Black Light Newsletter Special Edition Vol. 2 Edition 9 May 14th, 2012



This may sound absurd, even crazy, to some who are closed-minded and cannot see beyond persons, places, things, but the fact is, there exist societies with advanced technology to which our primitive knowledge would pale in comparison.

Splitting atoms and using power called Blast-Electricity are relatively recent discoveries for Earth. Blast-Electricity is the kind of power that derives its source from the compression of air and its connection to electricity and relates to the shifting of weights which, by the way, is the secret to how the pyramids were built. Only certain scientists who were selected to participate in an invisibility experiment have come anywhere close to this level of technology. These scientists were Nikola Tesla, Dr. Eric Jon Von Neumann, Albert Einstein, Dr. Emil Kurtenauer, Thomas Townsend Brown and others who were brought into America for this project called the Philadelphia Experiment or the Invisibility Project. Why should we be concerned with something which took place more than sixty years ago, August 12, 1943 AD? Simply, we are still being affected by this event which changed the course of history forever.

The Philadelphia Experiment not only attempted but actually accomplished the teleportation of a warship, the USS Eldridge from Philadelphia to a nearby Norfolk, Virginia dock using Albert Einstein's Unified Field Theory. An extension of this theory was used to accomplish the radar and visual invisibility causing the USS Eldridge and its crew to disappear. This project originally began in the 1930's in Chicago, Illinois with Dr. Hutchinson Jr., Dean of the University of Chicago and Nikola Tesla, who was a brilliant mathematician and physicist placed in charge of the experiment in 1936. Tesla was friends with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) whom he had met in 1917 when FDR was the secretary of the Navy. FDR was elected president of the United States in 1933, so they had maintained the friendship for more than sixteen years. FDR phoned Tesla and asked him if he would consider working for the government again. Because Tesla did not have much money, he agreed to become the director of the project at Princeton. As mentioned earlier, Tesla had already been involved with the Invisibility Project in Chicago in the 1930's which was later named The Philadelphia Experiment/Project Rainbow, then Project Phoenix.

Tesla, the most outstanding scientist in the project was born in what is now Yugoslavia. His father was an orthodox priest and his mother, though unschooled was highly intelligent. Tesla attended The Technical University of Graz, Austria and the University of Prague, also in Graz. Tesla visualized the principle of the rotation of magnetic fields and developed plans for an Induction Motor. In 1882 AD, Tesla worked for the Continental Edison Company in Paris and constructed his first induction motor. After Tesla came to America and established his own laboratory, he experimented with shadowgraphs similar to those that were used in the discovery of the X-Ray in 1895 AD. Other experiments included work on a carbon button lamp, power of electrical resonance, and various types of lighting. He invented the Tesla Coil in 1891 AD, which is widely used today in radio and television sets, and other electronic equipment.

Tesla had many projects going such as a Wireless World Broadcasting Tower and Death Ray-capable of destroying 10,000 airplanes 250 miles away. It was so dangerous for anyone to control, it had to be destroyed. Also, he made a radio controlled automobile that extracted its power from the air around it. With all his projects and inventions, it is no wonder he, having little money, accepted the position as leader of the Philadelphia Experiment.

Emil Kurtenauer, an Austrian physicist, was another scientist in the project who along with Tesla and others decided to do a study of invisibility research in 1930-1932 AD, so the Invisibility Project actually started as a civilian project and was later moved to the East Coast to the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Albert Einstein, involved with the visibility project at its inception in 1933 AD, after leaving Germany had nothing more to do with the project he called The Rainbow Project. In 1934, the project transferred to Dr. John Eric Von Neumann from Hungary, Budapest, a chemist, physicist, and mathematician who taught at Newark for four years and transferred to the Graduate School at Princeton for three years. He was later invited to join the institute. Also, joining Tesla on the Philadelphia Experiment were two brothers, Duncan and Edward Cameron. Born to a family with money, but not considered wealthy, both received a PhD in physics at Harvard. Their father, Alexander Duncan Cameron had connections with the navy, politicians, and went back and forth to Europe and became involved with bringing German Jewish scientist out of Nazi Germany into the US.

In 1940 AD, they were ready for a full test with a navy ship, a tinder, and two adjacent vehicles in the Brooklyn navy yard that provided the power drive and coils for equipment aboard the tinder. This first dry run, without humans was successful. Only the ship was used. Tesla had designed special coils for the generators and transformers built to endure powerful jolts of electricity. Other personnel were added to the project including T. Townsend Brown who was responsible for designing the B-2 Stealth which later led to the Aurora Jet.

Tesla was concerned that the addition of other crew aboard the ship would present severe problems and argued that it would not be possible to employ large amounts of power to make a ship that size invisible without disastrous affects on the minds and bodies of the crew. Aware of the problem, Tesla pleaded with the navy to give them more time and they refused stating, "You have a deadline." The navy also said there was a war going on, he would have to make it work, and not to change anything. Risking so many lives was something Tesla could not do so in March 1942 AD, he sabotaged the experiment by detuning the equipment. This time when the switches were thrown up, there was no invisibility. Tesla said he had goofed and it was time to leave and told the navy that Dr. John Eric Von Neumann would be a good man to take over the project. perpetual energy.

