.

124. “When Rabbi Eliezer Was Arrested for Hersey” Jewish Studies Internet Journal ().

125. “Jesus the ‘Jew’ and the Jewish Environment: Everyday Life and material Culture,” Zemanim, 120 (2012), 52-63 (Hebrew).

126. “The Book’s the Thing: Roll Versus Codex and the Marketing of Judaism and Christianity,” Jerusalem and Eretz-Israel, 8-9 (2013), 5*-16*.

127. “Haircut and Barber in Ancient Jewish Society” Jerusalem and Eretz-Israel, 10-11 (2018), *7-40*.

Book Reviews

128. I. Gafni, The Jews of Babylonia in the Talmudic Era, Zion, 66 (1991), 209-212 (Hebrew).

129. A. Oppenheimer, Galilee in the Mishnaic Period, Jewish Studies, 32 (1992), 80-84 (English Section).

130. J. Naveh, On Sherd and Papyrus, Jewish Studies, 33 (1993), 81-85 (English Section).

131. D. Rokeah, Judaism and Christianity in Pagan Polemics: Celsus, Porphry, and Julian, Zion, 58 (1993), 115-119 (Hebrew).

132. I. Ben-Shalom, The School of Shammai and the Zealots’ Struggle Against Rome, Zion, 59 (1994), 515-520 (Hebrew).

133. G. Hammel, Poverty and Charity in Roman Palestine, First Three Centuries, Journal of Jewish Studies, 46 (1995), 304-306.

134. J. S. McLaren, Power and Politics in Palestine: The Jews and the Governing of Their Land 100 BC -AD 70, Journal of Jewish Studies, 46 (1995), 306-308.

135. A. Kempinski, R. Reich (eds.), The Architecture of Ancient Israel from Prehistoric to Persian Times, Journal of Jewish Studies, 46 (1995), 352-353.

136. R. G. Marks, The Image of Bar-Kochba in Traditional Jewish Literature, Journal of Jewish Studies, 47(1996) 308-310.

137. R. Kalmin, Sages, Stories, Authors and Editors in Rabbinic Babylonia, Journal of Jewish Studies, 47 (1996), 380-382.

138. L.H. Schiffman, Law, Custom and Messianism in the Dead Sea Sect, Journal of Jewish Studies, 47 (1997), 366-369.

139. T.Ilan, Jewish Women in Greco-Roman Palestine, Journal of Jewish Studies, 47 (1997), 156-159.

140. I. M. Gafni, Land, Center and Diaspora, Journal of Jewish Studies, 48 (1997), 379-380.

141. D. Golinkin, The Responsa of Professor Louis Ginzberg, Journal of Jewish Studies, 48 (1997), 413-414.

142. J. Pastor, Land and Economy in Ancient Palestine, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 153-154.

143. R. A. Horsley, Galilee: History, Politics, People, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 155-158.

144. R. A. Horsley, Archaeology, History and Society in Galilee: The Social Context of Jesus and the Rabbis, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 155-158.

145. A. Houtman, Mishnah and Tosefta: A Synoptic Comparison of the Tractates Berakhot and Shebiit, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 162-163.

146. S. Friedman, Talmud Arukh: BT Bava Mezi`a VI, Critcal Edition with Comprehensive Commentary, I-II, Journal of Jewish Studies, 48 (1998), 164-166.

147. C. Hayes, Between the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds: Accounting for Halakhic Difference in Selected Sugyot from Tractate Avodah Zarah, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 366-368.

148. D. Golinkin, Proceedings of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, Volumes I-III, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 414.

149. Y. Katz, Between Jerusalem and Hebron: Jewish Settlement in the Pre-State Period, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 412-413.

150. C. Hezser, The Social Structure of the Rabbinic Movement in Roman Palestine, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 362-365.

151. A.S. Kaufman, The Temple of Jerusalem, Part I: Tractate Middot: An Ancient Version; Part II: Tractate Middot: Variant Readings for Chapters 1 and 2, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 365-366.

152. D. Edwards and C. Thomas McCollough, Archaeology and the Galilee: Texts and Contexts in the Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Periods, Journal of Jewish Studies, 49 (1998), 360-362.

153. T. Ilan, Mine and Yours and Hers: Retrieving Woman’s History from Rabbinic Literature, Journal of Jewish Studies, 50 (1999), 163-166.

