Study Guide for The Outsiders Test

Study Guide for The Outsiders Test

What are common characteristics of Greasers? Long, greased-back hair Leather jackets Poor/east side of the tracks

Who were the members of the Greasers? Johnny, Ponyboy, Soda Pop, Darry, Steve, Dally, Two-Bit

What are common characteristics of Socials? Corvairs and Mustangs Rings Madras shirts/nice clothes

What point of view is the story told in? How do you know for sure? 1st person point of view. The narrator is a main character in the story and uses pronouns like I and me

What types of conflicts exist in the story? Are the conflicts internal or external or both? Internal: Johnny turning himself in, Ponyboy running away with Johnny External: Socs vs. Greasers, Socs vs. Johnny, Socs vs. Pony, Pony vs. Darry, Johnny vs. Bob Why is Johnny the gang's pet? Why do they all have a special relationship with him? They feel sorry for him because of his life at home. His mother is verbally abusive, his father is physically abusive and the Socs have attached and beaten him up. They all try to take care of him because no one else does.

What were some common issues or problems for both groups--Greasers and Socials? They all want to fit in. They all suffer from time to time. They all have normal life problems.

Why did Dally seem to take Johnny's death harder than the other characters? Johnny was the only thing Dally truly loved

What is tone and mood when discussing fiction? How can you tell the difference between the two terms? Tone--author's attitude Mood--reader's feelings You can identify them by the vocabulary the author uses.

What is a symbol in fiction? An object or something that stands for something else.

What are some symbols that are used in The Outsiders? Cars--they are more attainable for the Socs. Their parents can afford them. The Greasers generally have to walk. They symbolize freedom for the Socs and lack of protection for the Greasers. Gone with the Wind-Pony never finishes the book because Johnny had been reading it to him. It symbolizes the life Johnny never got to finish. Gold--symbolizes goodness and purity. Johnny told Pony to stay gold meaning don't change, be good and fair and honest like you have always been Switchblade--Two-Bit's switchblade represents the Greasers' lack of respect for authority. First, it is stolen. Second, it is used as a protection from the Socs. Third, it is used to allow Dally to escape the hospital to attend the rumble, and finally it is removed from Dally's body after he is killed by the police. The color blue--represents wealth and power--the blue Mustang that stops Pony when he is walking Cherry home; the blue madras shirts the Socs. wear; and Darry's eyes--he is in charge of the Curtis brothers and makes all the decisions

What are some possible themes in to be learned in The Outsiders? Bullying is never acceptable. You can't judge a book by its cover. Even though people are different, they still want the basic things in life.

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