After Tesla removed the coils and aborted the project, the navy monitored him and sent the MIB better known as "The Men in Black". On January 7, 1943 AD, ten months later, Tesla was found dead on the floor in a hotel room in New York from coronary thrombosis (died in his sleep). Most of his work was confiscated and nothing more was heard of it. His valuables were housed in The Nikola Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Tesla had stored all of his facts and formulas with Edward Leedskalnin, who made many of the same discoveries as he, but also, was well aware of the science behind magnetism and perpetual energy.

Both Leedskalnin and Tesla were stern, disciplined, and immigrated to the United States from the same area. Ed Leedskalnin, only five feet tall and 100 pounds, built the Coral Castle which today is located in Homestead, Florida. Ed built it all by himself. It had a three ton gate weighing 6,000 pounds that was balanced on the axle of a Model T Ford, rocking chairs weighing 1,000 pounds each, a 25 feet tall telescope that weighed 40,000 pounds and was completed in 1940 AD. There is also a nine ton gate 80 inches wide, 92 inches thick that weighs about 18,000 pounds that can be moved by the touch of a finger. Some stones are greater than those used to construct the Great Pyramids and some taller than the Stonehenge in England. As it turns out, Ed was also sought by the MIB who wanted him to come back and work for them because they knew he had similar knowledge to the genius, Tesla.

Tesla and Leedskalnin were both from another planet and worked on secret projects for many governments. In fact, they were related. The high voltage generator that Tesla made allowed him to go through a time machine and contact beings off the Planet Earth. Leedskalnin was able to move huge stones by levitation-an ability everyone possesses through disciplining the body and mind. After admitting himself to a hospital, it was claimed he died at the age of 64 from malnutrition, however, the fact is he died at the hands of the MIB, the same as Tesla.

Tesla was the first man in Earth's history to develop a method of interplanetary communication, although Tesla was mocked for his claims, he was indeed in contact with beings from Venus called Venusians. He was a Venusian himself who in 1856 AD was born on a craft that set out from Venus on a mission to Earth. He was named Nikola and given to the Tesla family. The Teslas knew who he was and kept his identity quiet.

Venusians had landed numerous times between 1856-1943 AD, the year of Tesla's supposed death. One of Tesla's most important inventions was the Anti-war Machine, however, because wars make money, it has not been used to this date.

After Tesla's death, the Philadelphia Project continued with Dr. Von Neumann in charge. He studied everything and failed. He needed more time to figure out what went wrong. The navy had no choice but to give him that time. Von Neumann decided to make some changes, adding two large generators, four other generators, a special transmitter and an antenna on the tower. As Duncan and Bielek notice the high voltage equipment being used, they began to believe that Tesla was right about the amount of energy that would negatively affect the body and minds of the crew and told Von Neumann he couldn't turn the switch because people would be killed. Von Neumann after going into a rage when Tesla's name was mentioned, soon admitted there was a problem, so another generator was added to modify the system.

On May 3, 1943 AD, they went ahead with the test. The third generator never worked correctly. One seaman was struck down by a huge arc of energy. Another was laid out completely flat in a coma and spent four months in a hospital before recovering. What happened was the gear boxes were too primitive to mathematically synchronize with the generator so they went back to the original design. Finally, in mid June, the sea trial began with a newly designed ship so the huge generator could fit. In July, the entire crew plus Duncan and Bielek were ready for the test. At exactly 0900 hours (9:00AM), the ship ran out into the Philadelphia Harbor and the engines were stopped. When the order came by radio to fire up and go through regular start-up procedures, the ship became invisible for 15-20 minutes. Then, they said, "Turn it off. Bring the ship back to dock." As expected, many of the crew were disoriented, nauseated, and completely out of it. No one was dead, but minds were affected both physiologically and psychologically. Since Duncan and Bielek were in the hold of the ship, they were unaffected. The navy pulled the crew off and gave them twenty-one days to get it right.

Duncan, Bielek, and Von Neumann asked the navy for more time to look at the situation. The navy gave them a drop-dead deadline of August 12, 1943 AD to complete it or forget it. Then, the navy decided they didn't want optical invisibility changes, they wanted radar invisibility only. They modified the equipment and even knowing things were wrong, they followed orders. So, on August 12, 1943 AD, all kinds of strange things occurred. First, the USS Eldridge disappeared for 50-70 minutes off radar although a hazy outline could be seen. After a blue flash of light, the ship was invisible for 3-4 hours. They lost radio communication and the crew started going crazy. Duncan and Bielek jumped overboard thinking they would land in the water close to the Philadelphia harbor. Wrong! They ended up in a time tunnel, landing on the ground in Montauk Army Base on Long Island, NY in 1983 AD. During the day of the experiment, three UFO's were seen.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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