Johnny – puppy-like favorite of the greasers

Character List for: The OutsidersPonyboy – narrator of the novel, sensitive, 14Darry – hardworking and strict brother, he gave up college to work, 20Sodapop – reckless, sympathetic brother, happy-go-lucky, 16Steve – Sodapop’s buddy whose specialty is carsTwo-Bit – irresistible wisecracker of the greasers, 18Johnny – puppy-like favorite of the greasersDallas – toughest and meanest greaserSocs – wealthy “Jet set” gang, West-side rich kidsGreasers – leather jacketed, tough East-side gang, poorCherry – sympathetic Soc who likes sunsets, red-headBob – Soc who is killedRandy – Bob’s buddy, Soc, has feelings, concernedMickey Mouse – a horse that Sodapop lovedSandy – Sodapop’s girlfriend, very niceMarcia – Randy’s girlfriend; short, cute girl at the moviesThe Outsiders Chapter 1 (pp. 1-18)Sensitive (p. 7) - to understand or share another’s feelings or thoughtsReckless (p. 7) - careless, rashSympathetic (p. 8) – susceptible to the feelings of othersAcquired (p. 10) – to get by one’s own effortsIrresistibly (p. 10) – cannot be resisted; overwhelming appealUnfathomable (p. 10) – not understood; mysteriousGingerly (p. 12) – cautiously Sagely (p. 12) - wiselyGlaring (p. 13) – staring fiercely1. How is Ponyboy different from the other members of his gang? 2. Who are the Socs? 3. How are the Greasers different from the Socs? 4. Compare Ponyboy’s brothers, Darry and Sodapop. 5. What happened to the Curtis brothers’ parents? 6. What happened to Ponyboy on his way home from the movies? The Outsiders Chapter 2 (pp. 19-36)Roguishly (p. 22) – in the manner of a scoundrel, an unprincipled person Incredulous (p. 24) – skeptical; disbelievingNonchalantly (p. 25) – without enthusiasm; indifferentlyIncidentally (p. 28) - casually; by chance1. List the Greasers who are at the movies “with” Cherry and Marcia. _______________ _______________ _______________ ________________2. At the drive-in Dallas harasses Cherry and Marcia. How is this choice of amusement a reflection of his character? 3. What does Ponyboy tell Cherry while standing in line for popcorn? 4. Evaluate why Cherry and Ponyboy communicate rather openly despite the gap in their social positions? 5. Why is Ponyboy’s comparison of Johnny to a puppy a good analogy? The Outsiders Chapter 3 (pp. 37-52)Gallantly (p. 37) – courageously, daringSophisticated (p. 38) – worldly; lack of natural simplicityRave (p. 38) – to speak wildly and incoherentlyPassionately (p. 43) – with intense feeling and emotionQuivering (p.51) - trembling1. What does Cherry say is the real separation between the Socs and the Greasers? 2. Why does Ponyboy remind Cherry that they both watch the same sunsets? 3. Who is Mickey Mouse and why is he so important to Sodapop’s life? 4. Immediately after his visit with Cherry, Ponyboy expresses a bitterness towards Socs. If Ponyboy has developed a certain respect for Cherry, why does he feel such bitterness? 5. What qualities of Darry’s and of Ponyboy’s cause them to conflict? 6. Explain Ponyboy’s motivation for running away. The Outsiders Chapter 4 (pp. 53-67)Unceasingly (p. 56) – continuously Quavered (p. 57) – to quiver or tremble Apprehensive (p. 59) – uneasy, anxiousRuefully (p. 60) – with regret; remorsefullyWinced (p. 64) – to shrink or draw back abruptly, as in pain or distressBewildering (p. 65) - confusingAvoiding (p. 66) – keeping away fromPremonition (p. 67) – a forewarning1. What did the Socs do to make Johnny kill Bob? 2. Why do Ponyboy and Johnny turn to Dallas for help? 3. What does Dally give Ponyboy and Johnny to take with them to Windrixville? 4. Explain why it is ironical that Johnny and Ponyboy are involved in a murder. The Outsiders Chapter 5 (pp. 68-84)Hue (p. 77) - colorSubsides (p. 77) – descend; to sink to a lower level Eluded (p. 78) – escaped; evadedVital (p. 80) – full of life and vigorIndignant (p. 80) – feeling anger aroused by something unjustWistfully (p. 82) – with yearning; wishfullyAmazed (p. 83) – filled with great surprise; astounded1. Why is Ponyboy upset about getting his hair cut and bleached? 2. Johnny compares Dallas to a southern gentleman. Why is this ironical? How does Johnny defend his comparison? 