154. M. Satlow, Tasting the Dish: Rabbinic Rhetoric and Sexuality, Journal of Jewish Studies, 50 (1999), 163-166.

155. D. Mendels, The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism, Journal of Jewish Studies, 50 (1999), 153-156.

156. O. Limor, Holy Land Travels, Christian Pilgrims in Late Antiquity, Zion, 64 (1999), 104-108 (Hebrew).

157. Ben-Zion Rosenfeld, Lod and Its Sages in the Period of the Mishnah and the Talmud, Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu, 9 (1999), 77-81 (Hebrew).

158. S. J. D. Cohen, The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties, Zion, 65 (2000), 379-383 (Hebrew).

159. T. Ilan, Integrating Women into Second Temple History, Zion, 66 (2001), 382-388 (Hebrew).

160. Abraham David, To Come to the Land: Immigration and Settlement in Sixteenth-Century Eretz-Israel, Journal of Jewish Studies, 53 (2002), 393-394.

161. Alviero Niccacci, ofm, Jerusalem: House of Prayer for All Peoples in the Three Monotheistic Religions, Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Jerusalem, February 17-18, 1997, Journal of Jewish Studies, 53 (2002), 403-404.

162. E. Mazar, The Complete Guide to the Temple Mount Excavations. Al Atar, 11 (2002), 97-105.

163. Zvi Zameret, The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission of Inquiry Concerning the Education of Immigrant Children During the Early Years of the State, Journal of Jewish Studies, 54 (2003), 182-184.

164. John Wilkinson, Jerusalem before the Crusades, Journal of Jewish Studies, 54 (2003), 169-170.

165. H. Lapin, Economy, Geography, and Provincial History in Later Roman Palestine, Jewish Quarterly Review, 93 (2003), 668-674.

166. Alexei Sivertsev, Private Households and Public Politics in 3rd-5th Century Jewish Palestine, Zion, 68 (2003), 506-512 (Hebrew)

167. Marc Gopin, Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East, Journal of Jewish Studies, 54 (2003), 361-363.

168. Reuben Ahroni, Jewish Emigration from the Yemen 1951-98: Carpet Without Magic, Journal of Jewish Studies, 54 (2003), 352-358.

169. Walter P. Zenner, A Global Community: The Jews from Aleppo, Syria, Journal of Jewish Studies, 54 (2003), 352-358.

170. Tanya Schwartz, Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants: The Homeland Postponed, Journal of Jewish Studies, 54 (2003), 352-358.

171. Jerold S. Auerbach, Are We One? Jewish Identity in the United States and Israe, Journal of Jewish Studies, 55 (2004), 193-197.

172. Eli Lederhendler and Jonathan Sarna, America and Zion: Essays and Papers in Memory of Moshe Davis, Journal of Jewish Studies, 55 (2004), 193-197.

173. Steven T. Rosenthal, Irreconcilable Differences: The Waning of the American Jewish Love Affair with Israel, Journal of Jewish Studies, 193-197.

174. James M. Scott, Geography in Early Judaism and Christianity: The Book of Jubilees, Journal of Jewish Studies, 55 (2004), 173-176.

175. Tudor Parfitt, The Lost Tribes of Israel: The History of a Myth, Journal of Jewish Studies, 55 (2004), 183-185.

176. Meira Weiss, The Chosen Body: The Politics of the Body in Israeli Society, Journal of Jewish Studies, 55 (2004), 189-193.

177. Houman Sarshar (ed.), Esther's Children: A Portrait of Iranian Jews, Journal of Jewish Studies, 55 (2004), 188-189.

178. Meir Ben-Dov, Historical Atlas of Jerusalem, Journal of Jewish Studies, 55 (2) (2004), 359-361.

179. Peter Schaefer (ed.), The Bar-Kokhba War Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Second Jewish War against Rome, Zion, 70 (2005), 109-133 (Hebrew).

180. Shimon Dar (et al.), Raqit: Marinus Estate on the Carmel, Israel, Cathedra, 166 (2005), 153-159 (Hebrew).

181. Asher Selig Kaufman, The Temple of Jerusalem, Part III: The Temple Mount: Where is the Holy of Holies? Biblical Archaeology Review, 31(5) (2005), 62-64.

182. Nadav Shragai, The Story of Rachel's Tomb (Al Em Haderekh: Sipuro Shel Kever), Jewish Quarterly Review 97.3 (2007) e100-e103.

