Introductory Paragraph: (3 must haves)

• General Sentence: Brief overview that guides the reader into your topic.

o Example: Many feel that an education is a necessity.

• Focus Sentence (Main Idea): Connects your general sentence with your topic sentence.

o Example: Graduating from high school has lasting effects on your future.

• Topic Sentence: Tells specifically what your essay is going to be about with listing your main points (separated by commas).

o Example: A high school diploma is essential to secure a full-time job, competitive wages, and a sense of accomplishment.

Supporting Paragraphs:

Supporting Details:

• Take each of the three or more items listed in your topic sentence and build a paragraph around each. Find a way to transition between your thoughts.

• Follow the GFT Layout from your introduction paragraph for each of your supporting paragraphs.

Closing Paragraph:


• Make a statement.

• Ask a Question.

• Have a surprising twist.

Title: _____________________________________

G: _____________________________________________________________________

F: _____________________________________________________________________

T: _____________________________________________________________________

__________________, _______________________, and __________________

Supporting Detail Paragraph 1:


Supporting Detail Paragraph 2:


Supporting Detail Paragraph 3:


Clincher (closing sentence): Flip your introduction and add emotion


Example Essay:

Graduation as a Gateway to the Future!

Many feel that an education is a necessity. Graduating from high school has lasting effects on your future. A high school diploma is essential to secure a full-time job, competitive wages, and a sense of accomplishment

Efforts to secure a full-time job are often made more difficult if you do not have your high school diploma. In a troubled economy many people who have completed higher education are now employed in lower entry positions. The entry level positions used to be filled by high school drop outs. A high school GED is no longer as effective as it once was. Today you can no longer enter into the higher ranks of the military with a GED.

Even after you have secured a full-time position there is still competition for higher salary and benefits. Many positions that are available for individuals without a diploma lack health benefits. This increases the out of pocket costs that could arise. The average Indiana annual salary is $18,000. A high school diploma’s average salary is closer to $24,000. As the level of education increases so does the pay scale in most cases.

If the money and health benefits isn’t enough to encourage someone to complete high school the sense of accomplishment that comes with it is immense. There are no certainties in life, but avoiding additional difficulties is always a good way to start. A solid job creates greater stability for yourself and your family. Long term employment provides self-worth and appreciation. The benefits of a diploma go far beyond a position and a salary. Having something to take pride is a powerful thing. Wouldn’t it be great if you took pride in yourself!


Notice how the first sentence transitions by mirroring the idea from the previous!

Your supporting detail paragraphs should follow the order of your topic sentence!

Be sure by the end of your essay you are still on topic: Sum up your introduction in your last paragraph.

Always remember a title!

Indent every paragraph (TAB)!


o List all the possible things that could be in your essay first in bullet list.

o See what items go together.

o Write your Topic Sentence First!


• Flip your Introductory paragraph over:

o GFT becomes TFG

o Reword your sentences.

o Now, add a personal touch.

If you can, make your clincher a paragraph of its own. If not tie it onto your last supporting detail paragraph.


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