3. Why does Johnny’s remark about the sunrise remind Ponyboy of Robert Frost’s poem? 4. When Dally comes to the abandoned church, he brings Ponyboy a letter from Sodapop. Describe the contents of the letter. What is Sodapop’s position in Ponyboy’s conflict with Darry. 5. Who is the spy for the Greasers? The Outsiders Chapter 6 (pp. 85-99)Apparently (p.87) – plainly Desperately (p. 87) – hopelessly; with despair Conviction (p. 89) – strong beliefHysterics (p. 96) – a mental condition characterized by excitability and anxiety1. What is Cherry’s rationale for aiding the Greasers? 2. Johnny informs Dallas and Ponyboy that he and Ponyboy are turning themselves in. What are Johnny’s reasons? 3. Johnny and Ponyboy feel personally responsible for the safety of the children in the church. Why? Is it consistent with their characters? 4. Why was saving the children the only time in Johnny’s life he didn’t have a defeated, mistrustful look? 5. What function in the story does Jerry Wood serve? 6. Why does Darry’s crying have such a profound effect upon Ponyboy? The Outsiders Chapter 7 (pp. 100-118)Mimicking (p. 100) – to imitate in speech or actionRadiates (p. 101) – to give forth joy, love, etc., in a glowing mannerStunned (p. 103) - dazedAghast (p. 112) – greatly dismayedContemptuously (p. 115) – bitterly scornfulIndividual (p. 115) – single human being; a particular person1. What does the doctor say will happen to Johnny? 2. What Soc wants to talk to Ponyboy? Why? The Outsiders Chapter 8 (pp.119-130)Abruptly (p. 123) - suddenly 1. Explain Ponyboy’s words when he visits Johnny in the hospital: “I figured that Southern gentlemen had nothing on Johnny Cade.” 2. What is Johnny’s reaction when the nurse tells him that his mother is at the hospital to see him? 3. What reason does Cherry give Ponyboy for not going to see Johnny in the hospital? 4. Ponyboy admits that he doesn’t like to fight. Why then is it so important to him to participate in the rumble? The Outsiders Chapter 9 (pp. 131 - 149)Grimacing (p. 134) – showing an expression of pain, contempt Disgusted (p. 146) – feeling an intense dislike forAgony (p. 149) – intense physical or mental pain1. Describe the mood at the Curtis house just before the rumble. 2. Ponyboy feels the only reason to fight is self-defense. According to his survey, why do these others fight?Darry __________________________ Two-Bit ___________________________Soda __________________________ Steve _____________________________3. Compare Tim Shepard’s gang to Ponyboy’s gang. 4. Who comes late to the rumble? What effect does his late entrance have? 5. Why is it significant that Paul Holden is the Soc who steps forward to accept Darry’s challenge? 6. Where does Dally take Ponyboy after the rumble? 7. What are Johnny’s last words? The Outsiders Chapter 10 (pp. 150-160)Stupor (p. 150) – extreme mental insensitiveness and confusion Vaguely (p. 153) – not clearly expressed or thought Delirious (p. 157) – in a state of temporary mental disturbance marked by confused speech and delusion1. Why can’t Dally accept Johnny’s death? 2. Does Dallas want to die? Explain. 3. Why does Ponyboy collapse the night of the rumble? 4. What does Johnny give to the nurse for Ponyboy? 5. Why won’t Ponyboy believe that Johnny is dead? The Outsiders Chapter 11 (pp. 161 - 166)1. What thoughts are triggered in Ponyboy’s mind when he sees Bob in the yearbook? 2. Who does Ponyboy tell Randy was the person who killed Bob? The Outsiders Chapter 12 (pp. 167-180)Circumstances (p. 169) – conditions or facts attending an event and having some effect on it Realized (p. 175) – to understand completely 1. During the hearing, what is the judge aware of that Ponyboy is not? 2. What does Ponyboy do that makes Two-Bit know that Ponyboy will not get tough? 3. In the days following the hearing, Ponyboy and Darry continue to have disagreements. Explain why Sodapop bolts from the room during a fight between Ponyboy and Darry. 4. In the letter Johnny writes Ponyboy, what does he ask Ponyboy to tell Dally? 5. What thought is Johnny trying to communicate to Ponyboy? Explain this message in terms of Robert Frost’s poem, sunsets, and events in the story. 6. What effect does Johnny’s message have on Ponyboy? 7. What is the subject of Ponyboy’s theme for English class? ................

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