183. Dov Gera and Miriam Ben Zeev (eds), The Path of Peace: Studies in Honor of Israel Friedman Ben-Shalom, Cathedra 125 (2007), 149-153.

184. Stuart Chepey, Nazirites in Late Second Temple Judaism: A Survey of Ancient Writings, the New Testament, Archaeological Evidence, and Other Writings from Late Antiquity, Review of Biblical Literature (04/06) (pdf/4880_5087.pdf).

185. Eliezer Segal, From Sermon to Commentary: Expounding the Bible in Talmudic Babylonia, Review of Biblical Literature (pdf/5601_5332.pdf).

186. Judith Hauptman, Rereading the Mishnah: A New Approach to Ancient Jewish Texts, Review of Biblical Literature (09/06) (pdf/5243_5522.pdf).

187. Heerak Christian Kim, Jewish Law and Identity: Academic Essays, Review of Biblical Literature (10/06) (pdf/5281_5561.pdf.)

188. Joshua Efron, The Origins of Christianity and Apocalypticism (Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2004), 414 pp. (Hebrew), Review of Biblical Literature (4/07) (pdf/5311_5593.pdf).

189. Joshua Efron, Formation of the Primary Christian Church (Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2006), 472 pp. (Hebrew), Review of Biblical Literature (4/07) (pdf/5311_5593.pdf).

190. Andrew S. Jacobs, Remains of the Jews: The Holy Land and Christian Empire in Late Antiquity, Hebraic Political Studies, 2 (1) (2007), 142-148 .

191. Miriam Pucci Ben Zeev, Diaspora Judaism in Turmoil, 116/117 CE: Ancient Sources and Modern Insights, Review of Biblical Literature (12/07) (pdf/5764_6080.pdf).

192. Tessel M. Jonquière, Prayer in Josephus, Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian Hellenistic and Roman World 39(2008), 111-112.

193. Stefan C. Reif, Problems with Prayers: Studies in the Textual History of Early Rabbinic Liturgy (Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter; Studia Judaica: Forschungen zur Wissenschaft des Judentums 37, 2006), Review of Biblical Literature, (2/08) (pdf/5872_6218.pdf) .

194. Ran HaCohen, Reviving the Old Testament. How Wissenschaft des Judentums Dealt with High Bible Criticism in Nineteenth-Century Germany (Hebrew), Tel Aviver Jahrbuch fuer deutsche Geschichte, XXXVI (2008), 327-330.

195. Rivka Ulmer (editor), Discussing Cultural Influences: Text, Context and Non-Text in Rabbinic Judaism (Lantham-Boulder-New York-Toronto-Plymouth, UK: University Press of America; Studies in Judaism, 2007), Review of Biblical Literature, 6/08 (pdf/6125_6539.pdf).

196. Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert and Martin S. Jaffee (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature (Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), Review of Biblical Literature, 7/08 (pdf/6371_6852.pdf).

197. Matthew Kraus (ed.), How Should Rabbinic Literature Be Read in the Modern World (Piscataway [NJ]: Gorgias Press; Judaism in Context, Volume 4, 2006), Review of Biblical Literature 9/08 (pdf/6038_6430.pdf ).

198. Alexander Samely, Forms of Rabbinic Literature and Thought: An Introduction Review of Biblical Literature 10/08 (pdf/6293_6774.pdf ).

199. Stuart S. Miller, Sages and Commoners in Late Antique 'Erez Israel: A Philological Inquiry into Local Traditions in Talmud Yerushalmi, Review of Biblical Literature, 01/09 (pdf/6563_7106.pdf).

200. David Flusser, Judaism of the Second Temple Period, Volume 1, Qumran and Apocalypticism, translated by Azzan Yadin , Review of Biblical Literature, 02/09 (pdf/6591_7136.pdf).

201. Susan Haber (edited by Adele Reinhartz), 'They Shall Purify Themselves': Essays on Purity in Early Judaism," Review of Biblical Literature, 04/09 (pdf/6736_7303.pdf).

202. Tal Ilan, Tamara Or, Dorothea M. Salzer, Christiane Steur and Irina Wandrey (editors), A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud: Introduction and Studies, Review of Biblical Literature, 05/09 (pdf/6875_7447.pdf).

203. Anson F. Rainey and R. Steven Notley, The Sacred Bridge: Carta's Atlas of the Biblical World, Israel Exploration Journal, 59 (2009), 126-134.

