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Chapters 10 QuestionsDirections: Use TEXTUAL SUPPORT for ALL of your answers unless indicated otherwise. This assignment is worth 5 points. Please write in complete sentences and make sure your assignment is neat. Assignment will not be accepted late. The assignment is due on Wednesday. You must have a proper MLA heading. On the way home from the hospital, what does Pony try to convince himself of and why do you think he does it? Why does Pony say Dally couldn't take Johnny's death (152)? Why did Dally rob the grocery store and then raise his unloaded gun to the police?How does Ponyboy?s dreaming, or lying to himself, finally work (help him in someway) in this chapter? On page 154, how does Pony describe Dally as being a person who made a difference?What happens to Pony in this chapter? Pony received Johnny’s copy of Gone with the Wind. How does Pony compare the Greasers to the Southern Gentlemen (158)?Ponyboy says he can “never get past the part where the Southern gentlemen go riding into sure death because they are gallant.” Why is it Ponyboy cannot read past that part? During his delusions, where did Ponyboy think he was? Why do you think it was that place?Gone with the Wind is a book about the Civil War. What is a Civil War? Although the Outsiders is not on as grand a scale as the Civil War, how is it similar? (No quote weaving necessary.)How is the novel Gone with the Wind relevant to Johnny? (No quote weaving needed). ................

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