Warm-Up Japan in the Pacific

Warm-Up Japan in the Pacific


Lesson How did the Allies respond to Japanese expansion in the

Question Pacific?

Lesson Goals

Learn about the war in the Pacific.

Explain how

Pearl Harbor

resulted in US entry into World War II.

Identify the significance of the Battles of the

Coral Sea and Midway .

Analyze the US response to Japan's continued

aggression and expansion .

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Warm-Up Japan in the Pacific


Words to Know

Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary to

help you.

people who are taken captive during wartime and

prisoners of war entitled to certain protections under international law


an official government order that limits trade with a nation as a means of punishment or pressure


extremely important or necessary


a quality that makes one continue trying to do something difficult

Japan's Expansion into East Asia

In the 1930s, Japan began a campaign of

aggressive expansion .

Its goals were to:

? gain raw materials

Manchuria Korea

and China

resources .

? create a buffer zone

around the country.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Warm-Up Japan in the Pacific

Japan and the Axis

Japan officially joined the Axis in 1940. ? Promised to support Germany and Italy ? Continued to aggressively expand west, south, and east

The Allies would be forced to respond to this aggression.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Japan in the Pacific



Hirohito (1901?1989)

? Served as emperor of Japan

? Appointed Hideki Tojo as prime minister

? Continued to serve as emperor of Japan after the war

? Led Japan as it aggressively expanded its territory

Tensions between Japan and the United States

Tensions grew between Japan and the United States

late 1930s.

during the

Japan continued its campaign

in China .

Japan joined

the Axis .

Japan invaded

French Indochina .

The United States placed an embargo on shipments to Japan.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Japan in the Pacific



Responding to the Embargo

Japanese military leaders began to plan an attack on the United States for

two main reasons.

? To force the United States to lift the embargo

? To strike US forces in the Pacific and eliminate the United States

as a threat

The Attack on Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked a US naval base in

Pearl Harbor , Hawaii. ? The attack was a surprise . ? More than 2,300 Americans died. ? Eighteen US ships sank or were damaged.

? Edgenuity, Inc.



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