204. Yehudah B. Cohn, Tangled up in Text: Tefillin and the Ancient World, Review of Biblical Literature, 06/09 (pdf/6972_7567.pdf)..

205. Anita Norich and Yaron Z. Eliav (eds.), Jewish Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext Review of Biblical Literature, 09/09 (pdf/6796_7364.pdf).

206. Guy G. Stroumsa, The End of Sacrifice: Religious Transformations in Late Antiquity (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press; translated by Susan Emanuel, 2009), Review of Biblical Literature, 10/09 (pdf/7122_7738).

207. Fabian E. Udoh (ed.), with Susannah Heschel, Mark Chancey, and Gregory Tatum, Redefining First-Century Jewish and Christian Identities: Essays in Honor of Ed Parish Sanders, Review of Biblical Literature, 1/10 (pdf/7140_7760).

208. Terence L. Donaldson, Judaism and the Gentiles: Jewish Patterns of Universalism (to 135 CE) Review of Biblical Literature, 3/10 (pdf/7258_7898.pdf).

209. Doron Bar, 'Fill the Earth': Settlement in Palestine during the Late Roman and Byzantine Periods 135-640 C.E., Zion, 75 (2010), 83-88 (Hebrew).

210. Moshe Gil, And the Roman was Then in the Land, Cathedra, 135 (2010), 187-191 (Hebrew).

211. Katrin Kogman-Appel and Mati Meyer (eds.), Between Judaism and Christianity: Art Historical Essays in Honor of Elisheva (Elisabeth) Revel-Neher, Ars Judaica, 6 (2010), 139-142.

212. Rivka Nir (ed.), Early Christianity: The First Three Centuries, Review of Biblical Literature, 5/2010 (pdf/7130_7748.pdf).

213. Joseph Menirav, Prakmatia- The Marketing System in the Jewish Community in Palestine during the Mishna and Talmud Era, Jerusalem and Eretz-Israel, 7 (2010), 121-125 (Hebrew).

214. Joseph Blenkinsopp, Judaism: The First Phase-The Place of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Origins of Judaism, Review of Biblical Literature, 8/2010 ().

215. David M. Jacobson & Nikos Kokkinos (eds.), Herod and Augustus: Papers Presented at the IJS Conference, 21st-23rd June 2005 Review of Biblical Literature, 10/2010 ().

216. Steven Fine, Art and Judaism in the Greco-Roman World: Toward a New Jewish Archaeology, Revised Edition, Review of Biblical Literature. 3/2011 ().

217. Jeffrey L. Rubenstein, Stories of the Babylonian Talmud, Review of Biblical Literature, 6/2011 ().

218. Jordan D. Rosenblum, Food and Identity in Early Rabbinic Judaism Review of Biblical Literature, 5/2011().

219. Jodi Magness, Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus, September 2011 ( ).

220. Zuleika Rodgers (ed.) with Margaret Daly-Denton and Anne Fitzpatrick McKinley, A Wandering Galilean: Essays in Honour of Seán Freyne, Review of Biblical Literature, 10/2011 ().

221. David Instone-Brewer, Traditions of the Rabbis from the Era of the New Testament, Volume 2A: Feasts and Sabbaths-Passover and Atonement, Review of Biblical Literature, 2/2012 ().

222. Anathea E. Portier-Young, Apocalypse against Empire: Theologies of Resistance in Early Judaism, Review of Biblical Literature, 3/2012 ().

223. Lester L. Grabbe and Oded Lipschits (eds.), Judah Between East and West: The Transition from Persian to Greek Rule (ca.400-200 BCE) Review of Biblical Literature, 7/12 ().

224. Ben Zion Rosenfeld, Torah Centers and Rabbinic Activity in Palestine 70-400: History and Geographic Distribution, Review of Biblical Literature, 7/12 ().

225. Benedikt Eckhardt, Jewish Identity and Politics between the Maccabees and Bar Kokhba: Groups, Normativity, and Rituals (Leiden-Boston: Brill; Supplements to the Journal for the Study 155, 2012), Review of Biblical Literature, 11/12 ().

226. Moshe Simon-Shoshan, Stories of the Law: Narrative Discourse and the Construction of Authority in the Mishnah, Review of Biblical Literature, 2/13 ().

227. Jerome Murphy-O’Connor, Keys to Jerusalem: Collected Essays, Review of Biblical Literature, 3/13 ().

228. Naftali S. Cohn, The Memory of the Temple and the Making of the Rabbis Review of Biblical Literature, 6/13 (.).

229. Chad S. Spigel, Ancient Synagogue Seating Capacities: Methodology, Analysis and Limits, Review of Biblical Literature, 9/13 () .

230. Beth A. Berkowitz, Defining Jewish Difference: From Antiquity to the Present, Review of Biblical Literature, 10/13 ().

231. Amram Tropper, Simeon the Righteous in Rabbinic Literature: A Legend Reinvented Review of Biblical Literature, 2/14 ().

232. Jenny R. Labendz, Socratic Torah: Non-Jews in Rabbinic Intellectual Culture Review of Biblical Literature, 6/14().

233. Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, The Ten Lost Tribes: A World History, Review of Biblical Literature, 10/14 ().

234. Uriel Rappaport, The House of the Hasmoneans, Zion, 79 (2014), 425-428 (Hebrew).

235. Michael D. Swartz, The Signifying Creator: Nontextual Sources of Meaning in Ancient Judaism, Review of Biblical Literature, 3/15 ().

236. Susan Marks, First Came Marriage: The Rabbinic Appropriation of Early Jewish Wedding Ritual, Review of Biblical Literature, 3/15 ().

237. Katell Berthelot, Joseph E. David and Marc Hirshman (eds.), The Gift of the Land and the Fate of the Canaanites in Jewish Thought, Review of Biblical Literature, 6/15 ().

238. Joan E. Taylor (ed.), The Body in Biblical, Christian and Jewish Texts, Review of Biblical Literature, 6/15 ().

239. Yael Wilfand, Poverty, Charity and the Image of the Poor in Rabbinic Texts from the Land of Israel, Review of Biblical Literature, 9/15 ().

240. Vasile Babota, The Institution of the Hasmonean High Priesthood (Leiden-Boston; Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 165, 2014), Review of Biblical Literature, 2/2016 ().

241. Alan Appelbaum, The Dynasty of the Jewish Patriarchs, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 156, 2013, Review of Biblical Literature, 6/2016 () .

242. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Early Christian Monastic Literature and the Babylonian Talmud, New York: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, Review of Biblical Literature, 8/2016 (.).

243. Reuven Hammer, Akiva: Life, Legend, Legacy (Lincoln [NE]-Philadelphia: University of Nebraska-Jewish Publication Society, 2015), Review of Biblical Literature, 9/2016 ().

244. Susan Marks and Hal Taussig (eds.), Meals in Early Judaism: Social Formation at the Table (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), Review of Biblical Literature, 11/2016 ().

245. Christine Hayes, What's Divine about Divine Law? Early Perspectives (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2015) Review of Biblical Literature, 01/2017 (.)

246. Moulie Vidas, Tradition and the Formation of the Talmuds (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014) Review of Biblical Literature, 3/2017 ().

247. Amram Tropper, Rewriting Ancient Jewish History: The History of the Jews in Roman Times and the New Historical Method (London and New York: Routledge; Taylor and Francis Group, 2016) Reviews of the Enoch Seminar, 02.03.2017 ().

248. Jonathan S. Milgram, From Mesopotamia to the Mishnah: Tannaitic Inheritance Law in its Legal and Social Contexts (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 164, 2016) to appear in Religious Studies Review.

249. Sylvie Honigman, Tales of High Priests and Taxes: The Books of the Maccabees and the Judean Rebellion against Antiochus IV (Oakland [CA]: University of California Press, 2014), Review of Biblical Literature, 6/2017 ().

250. Gregg E. Gardner, The Origins of Organized Charity in Rabbinic Judaism, H-Judaic, 1/2017 ().

251. Kenneth Atkinson, A History of the Hasmonean State: Josephus and Beyond (London/New York: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2016) Review of Biblical Literature, 7/2017 (.).

252. Azzan Yadin-Israel, Scripture and Tradition: Rabbi Akiva and the Triumph of Midrash (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; Divinations, 2015) Review of Biblical Literature, 11/2017 (.).

253. C. D. Elledge, Resurrection of the Dead in Early Judaism 200 BCE – CE 200 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017), Review of Biblical Literature 3/2018 ().

254. Menahem Ben-Yashar and Jordan S. Penkower (eds.), The Bible in Rabbinic Interpretation: on Prophets and Writings in Talmudic and Midrashic Literature, Volume Two: Joel and Amos (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press; Institute for Jewish Biblical Exegesis, 15, 2015), 923 pp. (Hebrew), Review of Biblical Literature 3/2018 ().

255. Julia Watts Belser, Power, Ethics, and Ecology in Jewish Late Antiquity: Rabbinic Responses to Drought and Disaster (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015) Review of Biblical Literature, 4/2018 ().

256. Eric C. Smith, Jewish Glass and Christian Stone: A Materialist Mapping of the "Parting of the Ways" (London and New York: Routledge: Taylor Francis Group; Routledge Studies in the Early Christian World, 2018), Studies in Christian and Jewish Relations, 13 (2018) ().

258. Henrietta L. Wiley and Christian A. Eberhart (eds.), Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement in Early Judaism and Christianity: Constituents and Critique (Atlanta: SBL Press; Resources for Biblical Study 85, 2017), Review of Biblical Literature, 6/2018 ().

259. Ben Witherington III, A Week in the Fall of Jerusalem (Dovers Grove [IL]; InterVarsity Press, 2017), Review of Biblical Literature, 6/2018 ().

260. Nadav Sharon, Judea under Roman Domination: The First Generation of Statelessness and Its Legacy (Atlanta: SBL Press; Early Judaism and Its Literature 46, 2017) Review of Biblical Literature, 8/2018 ().

261. Alexander Samely in collaboration with Philip Alexander, Rocco Bernasconi and Robert Hayward, Profiling Jewish Literature in Antiquity: An Inventory from Second Temple Texts to the Talmuds (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), to appear in Review of Biblical Literature.

262. Maren R. Niehoff, Journeys in the Roman East: Imagined and Real (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; Culture, Religion, and Politics in the Greco-Roman World [CRPG] 1, 2017), to appear in Review of Biblical Literature.

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

263. "Lod" The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible

264. "Judea" Dictionary of Early Judaism

265. "Pilgrimage” Dictionary of Early Judaism

266. “Dogs in Rabbinic Literature,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

267. “Hair in Rabbinic Literature,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

268. “Havurah,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

269. “Greece in Ancient Judaism and Rabbinic Judaism”, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

270. “Hand, Hands in Judaism,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

271. “Hearing, Listening in Judaism”, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

272. “Gifts in Second Temple Judaism and in Rabbinic Judaism”, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

273. "Hoof, Hoofs in Judaism" Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

274. "Leather in Biblical Texts and in Judaism" to appear in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

275. "Lamb in Rabbinic Judaism" to appear in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

276. "Labor in Judaism and Rabbinic Judaism" to appear in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

277. "Lazy and Idle" in Judaism and Rabbinic Judaism to appear in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

278. "Lion in Judaism" to appear in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

279. "Linen in Judaism" to appear in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

280. "Literacy in Rabbinic Judaism" to appear in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

281. "Ma`amad, Ma`amadot" to appear in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

282. "Israel [Geography and History]" to appear in Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity.

283. "Palestine" to appear in Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity.

Selection of Popular Publications - Op-ed articles and book reviews in Hebrew and English

"New Series of Biblical Books", Issac Kalimi, Bibliography on Chronicles, Jerusalem Post (Books), 27/9/91

"בחזרה לסלע קיומנו", מוסף הארץ, 13.10.00 (עם אהרן מאיר)

"Back to the Rock of Ages," Haaretz Magazine (English) (with Aren Maeir), 20/10/00

"כדאי ללמוד מרבני הגולה" (מאמר מערכת), הארץ, 4.5.03

"לא מתוך בורות" (מאמר מערכת), הארץ, 19.8.03

"In Search of Suffering," (feature), Jerusalem Post, 28/10/03

"I am Here and You are There," Commentator, 22/4/04

עודד ליפשיץ, "ירושלים בין חורבן להתחדשות", הארץ ספרים, 18.8.04

Oded Lipschits, Jerusalem between Destruction and Restoration, Haaretz (English), 27/8/04

"ההיפותיזה הירושלמית שיש בלתה", יזהר הירשפלד, הכמיהה אל המדבר: ים המלח בתקופת בית שני, הארץ ספרים, 22.10.04

"מורשת ישראל: כתב-עת להגות ולציונות", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 31.12.04

מרק לילך, "הנפש הנמהרת: אינטלקטואלים בפוליטיקה", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 7.1.05

יורם ארדר, "אבילי ציון, הקראים ומגילות קומראן: לתולדות חלופה ליהדות הרבנית", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 21.1.05

"מנין לו זאת", ישראל רוזן, בית המקדש בירושלים אנציקלופדיה כרטא, הארץ ספרים, 7.2.05

אביעזר רביצקי (עורך), "ארץ ישראל בהגות היהודית במאה העשרים", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 25.2.05

"רחל מבכה על בניה והם רבים על קברה", נדב שרגאי, אם הדרך: סיפורו של קבר רחל, הארץ ספרים, 11.4.05

"Truly Grave Problems," Nadav Shragai, Al Em Haderekh: Sipuro shel Kever Rakhel, Haaretz (English), 15/4/05

"Why an Academic Boycott of My University is Wrong," (Feature), History News Network (online), 23/5/05

"החוקר הצנוע על הרכס", רמי יזרעאל, אבני דרך בידיעת הארץ, הארץ ספרים, 15.6.05

משה שוקד, "הרצל לא גר כאן יותר", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 12.8.05.

"מדעי הרוח גוססים" (מאמר מערכת), "הארץ", 29.8.05

"The Liberal Arts are Dying", Haaretz (English), 1.9.05

חיים סבתו, "אני לדודי: דברים על הימים הנוראים", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 30.9.05

בנימין לאו, "ממרן עד מרן:משנתו ההלכתית של הרב עובדיה יוסף", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 25.11.05.

גיזי רפפורט, "בזכות אופצייה חילונית מסוימת: מן המונותיאזם אל הרציונליות", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 2.12.05

יורם ורטה (עורך), "אם לא תדעי לך: נשים כותבות על זהות, נשיות ויהדות", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 16.12.05.

מאיר בר-אילן, "נומרולוגיה מקראית", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 23.12.05.

משה בר-אשר ודבורה דימנט (עורכים), "מגילות: מחקרים במגילות מדבר יהודה", כרך ג, הארץ ספרים, 4.1.06.

יהושע ליברמן, "שואל תורה ומשיב נביא: פרשיות השבוע בראי הנביאים והכתובים", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 13.1.06.

"כמה כסף שווה משמעות החיים? מדעי הרוח הם הנפגעים העיקריים ממשבר ההשכלה הגבוהה", פנים, 34 (דצמבר 2005), עמ' 86-93.

מאיה ליבוביץ', דוד אריאל-יואל, מוטי ענברי (עורכים), "מיהו יהודי בימינו: רב-שיח בשאלת הזהות היהודית", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 27.1.06.

שמואל אחיטוב, "הכתב והמכתב: אסופת כתובות מארץ-ישראל ומממלכת עבר הירדן מימי בית ראשון", מקור ראשון (ספרים), 3.2.06.

הרב שלום דובער הלוי וולפא, בין אור לחשוך: מדינת ישראל – אתחלתא דגאולה – או חושך כפול ומכופל? מורה לנבוכים במאורעות התקופה על פי משנתו של הרבי מליובאוויטש , מקור ראשון (ספרים, שבת), 10.2.06.

משה צפור, תרגום השבעים לספר בראשית, מקור ראשון (ספרים, שבת), 3.3.06.

גדעון עפרת, כבתוך שלו: תנ"ך ברשות היחיד, מקור ראשון (ספרים, שבת), 17.3.06.

Daniel Sperber, Tarbut Khomrit Be'Eretz Yisrael Beyemai HaTalmud (Material Culture in Eretz-Israel in the Talmudic Period (Haaretz, Weekend, 21/4/06)

אקדמות: כתב-עת למחשבה יהודית, גיליון י"ז, שבט תשס"ו, מקור ראשון (ספרים, שבת), 31.3.06.

מרים סמואל, נשים נסתרות בתנ"ך, חלק א': אמהות, מקור ראשון (ספרים, שבת), 11.5.06.

דניאל שפרבר, "תרבות חומרית בארץ-ישראל בימי התלמוד", הארץ ספרים, 24.5.06.

מנחם זהרי, ראשית חכמה קנה חכמה": המושגים "חכמה" ו "חכם", שימושיהם ושגירותם בכתבי המקרא, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 1.6.06.

בנימין לאו, חכמים: כרך ראשון: ימי בית שני, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 30.6.06

רוחמה וייס, מתחייבת בנפשי: קריאות מחויבות בתלמוד, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 18.8.06.

אלכסנדר רופא, מבוא לספרות המקרא, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 28.7.06.

הרב ישראל מאיר לאו, אל תשלח ידך אל הנער, יופיע במקור ראשון (ספרים)

יעקב שמואל שפיגל, פירוש מסכת אבות לרב מתתיה היצהרי, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 25.8.06.

שמואל בן-ארצי, ירושלים עירך: ירושלים בתודעת על ישראל לדורותיו, מהדורה מחודשת ומורחבת, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 1.9.06.

אליהו עסיס, למען עמו ולמען עצמו: סיפורם של שלושה מנהיגים בספר שופטים, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 13.10.06.

שמעון שרביט, לשונה וסגנונה של מסכת אבות לדורותיה, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 20.10.06.

גרשון ברין, מחקרים בספרות הנבואה הקלסית, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 17.11.06.

גבריאל (גבי) שפר, הדס רוט-טולדנו, מי מנהיג? על יחסי ישראל והתפוצה היהודית, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 24.11.06.

צמח מורי, שבע אגדות חז"ל: עיונים בתוכנן הפנימי של אגדות חז"ל, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 1.12.06.

חיים קרייסל (עורך), לימוד ודעת במחשבה יהודית, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 5.1.07.

יונינה דור, האומנם גורשו הנשים הנכריות? שאלת ההיבדלות בימי שיבת ציון, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 16.02.07

גבריאל חיים כהן, עיונים בחמש המגילות, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 2.3.07

יובל שרלו, יראה לבב: על ייעוד הנבואה ותוכנה הפנימי, מקור ראשון (ספרים),9.3.07.

רן הכהן, מחדשי הברית הישנה: התמודדות חוכמת ישראל בגרמניה עם ביקורת המקרא במאה התשע-עשרה, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 6.04.07.

אבנר גליקליך, הדרך לקומראן: הכוהנים ופולחן הקורבנות מן המקרא עד המגילות הגנוזות, "הארץ" ספרים, 18.04.07.

בת-שבע גרסיאל, מקרא, מדרש וקוראן: עיון אינטרטקסטואלי במומרי סיפור משותפים, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 4.5.07.

ישראל קנוהל, אמונות המקרא: גבולות המהפכה המקראית, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 18.5.07.

אהרן אופנהיימר, רבי יהודה הנשיא, "הארץ" ("תרבות וספרות"), 18.5.07.

שמחה עמנואל, שברי לוחות: ספרים אבודים של בעלי התוספות, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 1.6.07.

מימון כהן, הכתיב והקרי שבמקרא, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 15.6.07.

חיים ברקוביץ, מסורת ומהפכה: תרבות יהודית בצרפת בראשית העת החדשה, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 27.7.07.

יוספה רחמן, הסיפור בכתבי הקודש, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 3.8.07.

"שתה עונותינו לנגדיך; עלמנו, למאור פניך": אסופת מאמרים לימי בין המצרים לזכרו של מאור ג'אן, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 31.8.07

יחזקאל שרגא ליכטנשטיין, מטומאה לקדושה: תפילה וחפצי מצווה בבתי קברות ועליה לקברי צדיקים, מקור ראשון (ספרים), 7.9.07.

Miriam Feinberg Vamosh, Women at the Time of the Bible, Ha-Aretz (English), 14.12.07 (with Judy Baumel-Schwartz).

הירושלמי כפשוטו: פירוש מיוסד על כתבי יד של הירושלמי וספרי רבותינו הראשונים ומדרשים בכתבי יד ודפוסים עתיקים, מאת שאול בהר"ר משה ז"ל ליברמן, מהדורה שלישית, חלק ראשון, כרך א, שבת עירובין פסחים, עם הוספות ותיקונים מגליונות הירושלמי כפשוטו של הגר"ש ליברמן ז"ל, ערך והוסיף הערות מנחם כ"ץ, הצופה, 11.04.08.

“The Kotel: An Ancient Retaining Wall Became Holy,” Sh`ma (October 2013) ().

“Are Jews a Dog People or a Cat People?” Tablet, March 12, 2014 ().

“Welcome to the Middle East”, Iggeret 86 (NAPH), 2014 (with Judy Schwartz) .

"Never Apologize for the Truth" Iggeret 88 (NAPH), 2016.



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